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      nizz replied to the thread version mismatch.
      There was a new EQ client pushed this evening. No corresponding bugs / mq2 patch yet.
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      nizz replied to the thread tlp.
      There is still some truebox detection that MQ2 is detecting (something to do with disconnects / keystrokes or something). Without that...
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      Sounds like you are on a truebox enabled TLP (relaxed or otherwise). If so - this is an expected behavior. There was code added a month...
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      nizz replied to the thread mq on tlp TEEK.
      People have compiled their own working versions of MQ to get around the restrictions put in place by Brainiac and Co. There's no...
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      nizz reacted to 85d37a3eb7745aa5a89a8dcdd's post in the thread tlp with Like Like.
      I wanted to throw my hat into the ring here. I just scooped up a year's subscription tonight to play on Teek with basic (no active hack)...
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      This is a known and expected behavior with the patch a few weeks ago. MQ2 now does a "valid server" check. If it detects a TLP that is...
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      nizz replied to the thread tlp.
      Oakwynd's releas OoW is on the horizon for Oakwynd. The release date is 6/20/24.
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      nizz replied to the thread MQ2 - Log to Char Select.
      As expected haha.
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      nizz replied to the thread tlp.
      https://github.com/macroquest/macroquest/commits/master/ You can download any of the older commits. I've tried to go back to the april...
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      With all the hullabaloo around TLPs, I've decided to try and compile my own TLP friendly MQ2. I've gotten MQ2 to stop unloading every...
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      nizz reacted to blitzd's post in the thread tlp with Like Like.
      The MQ maintainers are taking the stance that they never supported MQ for TLP use. Which I can understand, if it required extra code to...
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      nizz reacted to ianchudson's post in the thread tlp with Like Like.
      Just making it extra clear, this isn't an MMOBugs or RG change, this is a MacroQuest change. The specific message you see and commit can...
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      nizz replied to the thread tlp.
      Anyone have a link to said statement about not supporting TLPs? I know that redguides has always said they don't support any TLP until...
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