Question this sub > me


Aug 20, 2008
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i play on FV so you get tells with a language attached. sometimes. i don't know the exact reasons why it says a language sometimes, and sometimes not. maybe this part of my problem, i'm not sure.

i stole parts of this from other random macros and i think the syntax (if not the format) is correct, but i really have no idea what i'm doing, so if anyone could point me in the right direction, i'd appreciate it.

p.s. i just want it to beep when i get a tell from anyone but me, my pet, or billy or mikey cause those guys are cool. but, if those parts are the problem, just a beep on a tell from anyone is fine. and i think it will basically beep until i end the macro. i think. which is fine. this isn't an afk thing, just an alert thing. again, i have no idea what i'm doing. this is all witchcraft and sorcery to me and i'm like a kid at christmas when i get something to behave the way i want. you know, lots of staring and smiling and saying o_O look at it!


#event tellcheck "#1# tells you#*#, '#*#'"
#event tellcheck "#1# told you#*#, '#*#'"

Sub Event_tellcheck(Line,Sender)
	/if (${Sender.NotEqual[${Me}]} && ${Sender.NotEqual[${Me.Pet.CleanName}]} && ${Sender.NotEqual[Billy]} && ${Sender.NotEqual[Mikey]}) {
      /delay 5
      /delay 5
      /delay 5
      /delay 15
      /goto :tellloop
Without actually testing anything I know that you have no Sub Main. All macros require a sub main.

The loop in this case should be in sub main and not in the event itself.

The below code should get you closer to what you're aiming for.

#event tellcheck "#1# tells you#*#, '#*#'"
#event tellcheck "#1# told you#*#, '#*#'"

Sub Main
	/while (1) {
		/delay 5

Sub Event_tellcheck(Line,Sender)
	/if (${Sender.NotEqual[${Me}]} && ${Sender.NotEqual[${Me.Pet.CleanName}]} && ${Sender.NotEqual[Billy]} && ${Sender.NotEqual[Mikey]}) {
		/delay 5
		/delay 5
		/delay 5
		/delay 15
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