Post your Holyshits and Downshits!


Any Downshit for size using "Wand of Imperceptibility" Not sure if there is a size check.
i dont know about a downshit but i just added my shrink as an alias, so that the command /shrink would take care of it for me..

/shrink=/casting "wand of imperceptibility|item" -recast|2

ive since upgraded my shrink item and now use:

/shrink=/multiline ; /target myself ; /timed 10 /casting "Bracelet of the Shadow Hive|item" -recast|2

also since i can now shrink grp members, shrink target...

/shrinkt=/timed 10 /casting "Bracelet of the Shadow Hive|item" -recast|2

back on track for the thread here is a downshit i put together. It will automaticly attack if you get attacked... be sure to disable it if your in a raid or something where that may not be desired tho .. lol

downshit6=/if (!${Me.Invis} && !${Me.Feigning} && ${Me.CombatState.Equal[COMBAT]} && ${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]} && ${Target.Distance}<=25 ) /multiline ; /face nolook ; /keypress z
Question for ALL...

COmplete Novice of how these Scripts work...

I'm new to all this.. but how do you Use the Holyshit stuff???

Could someone please tell me how these things r supose ta b formed into a use'able file? got this from an earlier post... and i'm tryin ta figure it out.. but i'm totally Lost...

downshit0=/if (!${Me.Buff[Yowl of the Predator Rk. II].ID} && !${Me.Invis} && ${Me.PctMana}>60 && !${Yowl of the Predator Rk. II].ID} && !${Me.Moving}) /cast "Yowl of the Predator Rk. II"
downshit1=/if (!${Me.Buff[Crackling Blades Rk. II].ID} && !${Me.Invis} && ${Me.PctMana}>60 && !${Crackling Blades Rk. II].ID} && !${Me.Moving}) /cast "Crackling Blades Rk. II"
downshit3=/if (!${Me.Buff[Strength of the Tracker Rk. II].ID} && !${Me.Invis} && ${Me.PctMana}>60 && !${Strength of the Tracker Rk. II].ID} && !${Me.Moving}) /cast "Strength of the Tracker Rk. II"
holyshit0=/if (${Melee.Combat} && ${Cast.Ready[Aurora, the Heartwood Blade]} ) /casting 62649 |item
holyshit1=/if (${Melee.Combat} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Outrider's Accuracy]} && ${Target.PctHPs}<98) /casting "Outrider's Accuracy" alt
holyshit2=/if (${Melee.Combat} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Guardian of the Forest]} && ${Target.PctHPs}<96) /casting "Guardian of the Forest" alt
holyshit3=/if (${Melee.Combat} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Auspice of the Hunter]} && ${Target.PctHPs}<97) /casting "Auspice of the Hunter" alt
holyshit4=/if (${Melee.Combat} && ${Cast.Ready[Druadic Chromalinked Coat]} ) /casting 100815 |item
holyshit5=/if (${Melee.Combat} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Outrider's Attack]} && ${Target.PctHPs}<95) /casting "Outrider's Attack" alt
holyshit6=/if (${Melee.Combat} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Pack Hunt]} && ${Target.PctHPs}<95) /casting "Pack Hunt" alt
holyshit7=/if (${Melee.Combat} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Fundament: Third Spire of the Pathfinders]} && ${Target.PctHPs}<96) /casting "Fundament: Third Spire of the Pathfinders" alt
holyshit8=/if (${Melee.Combat} && !${Me.Song[Group Guardian of the Forest Form].ID} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Group Guardian of the Forest]}) /casting "Group Guardian of the Forest" alt
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thnx DrowFire... very educational.. helped out alot..

i do have another question.. and i'm sure eventually u will all get annoyed with me..


Is there a way to Declare the Activation of Various aa and Disc's.. to b only activated when facing a Named? rather then having it activate when the button pops on trivial mobs?
Nameds are a problem,not all showing up as an named,but you can can add something like this ${Target.Named}


holyshit8=/if (${Melee.Combat} && ${Target.Named} && !${Me.Song[Group Guardian of the Forest Form].ID} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Group Guardian of the Forest]}) /casting "Group Guardian of the Forest" alt
hey.. just tried out the

holyshit8=/if (${Melee.Combat} && ${Target.Named} && !${Me.Song[Group Guardian of the Forest Form].ID} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Group Guardian of the Forest]}) /casting "Group Guardian of the Forest" alt

and it didn't work.. attempted to install it into each of the lines, and it actualy made the Melee quit working..

removed it and it works fine again.. did i do it wrong?

i Placed (${Melee.Combat} && ${Target.Named} && !${Me.Song[Group Guardian of the Forest Form].ID} Into each of the ones i wanted to become active on a named mob.. and it wasn't functional...

did i correctly modify it?

also.. how would one embed a Snare Function into it and have it cast "Earthen Ensnare" on the mob when it reaches 80% or so?

made this up.. but didn't function.. is it write?

holyshit4=/if (${Target.CurrentHPs}<40 && ${Target.Fleeing} && !${Me.Moving} && ${Target.Speed}>80) /cast "Earthen Embrace"
This one works for snare

holyshit6=/if (${Target.PctHPs}<20 && ${Target.Speed}>50 && ${Cast.Ready[Encroaching Darkness]} ) /casting "Encroaching Darkness"
Tried setting up a downshit for my shaman with the below, none is working. I have mq2melee plugin loaded. Things run find on my ranger but not for my shaman. Any idea's? Is there something special to do to turn downshit on for casters?


Downshit0=/if (${Cast.Ready[57405]} && !${Zone.ID}==344 && !${Zone.ID}==202 && !${Zone.ID}==151 && ${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]} && ${Target.PctHPs} <=98) /casting 57405|item
Downshit1=/if (${Spell[Talisman of the Lynx Rk. II].Stacks[0]} && !${Zone.ID}==344 && !${Zone.ID}==202 && !${Zone.ID}==151 && !${Me.Invis} && ${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]} && ${Target.PctHPs} <=98) /cast "Talisman of the Lynx Rk. II"
downshit2=/if (!${Me.Buff[Champion].ID} && !${Me.Invis} && ${Me.PctMana}>60 && !${Zone.ID}==344 && !${Zone.ID}==202 && !${Zone.ID}==151 && !${Champion].ID} && !${Me.Moving}) /cast "Champion"
hey.. just tried out the

holyshit8=/if (${Melee.Combat} && ${Target.Named} && !${Me.Song[Group Guardian of the Forest Form].ID} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Group Guardian of the Forest]}) /casting "Group Guardian of the Forest" alt

and it didn't work.. attempted to install it into each of the lines, and it actualy made the Melee quit working..

removed it and it works fine again.. did i do it wrong?

i Placed (${Melee.Combat} && ${Target.Named} && !${Me.Song[Group Guardian of the Forest Form].ID} Into each of the ones i wanted to become active on a named mob.. and it wasn't functional...

did i correctly modify it?

also.. how would one embed a Snare Function into it and have it cast "Earthen Ensnare" on the mob when it reaches 80% or so?

made this up.. but didn't function.. is it write?

holyshit4=/if (${Target.CurrentHPs}<40 && ${Target.Fleeing} && !${Me.Moving} && ${Target.Speed}>80) /cast "Earthen Embrace"

that works,just tried it with couple spells and discs.but like i said not every named is flagged as a named.
send me your ini per pm and tell me what aas/discs you want to have named only.
I have 3 bps... Singing Energeiac Plate Breastplate and Whisper-Wrought Plate Breastplate and Farseeker's Plate Chestguard of Harmony which all basically have the same clicky effect, on different timers.... so the idea is to have this effect on as much as possible.... I want it to click one bp, wait for it to expire, click the next one, wait, then click'
allso like this to only happen while in combat any help ?
I have 3 bps... Singing Energeiac Plate Breastplate and Whisper-Wrought Plate Breastplate and Farseeker's Plate Chestguard of Harmony which all basically have the same clicky effect, on different timers.... so the idea is to have this effect on as much as possible.... I want it to click one bp, wait for it to expire, click the next one, wait, then click'
allso like this to only happen while in combat any help ?

That's a fun one. Looks like they misspelled Rhythmic on the Whisper BP lol. Glad I caught that one. This is according to alla of course.

So the way I set this up, checks to see if you are in combat, if mob is above 90% health (you can change this), then it checks to see if you have any of the buffs. It will see that you dont have any, click the first one, once it fades, click the second, then the third. Theoretically..... .. .

This one will cast the Solt Clicky.
holyshit0=/if (${Melee.Combat} && ${Cast.Ready[Singing Energeiac Plate Breastplate]} && ${Target.PctHPs}<90 && !${Me.Buff[Reflexes of the Embraced].ID} && !${Me.Buff[Silent Rythmic Reflexes].ID} && !${Me.Buff[Superior Rythmic Reflexes].ID}) /casting 80555 |item

This one will cast the TSS clicky.
holyshit1=/if (${Melee.Combat} && ${Cast.Ready[Whisper-wrought Plate Breastplate} && ${Target.PctHPs}<90 && !${Me.Buff[Reflexes of the Embraced].ID} && !${Me.Buff[Silent Rythmic Reflexes].ID} && !${Me.Buff[Superior Rythmic Reflexes].ID}) /casting 53295|item

And the OoW clicky.
holyshit1=/if (${Melee.Combat} && ${Cast.Ready[Farseeker's Plate Chestguard of Harmony} && ${Target.PctHPs}<90 && !${Me.Buff[Reflexes of the Embraced].ID} && !${Me.Buff[Silent Rythmic Reflexes].ID} && !${Me.Buff[Superior Rythmic Reflexes].ID}) /casting 70907|item

BTW your question and my answer probably should go in the holyflag/downflag thread. - (Ask and ye shall recieve - Anthrax)
Unmatched bracket or invalid charactor found in index
Unmatched bracket or invalid charactor found in index
holyshit0=/if (${Melee.Combat} && ${Cast.Ready[Singing Energeiac Plate Breastplate]} && ${Target.PctHPs}<90 && !${Me.Buff[Reflexes of the Embraced].ID} && !${Me.Buff[Silent Rythmic Reflexes].ID} && !${Me.Buff[Superior Rythmic Reflexes].ID}) /casting 80555 |item

holyshit1=/if (${Melee.Combat} && ${Cast.Ready[Whisper-wrought Plate Breastplate]} && ${Target.PctHPs}<90 && !${Me.Buff[Reflexes of the Embraced].ID} && !${Me.Buff[Silent Rythmic Reflexes].ID} && !${Me.Buff[Superior Rythmic Reflexes].ID}) /casting 53295|item

holyshit1=/if (${Melee.Combat} && ${Cast.Ready[Farseeker's Plate Chestguard of Harmony]} && ${Target.PctHPs}<90 && !${Me.Buff[Reflexes of the Embraced].ID} && !${Me.Buff[Silent Rythmic Reflexes].ID} && !${Me.Buff[Superior Rythmic Reflexes].ID}) /casting 70907|item

Is it really necessary to have your holy shit check to see if your in combat? Taken from wiki
HolyShit and DownShit

MQ2Melee now supports up to 32 macro command lines that will be executed when one of the following conditions are true:
* Holyshit:
Commands will be exectuted when in combat, no casting going on and the cursor is free.
* Downshit:
Commands will be executed when not in combat, not casting and the cursor is free.
If holyshits only go off in combat its kind of redundant to check if your in combat. Just seems like it would be easier to take it out to have 1 less thing to make sure is working if you are having problems with a downshit/holyshit.
Think HTW REminded of that fact a few posts back, if u are working a holyshit there is not need to check if u are in combat, it already did
Is it really necessary to have your holy shit check to see if your in combat? Taken from wiki

If holyshits only go off in combat its kind of redundant to check if your in combat. Just seems like it would be easier to take it out to have 1 less thing to make sure is working if you are having problems with a downshit/holyshit.
No, I never do, it is redundant. I just cp/pasted what was there, and fixed the []'s. ;)

Ok. I haven't used it either, but there were alot of others posted here that used it so was thinking I might be missing something.