
New member
Jul 19, 2007
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Now the last thing they said about it being 100% undetectable tells me they are full of shit. Anyone know these people/signed up? I'm guessing they are using mmoplugins to try and associate with this website.
Pretty sure that is CodeCompiler, if so he is a known scammer.
lol yeah don't trust him. He will ask to donate or pay for it, and then won't give you a working copy but tell you they still working on it
Yeah this is CodeCompiler. Don't know about nowadays, but a little over a year ago when GK / ND was big, I was actually a sub to his forums, and donater. Can't say i personally had any bad experiences with him, but I always got the impression that he would say / do anything to get a dollar. When GK died, and he couldn't obtain a working copy for the masses, he kept lieng to people for months saying that they had a working copy, was just testing, in an attempt to keep people donating. I do know that he now requires you to send him a copy of your drivers license when you subscribe, claims its to keep people from doing chargebacks lol. Like im gonna send a scammer such as himself a copy of my drivers license, get real.
Dang Im tired of that a-holes spam!
i personally found it humorous when he posted he was working on a ranged attack no delay and his members picked it apart saying wow you found a way to press the ranged attack button everytime it was up and he claimed it was at 0 delay. He even posted the line he was using. I personally wouldnt trust him again. I got 3 days worth of use out of it and he shut his site down to make another.... theres good company policy.
I also think it funny that he says we'd have to pay a thousand dollars for it if we don't order it right now, and then the following day, we get spammed with the same message. If he doesn't keep his word on the simple things he says, how can he expect people to believe him about the other things (such as his ghost killing actually working). To be real honest, only a fool would actually sign up for it.
I found it rather interesting that even though I put him on /ignore I was still seeing his spam.
he posted the source of the ND plugin one day and left it up for 3 or 4 hours before finally taking it down.
lol yeah a lot of us saw it but what he did was he posted the source with the old move packet struct.
I also think it funny that he says we'd have to pay a thousand dollars for it if we don't order it right now, and then the following day, we get spammed with the same message. If he doesn't keep his word on the simple things he says, how can he expect people to believe him about the other things (such as his ghost killing actually working). To be real honest, only a fool would actually sign up for it.
Do you think he would be spamming if it didn't work? I don't mean his plugins, I mean his revenue generation...
I was a member over at "Mq2Source" before i came here.
CC is a money grabbing asshole with no real knowledge.
if you search CodeCompiler in google, you come back with tons of threads all over diffrent forums about him seeking a C++ coder, and offering to pay them thousands of dollars a month if they can get around the patch SOE did.

Couldnt of been happier when GK/ND got borked, i have a RL again!

well i sent him a email a bit ago and he said the new source he payed for is verified by iceatcid the eq updater and to email him for proof.

that guy is the main mq2 man? but i still dont know him enough to trust him even if he does say it worked id need to see it in game.
dont let your "wish to be true" ilude yourself, its a fake deal with it.