what would you pick


Mar 18, 2013
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I've got to many toons now to keep playing them all question is what classes what you keep out of my choices


Which would you keep in your daily rotation.

I'm attached to them all and play most all them regularly but with néw time restraints I can't keep up with 7 or 8 toons

So I'm looking to see what othera think. This thread is for the classes listed above

If you want to go f2p keep the casters, otherwise monk, bard, war, shaman is good combo, with shaman being f2p. If you want to do the current content your puller and tank will have to be on all-access plan. Otherwise, those can be f2p as well.

But imo, you can never have to many toons, I'd keep them all.
Yea I'm not getting rid of any just don't wanna keep 8 accounts gold when I just don't have the time to play them all I'm gna keep 5 toons gold. Just trying to keep my options open and see what others suggest..
You dont have to keep casters gold or healers. Also melee don't have to be gold either tier 1 weapons are 95% as good as tier 2 group.
My 2c worth but depends if you like ranged group or melee group of FIVE, assumed sixth slot is merc healer.

Personally I prefer ranged group as they dont look anywhere near as suspect as a botted melee group. Assuming you are going to bot a full group.
Slot 1 bard it adds dps to all classes and can be puller.
Slot 2 sham since it can be healer and decent dps.
Slot 3 wiz since bard spells make them go boom boom boom and evac.
Slot 4 mage since bard spells make them go boom and pet go neaaarg!!!

Fifth slot I'd suggest swapping about
Preference 1 Ranger for ranged dps with bard = sweet.
Preference 2 Chanty for twincast/amplifying aura to make casters double boom.
Preference 3 Warrior to tank if you dont trust mage pet tank.

That would be my personal preference based on the easy of /assist /melody /nuke and does not involve toons running about trying to get behind mob or acting special by darting around the mob like a cat on crack. Downsides is that bards stack better with melee toons so dps will not be as good as a melee group. But wouldnt look anywhere near as suspicious.

For Melee group if you dont really care about toons zipping about or all circling to the back of the mob they do a McShitLoad more damage with bard tagged on.
Slot 1 Bard since it stacks with all and can pull.
Slot 2 Warrior since you need a tank to keep the other from being smashed.
Slot 3 Monk since you actually need dps.
Slot 4 Ranger since you need more dps.
Slot 5 Sham since it buffs out the group nicely and click epic.