
I wanted to throw my hat into the ring here. I just scooped up a year's subscription tonight to play on Teek with basic (no active hack) MQ usage. I'm super disappointed to see how the maintainers of MQ have devolved the solution. I've been away for a long time, but I thought with Eqmule's departure, this kind of shit wouldn't happen anymore. And yet, here we are with this delusional white knighting bullshit.

DPG will actively suspend you regardless of whether you play on a TrueBox TLP or TEST.
Hell, DPG literally perma-banned people who weren't using active hacks on Rizlona; the same server Holly explicitly stated was A-O-K to MQ on as long as you weren't using active hacks.

These new maintainers need to pull their heads out of their asses. It's disgusting.
Sorry for the ignorance, active vs inactive hacks? What's active?

Inactive: maps, HUD, etc

Active: botting, macroing, etc

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Sorry for the ignorance, active vs inactive hacks? What's active?

Inactive: maps, HUD, etc

Active: botting, macroing, etc

Active hacks refers to things like teleporting, flying, warping mobs etc.
Any update on the Oakwynd situation since truebox gets removed next week?
The timing of this is dissapointing as I was getting excited for the new TLP. Was planning on rolling up 24 boxes this time around for a try to do some raids via dz and help me forge lt about RL for a while. Looks like DBG just did themselves out of some income from me but I guess they're hoping non cheating players will be encouraged to spend more.

I had a go at taking out the the offending code and trying a rebuild.

Seems lile something else is dropping the game back to char select and I get the feeling it may be server side from DPG.

Looks like they are stepping up their anti cheat with the warp detection, recent timeouts and bans and now this.

The timing from the mq devs is curious why they would add this code... which seems to be a total red herring at the same patch that DPG do something server side although it could be they have hidden something else in the mq build that is causing the kick back to char select. It's not an mq unload.

Definetly getting vibes that they are colluding with the eq devs to keep tlp's mq free just like eqmule did... and we all know how that turned out.
yall seriously should lay off eqmule , the dude did us a solid by agreeing to some sort of relaxed feature in MQ to keep Daybreak off our dicks , seriously the most dumbest shit ive ever seen to blaim someone for something that you get but hurt about it ,

YOU CAN LEARN to code and YOU CAN LEARN to make your own macroquest , you can bypass the offsets yourself if your dumb enough to do it and get caught.
yall seriously should lay off eqmule , the dude did us a solid by agreeing to some sort of relaxed feature in MQ to keep Daybreak off our dicks , seriously the most dumbest shit ive ever seen to blaim someone for something that you get but hurt about it ,

YOU CAN LEARN to code and YOU CAN LEARN to make your own macroquest , you can bypass the offsets yourself if your dumb enough to do it and get caught.
This is a lie perpetuated by mule. There was never any meeting or agreement. You are wrong.
yall seriously should lay off eqmule , the dude did us a solid by agreeing to some sort of relaxed feature in MQ to keep Daybreak off our dicks , seriously the most dumbest shit ive ever seen to blaim someone for something that you get but hurt about it ,

YOU CAN LEARN to code and YOU CAN LEARN to make your own macroquest , you can bypass the offsets yourself if your dumb enough to do it and get caught.
Not to mention MQ is not made, nor maintained by eqmule. He hasn’t been a part of this game in a few years now…
Eqmule is busy making MQ64 super safe since Jan 17, 2022. That is why he had not released it in 2 1/2 years.
yall seriously should lay off eqmule , the dude did us a solid by agreeing to some sort of relaxed feature in MQ to keep Daybreak off our dicks , seriously the most dumbest shit ive ever seen to blaim someone for something that you get but hurt about it ,

YOU CAN LEARN to code and YOU CAN LEARN to make your own macroquest , you can bypass the offsets yourself if your dumb enough to do it and get caught.

You know he put code in his 'anti mq detection' plugin that sent a tell to a GM from your character if you logged in on a TLP server. It was detected when his code bugged out and sent tells to the GM whether you were on TLP or not.

Great guy.
Is it supposed to be working on Oakwynd now that OOW is out? It's not working at the moment.
I can understand why EQmule changed the code to not work on TLPS now... Too many people have been actively using these tools in a manner that negatively impacts other game players. EQmule is awesome for supporting this as long as he has and continues to do so.

Thanks EQmule for maintaining MQ2.
the amount of ignorance is staggering...eqmule has nothing to do with eqnext
so, now that true box is lifted will we be able to use mmobugs on oakwynd?
There is still some truebox detection that MQ2 is detecting (something to do with disconnects / keystrokes or something). Without that arbitrary code restriction lifted it will still not work, regardless of if you can run multiple clients or if DPG calls the server "relaxed truebox". So we're at the whim of either DPG removing said restriction or the MQ2 devs not doing that check anymore. So DPG removing the restriction.
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Loaded then i was kicked to character select. Guess its not working.
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