Question MQ2PiggyZoneHelp ????

Jun 7, 2007
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Been ages and ages since i been on this site....

But I do remember a user had posted a plugin that recorded the X Y Z locations of zone lines to help in the creation of MQ2piggyzone.ini files.

All you had to do was have the plugin loaded.. and zone .. and it would record the locations in a log file....

Does ANYONE remember this... and can help me locate it if it still works....

VERY appreciated.
I remember using a macro to record the details. I don't remember a plugin.

You can run the command /dumpconnections and it will give you which zones connect to current zone (Which would really help us fix up MQ2PiggyZone.ini zone connections).

For locations You can do something like,

"/mqlog Rivervale zoneline in ${Zone.Name}"


"/mqlog /loc"

Which will dump it to a log file. I could see a plugin to automate all this work in the background everytime you zone, and even submit it to us, could help dramatically.
I remember using a macro to record the details. I don't remember a plugin.

You can run the command /dumpconnections and it will give you which zones connect to current zone (Which would really help us fix up MQ2PiggyZone.ini zone connections).

For locations You can do something like,

"/mqlog Rivervale zoneline in ${Zone.Name}"


"/mqlog /loc"

Which will dump it to a log file. I could see a plugin to automate all this work in the background everytime you zone, and even submit it to us, could help dramatically.

You could possibly make a quick macro if you're familiar with events (which I am not) that does the mentioned commands when you see "You have entered" You could even create a custom INI to write to instead of loging to mq2 log.

/ini "ZoneConnectionsLog" "${Zone.ID}" "X" "${Me.X}"
/ini "ZoneConnectionsLog" "${Zone.ID}" "Y" "${Me.Y}"
/ini "ZoneConnectionsLog" "${Zone.ID}" "Z" "${Me.Z}"

or something to that affect (Didn't really apply much thought to how that would match the existing MQ2PiggyZone.ini

Again, I'm not familiar with events or mq2piggyzone so I wouldn't know how to approach this. :) I suppose you could just make that a hotkey as well and punch it every time you zone.

; Zone In Locations - used to determine where to zone
; Can use different waypoints manually, "default" is used if no waypoint specified
; Format as follows:
; [shortname]
; waypoint=Y X Z Heading
; fromZoneName=Y X Z Heading

suppose that answers my question.

/declare fromZoneName ${Zone.ShortName} |Done when you run the macro, then it waits for you to zone. 

/ini "ZoneConnectionsLog" "${Zone.ShortName}" "waypoint" "${Me.Y} ${Me.X} ${Me.Z} ${Me.Heading}"
/ini "ZoneConnectionsLog" "from${fromZoneName}" "waypoint" "${Me.Y} ${Me.X} ${Me.Z} ${Me.Heading}" <~Obviously this needs help lol. 
/varset fromZoneName ${Zone.ShortName}
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MQ2PiggyZone. No additional plugins.
