MQ2 you are out of money?


New member
Apr 16, 2010
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I got a wierd error today, my toons all stopped working, except the one i was manually playing of cuz, the "error" read:

"MQ2 you are out of money"

and the macros ended?
All of said macros was petesampres's bot.

First i thought, aha my mmobugs subscribtion has run out, i shall swiftly remedy this.
I am subscribed premium to the 10th of september, so much for that idea.

Then i checked to see if my toons had run out of tribute or plat (dunno why this should stop the mecros working but hey) all have plat and tribute to spend.

So i am scratching my head here.

Anyone know why this happend?
The macros can be turned on and seem to work, but i'd rather not wipe again if it is something simple that i have fucked up.

Best regards
I think that is an error message caused by Pete's Macro. Not sure what you did to set it off though...
| **************** Broke Event ********************
Sub Event_Broke
    /echo You are out of money!

Here is what did it.
#Event Broke            "#*#you cannot afford#*#"
#Event Broke            "#*#you can't afford#*#"

Someone, or something must have said "you cannot afford" or "you can't afford"?
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That happens when you rely on mercs while the bot is running. Its an instant fail and wipe if you are engaged with anything.
Ya, its that event. You can ctrl+f and find it and comment out the /endmacro. change to:


It was actually for the /sell, not the merc. I guess they use the same message. woops.
Ahh, gonna have so much fun weaving these phrases into general chat everyday :p

Perhaps more gratifying than saying in general

"Shoulder my burden"

*edit: I kid, I kid*