What not to do when using MQ2 aka, how not to look like a newb.

no the best one ive done was a gm popped up beside me and I did /unlo/ad in say...I was so happy....the gm sent me a tell honest to god that said ":)" and that was it

ha ha i bet he was laughing his ass off. they have to have a since of humor....there human of course lol.
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well, during the anniversary quests on FV, all the pieces to make a pot are tradable. So farm thousands of drops, load them into the shared bank, create a new toon, warp over to the quest giver, hand them in, run over to the bank, put it in the shared bank....wash rinse repeat.

Not sure if that is related to what Moongaden was talking about. My account probably has 20+ stacks on them somewhere.
Just wait until April and do it again...if you're on FV.
Was killing in SS one night, the zone had 8 people. 4 of them were mine. I had a named up around the corner and was getting ready to engage. When out of no where the other 4 toons /warp to the named and took it down. I was upset so i sent him a tell about his warpage, I am sure that guy took a shit when i complained to him. He just told me "sorry i didnt know you were here, i wont loot, take it".

I thought about petitioning him but decided not to.

That guy violated Rule #1: CHEAT SMART. He's MQing and he couldn't figure out you were around the corner? Sheesh...
Be smart, turn off /moveutils while grouping. I Do move mobs and turn mobs while exping. just to see who hacking. I made good friends like this, and met a few a-holes.
A berserker I know was always behind the mob and when I pushed the mob behind him he turned and did the wide circle on the mob. I told him he better turn that crap off while exping with people. He said "that is just his mad skillz" I reply "so mq is called mad skillz these days?". "people call them tacos,candy,etc,etc, but never heard it was called mad skillz" he left the group.
this happen a few weeks ago.
I had a group in hot, in house and seen a few lfg's, so I grabbed a monk . He said he would pull, I'm like cool (I normally pull ,tank and all)next thing I see is monk is phasing in and out.He started looting stuff we did not kill. He is loot rem's, and items from mobs in basement. we are in the courtyard. I asked him how he was doing that, he just kept doing it and not said a word. I ungroup him and start back pulling. If the moron can't control what he is doing then he needs to be banned. I /petitioned him
I /petitioned him

Our own community is our own worse nightmare. Why the fuck do people dob in other cheaters?

I agree, its the most hypocritical thing to do. Especially when most of the time it takes a cheater to catch a cheater, if we stop petitioning each other we will have to worry a lot less about suspensions and bans within the community.
I've never petitioned any one, but if you use MQ to try and fuck me over or fuck with me then I would have no issues reporting your ass.

Want to warp all over the zone? Macro AFK groups? Hell if you want to go an GK till your little hearts content I have no issues with that... Sure you are stupid for doing it and will get caught eventually anyway, just don't mess with me personally.

Have heard of people warping around the place to cause trains (get a train, warp behind a group to pull em through and then Succour to escape). Try it on me and I guarantee you will get a report.

Cheat smart and don't be a douche and I think chances of being reported but another MQer will go way down.
A cheater reporting a cheater is classic. If you report an Mqer and u use MQ, you deserve to be banned from MMOBUGS. Thank you for drawing unwanted attention our way.
I've never petitioned any one, but if you use MQ to try and fuck me over or fuck with me then I would have no issues reporting your ass.

Want to warp all over the zone? Macro AFK groups? Hell if you want to go an GK till your little hearts content I have no issues with that... Sure you are stupid for doing it and will get caught eventually anyway, just don't mess with me personally.


There are some people on this forum who have admitted to petitioning anyone they felt was being "too obvious" with their MQ2 usage. That level of hypocrisy made me want to put my head through a wall.
Kind of funny when a cheater reports another cheater since the GMs can look at your logs too if they wanted to or set up a flag on your account thus drawing unnecessary attention to your account. Get some thicker skin and move on.
I /petitioned him

Our own community is our own worse nightmare. Why the fuck do people dob in other cheaters?

I agree, its the most hypocritical thing to do. Especially when most of the time it takes a cheater to catch a cheater, if we stop petitioning each other we will have to worry a lot less about suspensions and bans within the community.

I completely disagree. Sony is known to ban people in the same group as someone reported as cheating as they were receiving some benefit. The idiot put this nice guy in a difficult spot.
So SOE is known to ban people in the same group, so he goes and reports him and this guy had been in his group. You find this smart? If he was worried about what the guy was doing, kick him out of group and do your own thing. Enough said.
Disagree all you like. Narks suck balls. Plus, you cheat and still nark. You should be removed from the community.
Disagree all you like. Narks suck balls. Plus, you cheat and still nark. You should be removed from the community.


Just using MQ2 in general gives you an advantage in game so whether you are simply using the map to locate named or quest mobs or using MQ2ReachIt to loot corpses across the zone, it's all cheating. If you're going to petition someone you may as well petition yourself while you're at it. If he wants to be dumb and use things in an inappropriate way and give himself a higher risk at getting banned, who cares? I think petitioning people draws more attention to us than someone looting rotting items off of a corpse across the zone.