Plug pulled on MegaUpload


New member
Oct 4, 2007
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Well, looks like I've got a lot more time to play EQ now.
Some of my favorite websites used to link to content residing on, well the FBI shut them down today...

Here's a link to a New York Times article

Kinda ironic it happens the day after many sites went black in protest of censorship....

Oh well, only a matter of time before something else fills the vacuum!
Not that there aren't more than a handful of sites just like this out there, but it still sucks. There were a lot of shows (mainly anime for some) that megavideo hosted as an offshoot of Megaupload. While I understand the why, it still sucks. Ah well, everyone will just migrate to the next site for hosting the same stuff.

I did get a chuckle about Anonymous knocking the doj website offline for a bit among a couple of others.
Uhh, ive lost a porn site....
Thats fucked up just cause the entertainment industry owns congress. Least unlike wall-street they provide a service for there theft /shrug.
WSJ had an interesting article.. when the cops came to arrest DotCom (yeah, that's the founder's name, he had it changed legally) he retreated to a safe room armed with a shotgun!
Hollywood made a power play last year to return to its Washington glory days, hiring an inside man as its new face in town — former Sen. Chris Dodd.

But in his first big test as Hollywood’s top lobbyist — the battle for a pair of anti-piracy bills backed by the entertainment industry — the Connecticut Democrat went up against a new Washington force driven by the power of the Web, not backroom connections — and now those bills are on life support.


Asked after you leave congress.. what will you do Senator Dodd.

He said : No not lobbying definitely not that. That is not verbatim tho i forget the direct quote.

He later cleared it up. He ment no lobbying for the big banks. OOhhhhhh thanks for clearing that up jackass.

Dem's Republicans they all play both sides of the field. I don't agree with the tea party folks that got elected in the house. But at least they are bucking the establishment.

MORE new blood less old ass life long political hacks.

/rant off
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