What not to do when using MQ2 aka, how not to look like a newb.

I notice MQ users everyday. I keep pccheck plugin loaded. When someone zones in. I watch them on the map if im not busy. So many use warp with little secrecy.

My favorite is the melee toons that stick themselves behind mobs during combat. Mobs that spin/flip or tank looses agro and there they go circling the mob like a knucklehead.
Be stupid enough to ask "Why can't i find this named called Arcane Distilect?" . . . about 30 seconds after a mage pops that aura.

The damn aura shows up as a named pop in MQ2POP, as a mob in Mq2Track, and interfears with targeting NPC's since it shows up as a NPC... lol

I had a person in group blurt "Why can't i find this named called Arcane Distilect?" out in group.. knew immediately he was a Mq2 user.. lol I originally brought up the issue of Arcane Distilect RK. II aura showing as named/mob in many tracking plugins and targeting before somewhere in this forum.
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A good one from a long time ago. Monk on my server had the level of every mob he pulled in his incoming message... for groups...raids... Took him like 6 months before he got suspended though!

You know how sometimes when you chain zone the path to the zone sometimes doesn't make sense. Well A long time ago when we started chain zoning I was 2 or 3 zones from my destination and it brought me back to PoK to go another path because I was closer to the book I think.

I started to get tense as I saw the PoKnowledge loading... I zoned in and quickly poofed to my next zone. Luckily noone sent me a /tell or anything but it's those unexpected things that can get the blood pumping for sure. lol
does it matter if ppl see you doin stuff i was this monk and nothing happend to him an this is pretty funny guide reply :p http://www.antonius-bayle.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=6956

it prob wasnt the best idea tbh but didnt rly care about monk and guy was anoyiong :p the account never got suspended or anything tho , plus whats the chances of a druid loggin in above porthio while u were gkin in an empty zone :p

i was sorta expecting him to get banned or so but never did so i doubt ud get busted for chain zone unless u were pretty unlucky? or maybe monk was lucky
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I found a new "don't do this" tonight.

Don't warp directly on top of a group that you are buying a clay from.

Seriously, wtf? I was floored to have someone actually do this tonight. Little shadowknight, don't do that again, most of the server won't appreciate it.
Definate dont do!............Pop disc hotkey....../warp t (random pc).........yeah people do this daily on Zek.

Yea, i was in seb zone in and i typed s/peed 2 i covered it up with another one of my toons and said :" Yea right looks more like /speed 5 gg "Some random guy" no one said a thinng... But if it helps out this is what a GM told me yesterday.

"Generally, we do not actively seek those that may be participating in the use of third party programs"

Learned never to petition about missing items ever ever again !

ive actually /ooc /gate once.....i about fucking shit all over myself when i saw how stupid....well you get the point lol.
I had a guildy have a macro go wrong and it spammed gchat with lines of code. He quickly /exit the game on all his chars. Was fucking funny, I sent him a tell when he logged back on 30 mins later asking if he needs some help with his macro.

I've done a couple mistells in my time, especially sucks when you do it in the lobby. Stuff like g/ate, ./zone etc. Seen others do it too.
I've done a couple mistells in my time, especially sucks when you do it in the lobby. Stuff like g/ate, ./zone etc. Seen others do it too.

Yeah, I think everyone has had that happen at some point. Always good for a small heart attack.

I'm looking forward to the new 10x12 hotbars. Should be able to add a lot more hotkeys for highly used MQ2 commands and help avoid mishaps like that :cool:
Dont multibox with fully automated macros and tell someone you are boxing all of em HAHA seen it a few times.

Another thing NOT TO DO is never petition about a lost item if you warp and fartaunt, because when they look through your logs for the item, they gotcha
I personally have petitioned several times for lost items ...even had to petition like 5 times for an item cause bags got full and it gave item to my pet. So i dont believe they check the logs that thorough but may...I remember when i first started using mq and lost an item and petitioned.. i was in neriak for some quest and was trying to warp to the mob and i kept popping back to start ..after the 4th time i popped in the gm room(the one wuith all the numbers on the wall) and the gm says now i can return your item....i about died. Since then if i petition i dont even play till the gms have responded and returned the item.
Dont multibox with fully automated macros and tell someone you are boxing all of em HAHA seen it a few times.

This can be defended if the automated macros aren't too intensive. Long before I discovered MQ for years I used to six-box and I could run all 6 toons pretty decently. People watching me live said it looked like I was playing musical keyboards. LOL. I would use programmable keyboards, X-Keys and the Thumper auto-repeater device (repeatedly hits any key once triggered) all of which are hardware enhancements so they don't violate the EULA. I six-box with macros now but I don't feel self-conscious about it because I know I used to be able to do it without hacks. A lot of this has to do with confidence in one's abilities. Or, like Hitler used to say, when you tell a lie, tell a BIG lie, keep repeating it and after awhile everyone will believe it!

Before I discovered MQ I started grouping with a guildie who always seemed to have the knack of knowing when names were up and what mobs were right around the next corner in a dungeon. After a few weeks of this I started wondering if he was psychic IRL! Then I discovered MQ and it dawned on me that I was grouping with another user!

For a long time I thought we were the only two in our guild who hacked. Gradually I figured out a bunch of others did too, including ultimately both the GL and the RL. But it was all our "dirty little secret" and I'd say by the time that guild broke up about 40% of the guild hacked and the other 60% did not, although some of them may have wondered about the 40%...
I still enjoy watching people run up to monster spawner invis npc before the spit out adds ie SS-5 it is lol funny.
I still enjoy watching people run up to monster spawner invis npc before the spit out adds ie SS-5 it is lol funny.

They always pop out at same place right after the semi-corner turn so I never think anything of it.
About worst obvious thing I've done is /say ./warp.. but ya, heh, still being careful
I have totally relearned my way of typing in game to avoid issues with this stuff.

I always type every command for MQ2 in the MQ2 chat window.

Any time i use say or group or guild or fs or whatever, i always always type /g, /say, /gu etc in front. No default channels ever.

I always always watch the MQ2 window when typing a command like /mac or /melee. There's that stupid bloody delay in the cursor going to the MQ2 window when you use the '.' button and so if i didnt watch it, half the time i'm missing the first letter. Most common one is .tar... usually ends up being /ar.

My best was in blackburrow when it was first revamped and i was looking at the map and choosing my targets and i accidentally warped onto a named that i had targetted.. and a group was sitting right there infront of it. One of the guys sent me a tell saying "Lol, nice one". Fortunately he must have been a hacker cause he didnt call me out for it. Then later that night i accidentally used /warp s while dragging a corpse. Someone noticed that too.

Pretty good to only make a few mistakes in 5 years of using MQ, but that night was brutal.
Was killing in SS one night, the zone had 8 people. 4 of them were mine. I had a named up around the corner and was getting ready to engage. When out of no where the other 4 toons /warp to the named and took it down. I was upset so i sent him a tell about his warpage, I am sure that guy took a shit when i complained to him. He just told me "sorry i didnt know you were here, i wont loot, take it".

I thought about petitioning him but decided not to.