What to add to group

ench damnit!! i boxed shaman's for years until i finally threw in a ench and haven't gone back since! way more versatile combo especially with mercs unless you have a bard.. like BB, then you're just a homo.
what d said.

Charm breaks are a pain in the ass!

Flexibility doesnt always mean weakness ;)

p.s. dh2 how's the wiz working out?
not bad, he's at 1k AAs now. DPS isn't aweful. He isn't on the top of my "to gear" list but he is my only silk so meh.
I have like 10 accounts and my main group is monk shaman war wiz 2 t5 cleric mercs. I am thinking of getting a enc just because when trying to do UF progression I need CC bad I just cant tank 5 guys at a time
Right now in UF I box 2 rogues wiz Mage bard sham cleric and pally. I can do anything I have tried. Makes stuff pretty simple for me. I love having the shaman though makes buffing a breeze plus with my dps classes it helps also.

SK / Cleric / Enchanter

Enchanter Hands Down.

Slow / Cripple (impressive dps decrease with cripple)
Mana Aura's (4k, plus a 1100ish proc) some dots, some nukes

CC, knock back, Mem blur

I'd do Enchanter 1 tank, 2 clerics, mage and SK