Q's on some computer/EQ problems.

Got EQ working again - showing correct RAM, colors, etc.

Only the original issue is still there - zoning can take 3-4 minutes on my level 85 characters, and it takes 15 seconds on my level 1's. I was thinking that maybe there was a new driver or bios set or something. I don't really know anything about that - and I've just installed the drivers that came with the system. The video card is an ATI Radeon HD 3650 - anyone have any thoughts? Is the video card just too garbage and that's contributing?

Thanks for all the replies thus far.
try resetting your UI for the 85's...also redownloading zone files will help a bit. You also may have an option disabled for zone caching. Hope this helps.
May sound strange, but if you are running the Windows firewall or whatever, see if you are allowing exceptions and if EQ/Launchpad are one of the exceptions. I had that problem a while ago, went out, bought a whole new computer only to still have the same problem until I messed around with that and it fixed it.
Are you running MQ2G15? Are you saving old INI files from prior compiles?
No I don't think so. I've only been back for one previous compile before the most 6/11 patch. I think I had 5/28 compile and 6/11 compile when the problems started. I've just been extracting all files and not saving anything from a previous compile.
May sound strange, but if you are running the Windows firewall or whatever, see if you are allowing exceptions ...

In light of this you may try temporarily disabling any firewall and antivirus. I am wondering if your level 85 went to the same zones that your level 1 is at would it zone faster? Each character has its own ini file, may compare files for differences between the ones that zone fast and slow. SOE tech support would probably try to talk you into buying a new computer to fix the problem but who knows they may actually be able to help eventually. Good luck.