Solteris Event 1 - Guardians of the Primes

Thanks so much costanza, now............does anyone have the hand in order? Please? Pretty please with sugar ?

There are various hand in orders that '' Work ''.

One of the problems is that some combinations end up with an unslowable Sister at the end. (which is usually bad news because by that point your clerics are running out of mana)

I will post a hand in order later that i know works ok.

My guild was using this one, i _think_ it allowed Christine to be slowed, but had an AE also. (No idea if it still works ok)
(You can hide behind the wall to stop the AE)


Here is some code that i wrote to time the kill time for each of the mobs, it saves the best kill time in the .ini.

It current sends the messages to channel /5 .. so you would need to change that if you wanted a different one.

There is some redundant code in there, and its by now means elegant, but it does work.. Just start the macro before you start the event (don't matter when)

The times currently shown below, are my current guilds kill times. can reset them to 5 min or something. (its saved as seconds.) so change to 300

Althea: Sword, Greaves, Bottle
Brenda: Backstabber, Shroud, BP
Christine: Wand, Shield, Shawl

| Sisters.mac Coderz
| This Macro will time the amount of time to kill the  
| 9 Guardians in the 1st solteris event.
| Reports your kill time, and the recorded best kill time. 
| Also announces how long left after every kill. 
| Ini File Required: Sisters.ini (located in main macro’s folder)

#event YouDied "You have been slain #*#" 
#event TimeUp "Althea pouts,#*#"

sub main 

/declare MobArray[9] string
/declare MobUp[9] int outer
/declare MobBest[9]int outer
/declare SpawnTime[9]int outer
/declare DeadTime[9] int local
/declare MobKeep[9] int outer 
/declare MobName string
/declare TotalTime int outer
/declare Minutes int outer
/declare Seconds int outer
/declare BestTotalSeconds int outer
/declare BestMinutes int outer
/declare BestSeconds int outer
/declare myloop int outer 0 
/declare SecString String
/declare SecString2 String
/declare SecString3 String
/declare MainTimer int outer
/declare Flag int outer
/declare FirstSpawnTime int outer
/declare ElapsedTime int outer
/declare TimeNow int outer
/declare Remaining int outer
/declare RemSeconds int outer
/declare RemMinutes int outer
/declare TotalDead int outer
/declare AteamToal int outer
/declare BteamTotal int outer

/Varset MainTimer 300
/Varset Flag 0
/Varset TotalDead 0

| Load the values from the sisters.ini into the array
| Values = Mobname, Best Time in seconds.
| Look up the item in sisters.ini 

/echo Timing Sisters Mobs
/For myloop 1 to 9

/Varset MobArray[${myloop}] ${Ini[sisters.ini,MobList,${myloop}]}  
/Varset MobUp[${myloop}] 0
/Varset MobBest[${myloop}] ${Ini[sisters.ini,MobBest,${myloop}]} 
/Next myloop


/For myloop 1 to 9
/if (${Spawn[NPC ${MobArray[${myloop}]}].ID} && ${MobUp[${myloop}]}==0) {
/if (${Flag}==0) {
/varset Flag 1
/echo First Mob has spawned ================
/Varset FirstSpawnTime ${Macro.RunTime}
|--/echo First Spawn Time ${FirstSpawnTime}
/Varset MobUp[${myloop}] 1
|--/echo ${MobArray[${myloop}]} Has Spawned at ${Time}
/Varset SpawnTime[${myloop}] ${Macro.RunTime}

/if (!${Spawn[NPC ${MobArray[${myloop}]}].ID} && ${MobUp[${myloop}]}==1) {
/Varset DeadTime[${myloop}] ${Macro.RunTime}
/varset TimeNow ${Macro.RunTime}
/varcalc ElapsedTime ${TimeNow}-${FirstSpawnTime}
|--/echo FirstSpawnTime: ${FirstSpawnTime}
|--/echo ElapsedTime: ${ElapsedTime}
/varcalc Remaining ${MainTimer}-${ElapsedTime}
|--/echo Remaining ${Remaining}

/varset MobUp[${myloop}] 0
/varcalc TotalTime (${DeadTime[${myloop}]}-${SpawnTime[${myloop}]})
|/varcalc Mobkeep[${myloop}] ${TotalTime}
/varcalc Minutes ${TotalTime}/60
/varcalc Seconds ${TotalTime}-${Minutes}*60

|- Work out best time from Total Best Seconds
/Varset BestTotalSeconds ${MobBest[${myloop}]}
/varcalc BestMinutes ${BestTotalSeconds}/60
/varcalc BestSeconds ${BestTotalSeconds}-${BestMinutes}*60

/varset SecString ${BestSeconds}
/if (${BestSeconds}<10) {
/varset SecString 0${BestSeconds}

/varset SecString2 ${Seconds}
/if (${Seconds}<10) {
/varset SecString2 0${Seconds}
|--- call to channel -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/5 ${MobArray[${myloop}]} KillTime: ${Minutes}:${SecString2} ----  Best: ${BestMinutes}:${SecString}

|--- Work out Time Remaining......
/varcalc RemMinutes ${Remaining}/60
/varcalc RemSeconds ${Remaining}-${RemMinutes}*60
/varset SecString3 ${RemSeconds}
/if (${RemSeconds}<10) {
/varset SecString3 0${RemSeconds}
/varcalc TotalDead ${TotalDead}+1
/5 >>>>> Time Remaining : ${RemMinutes}:${SecString3} <<<<< Mobs Killed: ${TotalDead}
|--- Now work out if its the best time, and overwrite the ini file. --------------------------------------
/5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
/if (${TotalTime}<${BestTotalSeconds}) {
/ini "sisters.ini" "MobBest" ${myloop} ${TotalTime}
/Varset MobBest[${myloop}] ${TotalTime}
|--- If we have killed 9 mobs then pull up the stats
/if (${TotalDead}>8) {
/echo ALL Dead Ending 
/echo >>>>> Time Left: ${RemMinutes}:${SecString3}
|/varcalc AteamTotal (TotalTime[4]+Totaltime[6]+TotalTime[5]+TotalTime[3])
|/echo AteamTotal

/next myloop
/goto :Bigloop

Sub Event_YouDied 
/echo You Died at ${Time}, ending macro. 

Sub Event_TimeUp 

And this is the Sisters.Ini file.

1=Guardian of the First Prime 
2=Guardian of the Second Prime 
3=Guardian of the Third Prime
4=Guardian of the Fourth Prime
5=Guardian of the Fifth Prime
6=Guardian of the Sixth Prime
7=Guardian of the Seventh Prime
8=Guardian of the Eighth Prime
9=Guardian of the Ninth Prime
1 =48
2 =42
3 =55
4 =44
5 =46
6 =40
7 =68
8 =46
9 =32
anyone have the best turnin order? the one we did got all 3 sisters attacking us
Guardians of the Prime

1 - No melee bonus or resists - I have this as resisting posion let me know if other wise, all other nuke/dots land fine.
Casts a 12.5k DD and FD (Blade of the Ak-Daal) every 15sec -

2 - No melee bonus or resists
Casts a 12.5k DD (Stinging Soot) ever 15sec

3 - No melee bonus or resists. Posion lands well?
No special melee tricks. No special ae's

4 - No melee bonus or resists
Casts Viral DoT every 30sec (Splash of Swirling Toxins). Keep Puratus on the tank to prevent it from spreading. Audio trigger if you get it: A splash of swirling toxins seeps into your skin.

5 - mitigates slashing posion/magic don't land well

6 - No melee bonus or resists Spells DO NOT land well at ALL -

7 - weak to BLUNT, mitigates piercing and slashing, backstabs hit for full

8 - Casts 5k DoT, Knockback, and melee silence (Lightning Greaves) on the MT every 15sec
Normal and AE ramp

9 - weak to BLUNT, mitigates piercing and slashing, backstabs hit for full
Teleports. Also procs (Lightning Greaves) Knockback/DoT/silence on the MT. Didn't see any spell messages for it.
Was sent this:

This combo works. we have this event on farm mode.

Christine = Sword Greeves and Vial
Althea = Shawl shroud bp
Brenda= Stave Shield dagger

sister is going to ae a 12k DD at "the largest grouping of people" use blunt

Greeves attacks first.
Sword Defeats anything but shield
Shroud/shawl block stave
Stave kills anything but shawl/shroud.
So C attacks A and wins. Then C attacks B and is blocked, then B attacks C and kills her, leaving us with B.
For those that are splitting the raid (casters and melee) are you pulling these mobs to one central camp, two separate camps, or taking the split raid and moving them from pedestal to pedestal?
we have the casters stand on the steps and pull #2 first than when it's down have #8 pulled to the wall section in the center and the caster move out to cast on it. the melee move as a raid to each target. than everyone meets up at 9
anyoen got new combos to use? besides the AE one ? haven some hard times with this event.
For those of you still doing this event do you still use puratus? Many in my guild have said it is broken. If you do does it work all through the recasts till the mob is dead? If you don't do you just assign someone to chain cure or what?
For those of you still doing this event do you still use puratus? Many in my guild have said it is broken. If you do does it work all through the recasts till the mob is dead? If you don't do you just assign someone to chain cure or what?

Puratis worked the last last night. have a 3 cleric rotation (10 seconds apart) Have the person who is last in the list cast it just before you engage. Then soon as engage start the rotation. Works slick as shyte as long as you don't have anyone over agro.
A bard chaining it on the mt works just as well and doesn't screw up the ch rot.
Tried to beat this with nine all geared well and keep falling short. Heard it was 1 grouped and wanted to know if im missing something or if who told me this was full of crap.
If your falling short with 9 well geared folks on the Sister event. I doubt its from getting your ass kicked or short on DPS. Are you doing the proper looting and turn ins? with quick assists?

I one grped this towards the end of UF expansion with tower geared friends so it can be done :)

Good luck!
Have 2 mobs up one for melee to kill and one for casters. The mobs have different weaknesses. Do all the hand ins while you kill so you just need to do the final hand in after last mob dies.