MMOBugs MacroQuest2 FAQ - Please Read


Feb 27, 2005
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MacroQuest 2 FAQ

MacroQuest 2 is the big kahuna the mothership of hacking EQ. This program is the basis for everything that enables you to cheat on EQ. This is a program that was created by people at .: mq2 :. enter. All hats off to these guys because its the MQ2 Devs that allow all of us at MMOBugs to be alive and running.

Before you proceed farther into your newly found hacking love, it is HIGHLY suggested that you take the time and read MMOBugs Frequently Asked Questions. It is here you will save yourself some time and questions that you will need to begin enjoying all of your hacking needs.

Got questions about MQ2Hud? No problem! We have all things you may need to know about a hud in the How to make a Hud.ini thread. It is here you will find out how to make one and how to properly get a hud working for yourself.

Not all things are plugins and use .dll's some advantages of MQ2 are called Macro's. To use a Macro simply type /macro (macroname). The macro should start assuming its in your macro folder. If you would like to run a macro posted on the forums here is what you need to do to get started with that.
Open notepad, copy and paste the code into it, save the file into your macroquest2/macros folder as macroname.mac or whatever name the macro is.
Then ingame just type /macro macroname

Now, to add, MQ2DoCrack is a plugin. This plugin adds the abilities to manipulate offsets to change certain things you can not normally do. Enabling these cracks allows you to do that certain function. EnviroFall for example. if you click it on, when you jump to your death, you don't die, because you changed the offset that recognizes your change in elevation and doesnt' call the damage function.

To use an offset (crack) type /docrack crackname on. Replace crackname with the crack you wish to use. You can also use the UI window, left-clicking on a crack turns it on, right-clicking on it turns it off.


The Cracks: PLEASE NOTE THAT AFTER EACH PATCH THE OFFSETS WILL CHANGE! We may find some new ones or some old ones may not work and be removed.

AFewMountSkills - Some Skills like Hide, Sneak, Beg on a mount
AtkPoison - Apply poison while attacking
BagSize - Place any size items in any container
BardClicky - Bard can click clickies while singing
BlockSpell - Use /blockspell without having PoR expansion
BuyWFullInv - Buy from merchant with full inventory
ClickCasting - Left click targeting while casting
Con - Consider boats and other unconsiderables
CrapLevitate - Levitate, world Z-Axis becomes 1.97
DayLight - Always daylight
DoorsStayOpen - Doors stay open
EB - Enduring/EverLasting Breath
EncumberMe1276 - Lock Your Weight at 1276
EnviroFall - No Fall/Enviro dmg
EnviroFall2 - No Fall/Enviro dmg 2nd Version
EvadeAttack - Hide/Evade While Attacking
EvadeAttackMoFo - Hide/Evade While Attacking 2nd Version
ExchangeMoney - Convert Money w/o bank
EZFollow - /Follow PC's or NPC's
FarFollow - /follow someone from any distance
ForceFeedDrink - Consume Unlimited Drink
ForceFeedFood - Comsume Unlimited Food
HideBeg - Beg while hiding
HideRun - Hide and Run
IllusionFace - Change face while under an illusion
InviteFellowship - Allows leader of fellowship to invite someone from any zone
JWOEndurance - Jump with 0 endurance
Languages - Read all languages
LavaFishEyes - See Clearly Under Water And Lava
NoAccel - No Acceleration/Deceleration on mount
NoAutoTarget - Stop From Autotargeting Mobs That Hit You
NoBlind - No Blind
NoClootSpam - Blocks : You may not loot that item from this corpse.(message only)
NoDelayJump - No delay while chain jumping
NoEncumber - Allows for no encumberance
NoEqPlayers - Turns off EqPlayers Update
NoFoodorDrinkMessages - Hide Drink/Food Messages, including Hungry/Thirsty
NoLevBounce - No Lev Bounce
NoMeleePush - No push when taking melee
NoMountModels - No Mount Models
NoShadowStep - No Shadow Step
NoShrink - Never Grow Or Shrink
NoSkyGraphics - Sky Off W/Out Blacking Day Sky
NoStun2 - Move around while stunned 2nd Version
NoWeather - Always a nice sunny day
OpenBags - Open Bags While Casting
OpenInventory - Open Inventory Window While Casting
PreventSpeed - Run at 100 speed - No Snare, No Root, No SoW, No SoE, No Selos
SeeInvis - See Invisible
SeeInvis2 - See Invisible 2 (See all)
Shield - Allows any class to /shield
ShowSpells - GRP LDR Spell awareness
ShowSpells2 - Show spells as text - Groupleader
ShowTime - Displays every second when you camp
SpellBookStop - Opening spellbook forces you to stop
SwapWhileCasting - Move Items While Casting
Talk2Self - Bored? Talk to yourself.
TalkNoGrp - Talk in group, without being in a group
TalkNoFlwshp - Talk in Fellowship, without being in one, /fs or /fsay
TrainAny - Train at any Trainer
UltraVision - Ultra-vision
UnlimitedDrunk - Consume unlimited alcohol
UseAssist - Assist while casting
UseAugsealer - Use Aug Sealer even though being used
UseHotkeys - Use Hotkeys While Casting
WaterWalk - Walk Under Water
WeightLock - Locks your weight at 24.
ZoneLock - Locks you inside a Zone
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MacroQuest 2 Plugin FAQ

- Plugin that automaticly buys AA points for you.
/aaspend help -- lists command syntaxes in game.
/aaspend status -- lists status of brute, auto, and auto array
/aaspend "AA name" -- Spends a specific AA
/aaspend brute -- Goes down the list autospending the next available AA
/aaspend auto -- Spends AA based on abilities set in setauto
/aaspend setauto "AA name" <Auto #> -- Sets the auto array.

- This plugin allows you to take full advantage of the wonderful beep command in game.
Music Mode:
/advbeep [note] [length] [octave]
Normal Mode:
/advbeep [frequency] [length]
Possible notes: c, csharp, d, dsharp, e, f, fsharp, g, gsharp, a, asharp, b

- Used to record and playback player movement
/afollow [on|off] [nodoor|*door]
/afollow [pause|unpause]
/afollow spawn # [nodoor|*door]
/afollow [nodoor|*door]
NOTE: Fast default.
/play [PathName|off] [reverse|*normal] [loop|*noloop] [smart] [pause|*unpause] [nodoor|*door]
/record <Name>
/record save <Name>
/record checkpoint <Name> 
${AdvPath.Active} Plugin Loaded and ready
${AdvPath.State} // FollowState, 0 = off, 1 = Following, 2 = Playing, 3 = Recording
${AdvPath.Waypoints} // Total Number of Waypoints
${AdvPath.NextWaypoint} // Number of NextWaypoint
${AdvPath.Y[Check Point Name OR Waypoint number]} LOC
${AdvPath.X[Check Point Name OR Waypoint number]} LOC
${AdvPath.Z[Check Point Name OR Waypoint number]} LOC
${AdvPath.Monitor} // Spawn your following
${AdvPath.Idle} // Idel time when following and not moving
${AdvPath.Length} // Estimated length off the follow path
${AdvPath.Following} // BOOL Following spawn ?
${AdvPath.Playing} // BOOL Playing ?
${AdvPath.Recording} // BOOL Recording?
${AdvPath.Status} // INT Status  0 = off , 1 = on , 2 = paused?
${AdvPath.Paused} // BOOL Paused?
${AdvPath.WaitingWarp} // BOOL Wating if warp take action ?

- A plugin that auto-accepts every trade. You can add a list of names to always accept trades from by typing /autotrade <CharName> (useful for alts, etc). You can view your settings by typing /autotrade.

/autotrade - View current settings

- A plugin that will set you afk & log when your name is mentioned, based on mouse/kb idle time. You can view your settings by typing /autoafk status. Commands are also available to automatically control PowerSource & Tribute, auto return, etc.

/autoafk on will turn the plugin on. 
/autoafk off will turn the plugin off. 
/autoafk help Shows the help screen in your MQ2 window in game. 
/autoafk status Shows the plugin status & your options. 
/autoafk save Saves your options to INI file as the new defaults. Settings are not automatically saved when you change them, so be sure you do /autoafk save to ensure any changes you make to the plugin options are saved to the INI. 
/autoafk load Loads your options from INI file. 
/autoafk time ## Sets the number of seconds idle before away engages (example: /autoafk time 30 ). 
/autoafk reason <reply> Sets the reason for your AFK. If reply is not given, then the default is used (no custom away message in that case - EQ default). 
/autoafk silent Logs when your name is said, but does not set you AFK. 
/autoafk return Toggles automatic return from AFK on mouse/keyboard activity. 
/autoafk triboff Toggles stopping tribute when AFK is engaged. 
/autoafk tribon Toggles starting tribute when returning from AFK. 
/autoafk psoff Toggles unequipping powersource when AFK is engaged. 
/autoafk pson Toggles equipping powersource when returning from AFK. 
/autoafk pause Toggles pausing macro when AFK is engaged. 
/autoafk resume Toggles resuming macro when returning from AFK. 
/autoafk end Toggles stopping macro when AFK is engaged. 
/awaynow Sets the timer so that automatic away engages NOW, if the plugin is turned on. 

Logs are created in your MQ2Dir\Logs directory by default. If you have changed the LogPath in macroquest.ini, then they will be in that directory instead. Log name format is ToonName_afk.log.

- Automatically set clipping plane, saved to ini, depending on zone.
So if you zone into bazaar, clip might be set to min 100 max 200, while if you zone into Nexus,
clip could be set to min 100 max 1500.
/clip set | set <min> <max> | del | show
/clip <min> <max>
/clip show - displays clipping plane min/max for current zone
/clip set - sets the currently saved (or default) clip min/max for current zone
/clip set 100 500 - sets the clip to min 100 max 500 for current zone, and saves to ini
/clip del - deletes the saved clip settings for current zone from the ini
/clip 200 1000 - Temporarily sets current clip to min 200 max 1000 (does not save to ini)

- This plugin can be used to automatically keep or destroy items as they
appear on the mouse cursor.
  /autodestroy      - Object held on the mouse cursor will be added to the
                      INI file's [AutoDestroy] section
  /autodestroy auto - Toggles automatic destruction of items listed in the
                      [AutoDestroy] section of the INI file as they appear
                      on the mouse cursor
  /autokeep         - Object held on the mouse cursor will be added to the
                      INI file's [AutoKeep] section
  /autokeep auto    - Toggles automatic keeping of items listed in the
                      [AutoKeep] section of the INI file as they appear on
                      the mouse cursor
  /handlecursor     - Keep or destroy the item on the cursor, depending on
                      which section of the INI file it appears in

- Simple plugin to automate the task of foraging.
   /startforage         - commence autoforaging. 
   /stopforage            - stop autoforaging. 
   /keepitem {item}      - add/change the item in the .ini file to auto-keep. 
   /destroyitem {item}      - add/change the item in the .ini file to auto-destroy.

-Will automaticly accept you into a group/raid based off of the names added
into a INI file. If these names invite you, your toon will auto join the group/raid.
/plugin mq2autogroup
*INI code* 

- Takes Rez and Loots Corpse
/autorez accept [on|off]
-- (on) you get a rez box you will take it after 2 seconds. clicking spawn if needed.
/autorez spawn [on|off]
-- (on) you will immediately click the spawn to bind after death.
/autorez loot [on|off]
-- not finished -- if on loot items from corpse after clicking rez.

- Automaticly shrinks models within X radius to a configured size. When they move
outside of X radius they size back to default again.
/autosize             - Toggles zone-wide  AutoSize on/off
/autosize dist        - Toggles distance-based AutoSize on/off
/autosize pc          - Toggles AutoSize PC spawn types
/autosize npc         - Toggles AutoSize NPC spawn types
/autosize pets        - Toggles AutoSize pet spawn types
/autosize mercs       - Toggles AutoSize mercenary spawn types
/autosize everything  - Toggles AutoSize all spawn types
/autosize self        - Toggles AutoSize for your character
/autosize range #     - Sets range for distance-based AutoSize

(Valid sizes 1 to 250)
/autosize size #      - Sets default size for "everything"
/autosize sizepc #    - Sets size for PC spawn types
/autosize sizenpc #   - Sets size for NPC spawn types
/autosize sizepets #  - Sets size for pet spawn types
/autosize sizemercs # - Sets size for mercenary spawn types
/autosize sizeself #  - Sets size for your character

/autosize status      - Display current plugin settings to chatwnd
/autosize help        - Display command syntax to chatwnd
/autosize save        - Save settings to INI file (auto on plugin unload)
/autosize load        - Load settings from INI file (auto on plugin load)

- Auto-activate various skills
/autoskills help - lists options
INI file will be auto-created, MQ2AutoSkills_Charname_server.ini 
Syntax is simply Skill=on/off and MeleeRange=distance 
Currently suported skills: 
Backstab, Bash, Begging, Disarm, Dragon Punch, Eagle Strike, Flying Kick, 
Frenzy, Evade, Forage, Feign Death, Intimidation, Kick, Mend, Pick Pockets, 
Round Kick, Sense Traps, Slam, Taunt, Tiger Claw 
/attack off on mob ENRAGE/infuriate is also supported, treated as the "ENRAGE" and
    "infuriate" skills in the INI. 
Known issues: Trade/Vendor windows and possibly some other events may cause some
    skills to fire when not appropriate and spam you

- MQ2 Bandolier improves upon the Bandolier feature found in EverQuest(tm).
Instead of only being able to use mainhand, offhand, ranged, and ammo slots, MQ2Bandolier allows
the use of all equipped slots.
/createset <SETNAME>slotname1|slotnumber slotname2|slotnumber2 ... (slotname21|slotnumber22) 
Creates a set in MQ2Bandolier_<CHARNAME>.ini using the selected equipment slots. If you use
 the name of an existing set, it will be over-written. 
/deleteset <SETNAME>
Deletes the specified setname from the characters ini. 
/equipset <SETNAME>
Equips all items of the specified set.

- Swap in instruments as needed
    /bardswap - toggle swapping off and on 
    /bardswap melee - toggle using "Melee swap" delay

- Adds Information on the location you are bound


- Clicks off unwanted buffs (Beneficial buffs ONLY)
    /block "buffname" - blocks that buff 
    /unblock "buffname" - unblocks that buff 
    /block list - lists all buffs currently being blocked

- Bazaar Seach Plugin

/bzsrch [params] [name]
    [race any|barbarian|dark elf|dwarf|erudite|froglok|gnome|half  elf|halfling|high elf|human|
      iksar|ogre|troll|vah shir|wood elf]
    [class any|bard|beastlord|cleric|druid|enchanter|magician|monk|necromancer|paladin|ranger|
      rogue|shadow knight|shaman|warrior|wizard]
    [stat any|armor class|agility|charisma|dexterity|intelligence|stamina|strength|wisdom|vs cold
      |vs disease|vs fire|vs magic|vs poison|hit points|mana]
    [slot any|ammo|arms|back|charm|chest|ear|face|feet|fingers|hands|head|legs|neck|primary|range|
    [type  any|1h slashing|1h blunt|2h blunt|2h slashing|2h piercing|alcohol|all effects|armor|
      arrow|bandages|book|bow|brass instrument|combinable|drink|flowing thought|focus effect|food|
      haste|jewelry|key|light|martial|misc|note|percussion instrument|piercing|potion|scroll|shield|
      stringed instrument|throwing|wind instrument]
/pricecheck - Does an item price check.
/bzsrch wedding ring
/bzsrch race any class any plate            | search for plate armor for anyone
/bzsrch plate                               | search for plate for me
/bzsrch slot fingers stat "armor class"     | look for a ring with armor class
/bzsrch price 0 100 type "flowing thought"  | look for some flowing thought
                                            | stuff, ya cheap bastard

- MQ2Cast is plugin based cast handeler, with built in timer function.
 /casting [name|[alt|gem#|slotname|item]] [alt|gem#|slotname|item]
  -invis : Checks if your incis
  -focus|itenmane|slotname : Swarp up to 5 focus items in and out
  -targetid|# : cast spell on # Spawn.ID
  -recast|# : recast # times
  -kill : Cast spell on target untill dead.
  -maxtries|# : Max retry's when interupted / resist ect ..
  -setin setname : Require MQ2Bandolier swarp's set's in and out
  -setout setname : Require MQ2Bandolier swarp's set's in and out
/memorize [SpellName] [gem#] : Try to memorize spell name or spelled into specified gem#. (If no gem
 is given Gem 5 going to be used as default). If you're currently moving, mq2cast will try to stop
 movement and start casting within 3 seconds or it will give an error. 
/interrupt interupt / dismount if enough time 
${Cast}: See Cast Members

- Addon For MQ2Cast


- Changes the race of whoever you like on your client. Race numbers are from 1 to 588

/becometarget <on|off> - become target's race/gender/height ("off" sets it back to real form)
/myrace <race #|race name> [optional gender (f or m)] [optional size] - set my race to a race ID number or name
/targetrace <race #|race name> [optional gender (f or m)] [optional size] - set target race to race ID number or name

- This plugin lets you add a PC or NPC comment to a character. When active, It
scan any new spawns, and all spawns upon zoning in, for any comments you have saved in MQCharNotes.ini.
It will display these comments in the MQChat window upon spawn or zone if anyone zones in or is
currently in zone when you enter. It will display the current targeted player or NPC comment in the HUD.

/charnote <comment>
/charnote -delete
/charnotepos <x> <y>
Example - (With "a rabbit" currently targeted) 
/charnote This guy's foot isn't so lucky anymore!- 
Would add the comment "This guy's foot isn't so lucky anymore!" 
to any "a rabbit" NPC's in zone.

- Default MacroQuest2 Plugin
Commands: None

- A simple plugin that will allow you to avoid seeing incoming chat to any window
that you do not wish to see.
/chatfilter help

- Creates An Ingame Chat Window For MacroQuest2 Spam, Default MacroQuest2 Plugin
Commands: None

- Informs people about how cool Chuck Norris really is..or is not :)
/chuckpower <size> - Makes your targeted PC (or self) swell with the power of Chuck Norris, making them
 twice their normal size! Use /chuckpower 0 to return to normal.
/chuck /<channel>  - Picks a random fact from INI file and splits it out
Example:  /chuck /gu - Would spout out a random chuck fact to Guild /chuck /1 - Would spout out a random
 chuck fact to channel 1 /chuck /ooc 30  - Would spout out chuck fact 30 (as listed in the INI)

- Manages your click items from a xml window added to your UI. You will need to add
the xml file to your current UI. To do so do the following:
 From the release folder of Frys compile find the file "MQUI_Clickieswnd" found inside the "XMLs" folder.
  Place this file in your current UI.
    /clickie - Display Setting window if active. 
    /clickie on - Turn on Clickies support. 
    /clickie off - Turn off Clickies support. 
    /clickie save - Save clickies and windows.

- MQ2ClickMaint is intended to be a plugin answer to the problem of maintaining clickies via macro.
It does *not* automatically click your buffs. Instead, it tells you via TLO when you have buffs waiting, then allows you to enter the command. This is because to code a plugin that would work in all situations would be damned near impossible. This is the compromise.

TLO ${CMaint} -- Returns TRUE if you have buffs waiting to be done
/doclicks" will do all of the buffs you have waiting to be done.
/doclicks rez" will do all of your buffs but myItem0, in order to allow you to have an instant click to be set in your first slot after a rez.
/doclicks all" will refresh all of your buffs
/cmaint" allows users to tweak settings with the plugin, and adjust which items from the INI are included in their list to maintain.
/cmaint help" for a list of commands for /cmaint and explanations.
/citem" allows users to add items to the INI from ingame. Once the message has been saved, put the item you want to click on your cursor, then "/citem #" to specify which msg you want. If the msg did not show up, "/citem no" to the msg-searching over.

- Automatically control your clip-plane settings - Excellent for people who may lag.
     /plugin mq2clip

- This plugin allows you to send encrypted messages over general chat using Tells,
Guild Chat, Group Chat, Auction, Shout, Out of Character, and Says.
/crypto [/t|/gu|/g|/auct|/shout|/ooc|/say] <tell target> [message]

- A collection of routines to add general compass functionality to Macroquest2.

Adds TLO CompassWaypoint

- plugin is designed to be next evolution of MQ2AutoDestroy and MQ2Feedme plugins.
Auto Keep item from list up to a certain quantity, Consume, Drop, or Destroy when quantity is reached,
Auto Sleep with certain windows are opened, Quiet/Silent Operating Mode and Global On/Off flags, and
autoloot your corpse when loot Window up.

/cursor on|off|auto                 :Turn Plugin On/Off or Toggle 
/cursor silent on|off|auto          :Turn Quiet Mode On/Off or Toggle 
/cursor feeding                     :Turn Feeding Mode On/Off or Toggle 
/cursor dropping                    :Turn Dropping Mode On/Off or Toggle 
/cursor help|list|load|save         :Hope No description need for those. 
/cursor rem(ove)|del(ete) id        :Remove id or (Item on Cursor). 
/cursor al(l(ways)                  :Always keep those (Item On Cursor). 
/cursor #[ st(acks)]                :Keep quantity (Item On Cursor). 
/cursor random #                    :Random Humanish delay in ms 0=off. 
/keep                               :Keep Item on Cursor (no list adding). 
/feedme on|off|auto                 :Turn Plugin On/Off or Toggle. 
/feedme help                        :Need help for that? 
/feedme silent on|off|auto          :Turn Quiet Mode On/Off or Toggle. 
/feedme random #                    :Random Humanish delay in ms 0=0ff. 
/lootme on|off|auto                 :Turn Plugin On/Off or Toggle. 
/lootme silent on|off|auto          :Turn Quiet Mode On/Off or Toggle.

- Allows you to specify custom commands to execute on a key combination
    /bind command key - Binds a key to that command (example "/bind  INSTANT_CAMP SHIFT+C" will make
 you instantly camp when you hit shift+c)

- this plugin allows MQ2 users to define custom sound events that play based on
unique chat events, all configured via one INI file.
/togglesounds - Turns all custom sound events on/off DEFAULT: OFF
/npctellsounds - Turns NPC tell filter on/off, when ON - tells that come from NPCs will not fire
 sound events DEFAULT: ON
/sound [sound name] - plays the sound identified with a particular sound name (from the INI) - based on
 MQ2PlaySound plug-in by Digitalxero
/sound stop - immediately stops the play-back of whatever sound is currently playing (if any)

- This plugin is designed to help with curing detrimental effects. It is used to
reports harmful effects, number of curse/disease/poison counters and various other detrimentals. It is
to be used with TLO Objects in a HUD.

- Allows you to edit memory offsets from MQ2DoCrack.ini.

Window (UI) settings for the docrack window are saved in server_toon.ini in your MQ2 dir, under [MQ2DoCrack].

Cracks which are autoloaded are saved in the same file (server_toon.ini), under [MQ2DoCrack_AutoLoad]. To automatically generate those, in game, use the UI window and turn on each crack you want to automatically load at login (or use /docrack crackname on for them all, then /docrack list to verify), then do: /docrack save.

/docrack [<docrack name> (on|off)] - Toggle crack, or turn on/off.
/docrack <docrack name> status - Show status of crack.
/docrack list - List all cracks available and their status.
/docrack save - Save current cracks that are "on" to automatically load at login.
/docrackwnd [show|hide|load] - Show or hide the docrack UI window, load will make the plugin re-read the INI file.
/dooffset <address> <memory> - Writes data directly to memory address.
/showmem <address> <bytes> - Shows # bytes at memory address.

- Used if you do not wish to use the added xml UI window.
/docrack [<docrack name> (on|off)] - Toggle crack, or turn on/off.
/docrack <docrack name> status - Show status of crack.
/docrack list - List all cracks available and their status.
/dooffset <address> <memory> - Writes data directly to memory address.
/showmem <address> <bytes> - Shows # bytes at memory address.

- Removes all doors including locked ones from zones
    /toggledoors - Removes doors

- Is a plugin that shows the dps output of you and people around you into a dps window.
You will need to add the window to your Custom UI folder as followed.
1)Copy MQUI_DpsWnd.xml into your custom UI folder.
2)Edit the EQUI.xml file with notepad and add the following line down to the bottom below all the
 other includes but before the composite.
    /dps - Turns on DPS

MQ2Eqbc (Client) MQ2Eqbs (Server)
-A server based program allowing you to connect and control
many characters. For more information about this program please view here.
There is also more information available here
that you can view "IF" you are a VIP member of MQ2's website.
- Allows remote commands via box chat much like mastermind does.
- Allows you to remotely log into a different character (ie. load up cleric for rezzing). You can
 also do this locally if you want to recamp to another toon and go grab a carrot sandwich or something.
- Allows you to control anyone anywhere (ie. someone in your raid needs to afk for a while: they connect
 to your server, you remotely load macros to pimp their character as needed until they return)
- Is mostly compatible with scripts that already support MQ2Irc (replace '/I say with '/bc').

MQ2EQBugFix - Used To Fix EverQuest Coding Errors To Prevent Crashes. Default MacroQuest2 Plugin.
Commands: None

- Experience Tracker
/resetexp - Resets Experience Window
/showexp - Shows Your Experience
/expwnd - Opens Experience Window

- Lets you trigger events via an INI.
/event - Adds custom event
trigger=|${Target.DisplayName}| has become ENRAGED#2#
command=/attack off
Would turn attack off on enrage.

- Allows you to exchange items or unequip items without having any inventory
windows or bags opened
    /exchange "item name" <SLOTNAME>- Swaps "item name" into <SLOTNAME>- 
example: /exchange "staff of eternal flames" mainhand 
    /unequip <SLOTNAME>- unequip any of the equipment slots - example: /unequip offhand 
    /exchange help - gives a list of the commands available 
    /exchange help list - gives a list of the equipment slot names

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Please post here!

Please feel free to post here if you need to ask any questions about these plugins and their functions. Please post here if you happen to notice any commands that need to be updated as well. :D

*Once your question has been awnsered or you have been helped in the best way possible your posts will be deleted off this thread to keep it nice and clean.*
Last edited:
I got a little bored with the whole copy and paste thing as i'm sure some people do especially anyone that's new. So did the work for those that are lazy like me. LOOK BELOW it's attached for ease of viewing and printing. Once you download it, it's actually 25 pages and includes all the scrolled portions also. I didn't see anything posted anywhere else and this seemed to be the most logical place to attached it.

*EDIT* made it easier to see as a word doc. *EDIT*

Benefit to this is you can simply download it rather than having to go through and copy and paste all that reply the way you can download the adobe version of the docracks above.


  • MacroQuest 2 Plugin FAQ.doc
    186 KB · Views: 686
I can get cracks to work just fine but I'm clueless when it comes to bugs. I've tried reading every FAQ around to figure out exactly how to get these going but I guess I'm missing it.
im not sure what bugs are. do you mean plugins?
sorry don't know why I typed bugs. I can get cracks working just fine, but no idea how to get plugins to work
type commands into any eq chat window

/plugin <pluginname>

additional commands for each plugin are listed above.
Please feel free to post here if you need to ask any questions about these plugins and their functions. Please post here if you happen to notice any commands that need to be updated as well. :D

*Once your question has been awnsered or you have been helped in the best way possible your posts will be deleted off this thread to keep it nice and clean.*

just a FYI, the plugin ''removedet'' simply removes the icon from your effects bar on very many ill effects so beware of this
just a FYI, the plugin ''removedet'' simply removes the icon from your effects bar on very many ill effects so beware of this

Its only ever removed it client side , no way to do it server side. It does stop you haveing teh ill effects , kinda , and gives you teh buff slot back , but doesnt stop DoT's on you or anything
Thought for sure I saw another plugin...........

I didn't pay much attention to it at the time because I didn't have a toon that it would likely fit, but I could have SWORN that I read something on here once called 'MonkBugs' (or similar).

Now I have decided to try the class out and I have come back here looking for the plugin and I'll be darned if I cannot find it.

I have never had another subscription for any site like this one before so I can't think that I was somewhere else when I read it but this whole search and miss thing is really starting to get to me.

The closest thing I have found so far is MQ2Melee, but it doesn't seem to be specifically geared toward Monks and all of the many wonderful and wondrous things they can actually do.

Any pointers?
I didn't pay much attention to it at the time because I didn't have a toon that it would likely fit, but I could have SWORN that I read something on here once called 'MonkBugs' (or similar).

Now I have decided to try the class out and I have come back here looking for the plugin and I'll be darned if I cannot find it.

I have never had another subscription for any site like this one before so I can't think that I was somewhere else when I read it but this whole search and miss thing is really starting to get to me.

The closest thing I have found so far is MQ2Melee, but it doesn't seem to be specifically geared toward Monks and all of the many wonderful and wondrous things they can actually do.

Any pointers?

Not even sure where to begin. Monkbug was an exploit that is no longer available. It was an exploit that basically turned monks into GOD mode. If you want to know more about exploits of this nature, I suggest checking out
Not even sure where to begin. Monkbug was an exploit that is no longer available. It was an exploit that basically turned monks into GOD mode. If you want to know more about exploits of this nature, I suggest checking out

I see. I was not aware of that. I just remember seeing mention of it. As I said, I did not study it closely at the time simply because I didn't have one of my own. Know I know, and I thank you for that.

Since I am not interested in becoming a Monk-God, I will rearrange my question a bit.

Is there a way to tweak MQ2Melee to make better use of the different abilities that a monk is capable of? Perhaps to tell it to favor certain new skills over old as they become available, for instance...?
I see. I was not aware of that. I just remember seeing mention of it. As I said, I did not study it closely at the time simply because I didn't have one of my own. Know I know, and I thank you for that.

Since I am not interested in becoming a Monk-God, I will rearrange my question a bit.

Is there a way to tweak MQ2Melee to make better use of the different abilities that a monk is capable of? Perhaps to tell it to favor certain new skills over old as they become available, for instance...?
So nothing on this?
so i plugged in mq2moveutils

and cant figure out the /command to get one toon to follow the other

when i type /stick then toons name just pops up some other stick crap

when i type /follow its just normal follow

i need somethin that i can put my toons on follow and they will follow not get stuck behind a tree or somethin...anything likethat around? thats not insanely complicated just a plugin