Tradeskill Macros Revisited

looking to mistletoe mac

i have downloaded the new ts mac and am having problems finding the mistletoe part of it and who to stand behing. I am also not sure how to get this part into the mac/commons folder as im thinking thats what post syas to do :
#include common/
#include common/
#include common/
#include common/
#include common/

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated i already have my skill to 188 so not sure on what to do past then i worked it to that far without a mac
ok the 5 items are in the common folder now just having issue with getting it to start and do i need to run CE macro first to creat celestial essence if so who and where do i do that?
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If you open each macro with notepad, they will have directions as to where you need to be. I replied to your msg on yahoo but dunno if you seen it or not.
hmm now when i run the mac next to person it says and have bowl in 8 slot it syas recipe CE not found ...doing something wrong i take it
hmm now when i run the mac next to person it says and have bowl in 8 slot it syas recipe CE not found ...doing something wrong i take it

There are two things you need to do if I remember correctly its been a while since I used those macros some recipe's you do not know until you successfully craft one item manually. So craft manaully until you create the first item.

The other thing you want to do is press Alt O and go in your options you want to change up your setting for how crafting boxes open by pressing Open Tradskills with Right click. You want it so the recipe window is showing not the empty box.
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thanks i will give it a try and report back

the other thing was do we know approximatly what the cost will be to get from 186 smith to say 250 and do we have a mac to go until 300 ?
i have like 600 sunshard ore at my disposal
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Which macro are you trying to run? The CE macro is for Celestial Essences and requires a mixing bowl to be in slot 8. I've not used it in quite a while as not many people buy the essences on my server anymore. As to things to take you to 300 and above, I dunno. Most of those require items that have to be made, foraged or something else.
was just wondering but im not seeing the instructions in the macro when i open it and what are the maxes they will take me? and is there a baking one?
Trival issue

Macro runs fine but it is not ready my Blacksmithing lvl correctly. I am using the latest version here. My Smithing is 163 but Macro is reading it at 156. I can't move forward since it will not move to the next item to advance my skill.
Any idea's?

I also noticed that in my main chat when my skill goes up it is also wrong. For now I simply went in and change mac skill lvls for items.
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yes that is what is was the Trophy Modifier. I didn't know that is how it is handled. Was really confusing me. I just thought it was a glitch. Thanks, problem?

Since the expansion went live the for tradeskills seems to be broken for me at least. No CTD's but just won't purchase the item. Echos that it is Buying ItemX and then how many of said item then just sits there. The code in red below is where it gets to before sitting idle. I can manually hit the Buy button and purchase the right amount of the item and the macro will continue on. That said if I purchase more then the amount needed the mac will hang.

#event Broke "#*#you cannot afford#*#" 
#event Broke "#*#you can't afford#*#" 

Sub Buy(Item ItemToBuy, int amount) 
/echo Buying ${ItemToBuy}! 
/declare QTY int Inner 
/declare l2 local int 

|---SMALL delay to allow the MERCHANT Window to populate

/delay ${Math.Calc[${DelayMult}*2]}s

/varset QTY ${Math.Calc[${amount}-${FindItemCount[=${ItemToBuy}]}]} 
/delay 1s 
/if (${FindItemCount[=${ItemToBuy}]}>= ${amount}) { 
     /echo Done! 
/varset l2 ${Window[MerchantWnd].Child[ItemList].List[=${ItemToBuy},2]} 
/if (!${l2}) { 
        /echo couldn't find ${ItemToBuy} 
    } else { 
        /notify MerchantWnd ItemList listselect ${l2} 
        /notify MerchantWnd ItemList leftmouse ${l2} 
/delay 2          


/echo Buying ${ItemToBuy} Till I get ${amount}  

   /if (${QTY}>19) { 
       /buyitem 20 
       /delay 1s 
       /varset QTY ${Math.Calc[${amount}-${FindItemCount[=${ItemToBuy}]}]} 
       /goto :Loop 
       } ELSE { 
   /if (${QTY}>0 && ${QTY}<20) { 
       /buyitem ${QTY} 
       /delay 1s 
       /varset QTY ${Math.Calc[${amount}-${FindItemCount[=${ItemToBuy}]}]} 
/if (${QTY}==0) { 
       /echo Done! 
/goto :Loop [/COLOR]

Sub Event_Broke 
   /echo Error: You are out of money! 
So the link is returning a 404 error. Anyone have a copy of the zip for these macros?
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@SHV126 - Looks to me either my code is newer than yours, or older. In either case, mine works. Part in red is like this:

/if (${QTY}>=1) {
  /if (${QTY}>19) {
     /buyitem 20
     /delay 1s
     /varset QTY ${Math.Calc[${amount}-${FindItemCount[${ItemToBuy}]}]}
     /goto :Loop
  } ELSE {
     /if (${QTY}>0 && ${QTY}<20) {
      /buyitem ${QTY}
      /delay 1s
      /varset QTY ${Math.Calc[${amount}-${FindItemCount[${ItemToBuy}]}]}
/if (${QTY}<=0) {
/echo Done!
/goto :Loop

I also changed my to use open_inv_bags (old code left in but commented out)

Sub OpenPacks 
  /nomodkey /keypress OPEN_INV_BAGS
  /delay 1s
|**   /declare bag int local 0 
   /if (!${Window[InventoryWindow].Open}) /nomodkey /keypress inventory 
   /delay 3s ${Window[InventoryWindow].Open}  
   /for bag 1 to 10 
   /if (!${Window[Pack${bag}].Open}) /nomodkey /itemnotify pack${bag} rightmouseup 
   /delay 3s ${Window[Pack${bag}].Open} **|
   /if (${Window[TradeskillWnd].Open}) /nomodkey /notify TradeskillWnd ExperimentButton leftmouseup 
   /delay 5s !${Window[TradeskillWnd].Open} 
|   /next bag 

Sub ClosePacks 
   /nomodkey /keypress OPEN_INV_BAGS
   /declare bag int local 0 
   /if (!${Window[InventoryWindow].Open}) /nomodkey /keypress inventory 
   /delay 3s ${Window[InventoryWindow].Open}

   /for bag 1 to 10 
      /if (${Window[Pack${bag}].Open}) /nomodkey /itemnotify Pack${bag} rightmouseup 
   /delay 3s !${Window[Pack${bag}].Open}
   /next bag 
   /if (${Window[InventoryWindow].Open}) /nomodkey /keypress inventory 
   /delay 3s !${Window[InventoryWindow].Open}

Skilling up my fletching just fine for the past couple hours.
Yes it was fixed about a week after I posted. Had something to do with a change to the Merchant Window when HoT came out.
I tried out the alchemy one today. It couldnt find the first item from vendor in abymal sea. Skill is at 131. I even looked for item manul and couldnt find it.
question folks where is ${PackCode} defined and is there a replacement for it?

Fletch.mac keeps crashing me

Okay so now, it's doing even weirder stuff. Since there are 3 sizes of arrows, it's not finding the right size, so it ends up trying to do the combine manually, and ends up just unstacking my stuff until my inventory is fulll, and rinse repeat.
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