Not sure where to put this but....


New member
Oct 8, 2007
Reaction score
BF nowhere, Southeastern US
Ok I am sureit will get moved to the rightplace. For the last few, well, since patch today, piggy zone seems to often pop me in somewhere other than zone in points. Any one else having this issue? sometimes even off the map, and out of the "normal' world. like above or below it.
I have run into this in a couple zones - Vex Thal and Temple of Veeshan both put me into the square box out of the normal areas of the zone. I believe those are the only two I've run into with that problem.
If you guys could zone into those zones normally please and record the output of:


And put the info here, I will get the INI updated.

Ssra Temple-
Exact loc: -34.000000, -25.000000, 3.126000
Heading: 128.00

Temple of Veeshan-
Exact loc: -2025.000000, -499.000000, -45.90236
Heading: 211.00

Vex Thal-
Exact loc: 216.000000, -1664.000000, -41.621986
Heading: 2.00

All I've run into as problems so far.
Just as an FYI /gate from inside a MM put me where I had last camped rather than bind location.

I was more concerned that perhaps this has something to do with SoE doing something to try to have us somehow flag ourselves by having this happen. For me, that I remember, it was bazaar and Frostcrypt yesterday. Can't remember any other's specifically, but bazaar poped me in down the wrong hall, and FC had me somewhere off the map, I am sure iw ill remember where else sometime today, will post then.
Plane of Growth-
Exact loc: -2522.000000, 3016.000000, -22.606945
Heading: 0.00
Just as an FYI /gate from inside a MM put me where I had last camped rather than bind location.

I find that when you die in an MM you get sent to the point you were when you got the MM task (i.e. when you get a MM task, it instantly makes your bind point where you are standing for the purposes of the MM). So perhaps you logged in and got the taskadd for one of your toons, then /gated back there?
Pretty sure Valdeholm is way out of the way too.
Beza ports you in under the world too
If you zone into a zone and notice you're not in the entrance location - read htw's post above, so you can contribute to the fix!