MMOBugs download speed is a catastrophy


Premium Member
Jul 3, 2008
Reaction score
The download speed was always limited but the load balancing at the moment is out of whack. 100kbit/s is terrible. What the heck is going on atm?
Injection not working

additionally on 1 PC MQ2 does not work anymore. It always tries to connect to the server and has a red button. The injection is disabled. I can enable it but it does not work. Rebooting does not help. Copying the exact copy of the other 2 PCs does not help either.

It seems the MMOBugs-Server has some issues. Cannot play on the main.

The first try got half of the toons in the system, after that MQ2 seized to inject. After reboot it does not reject another single toon.
Last test: after some changes

Changed to Redguides edition and kicked MMOBugs edition.
Redguides works.

It is definitely the MMOBugs server somehow.
Just because another compile works doesn't mean MMOBugs doesn't work. Mine is working perfectly fine with no issues and I go to both sites. ASSuming that it's all MMOBugs problem is crappy troubleshooting.
Debugging means to exclude every cause of bugs step by step. The information which one is running is a hint for excluding ideas.

If Redguides AND MMOBugs do not work that means my system is heavily borked or the basic underlying MQ2 modules have a problem.

If users like you say that it works that means that a temporary problem with the MMO-Modules is/was present if Redguides works at my place.

Now it is updating and also injecting properly. The effect was like I would not have any subscription - it hung at the last step after the update with a "red button" in the right taskicon corner. That means in that combination that the server for the licences had a hickup over a period of around 30-60min (I cannot be exact in that because of testing other possibilities).

btw: the speed is on my 100+MB-line now 3 times (around 300KBPS) and therefore the usual I am used to from MMOBugs updates. Testing the speed with standard download tests resulted in 111MB/s. So it was not my line.

Now everything is working again. Thank you for your feedback.
There is some server issues that need addressing.

It should all work, but about once a week apache dies and restarts itself. I have also noticed download speed can get slow on MMOLoader. Htw and Xeniaz have been looking into it, but we are running outdated versions due to dated code that needs re-writing.

There is a complete revamp of forum software, login system, subscription system and server in the works to get everything up to latest versions/features. I can't give an ETA at this point as I keep getting side tracked on other MQ2 related projects but this post has made me realize I need to make it a higher priority and get it finished.

Also on another note, we are not going to censor people talking about RG's here. There is a problem in this MQ2 community of people in power censoring people talking about other MQ2 sites. People need different options and work together for whats best for the community.

Back on track, sorry for any problems Fayman. We are working on a solution for server troubles. If it happens again, hit an admin up in discord and we should be able to try and figure out what is going on or give a work around.
Good to know, many thanks for that Fry. The next time I don't need to spend time on bugsearch and can simply wait until the server connects properly again. There is always an option then. And RG vs. MMO - I simply prefer MMO but some things are better done with RG. Some macros don't run properly from RG under MMO so I have the options. I see both as good and useful tools.

And I am long out of the age of being a fan of something out of "corporate design". I am fan of functionality, usability, usefulness and working together to make the world a better place :cool: