Mistletoe help

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Aug 20, 2006
Reaction score
i was wondering, since armysoldiers mac's seem to be messed up right now. Would it be possible to have seperate macros that perform pretty much what his automated one does, only you have to manually walk the toon around and click the mac to start it.

I mean like walk to posion guy hit a mac that makes x amount of CE then go to the gem girl and you can buy your gems. then hit the guy near the brew barrel hit the mac and it buys enuff for 10 combines of mistle toe then you walk to the barrel and open it and can run the tradeskillsimple mac for the combines. Then run to the mold guy hit the mac to buy all the molds you need etc. I dont mind being at the keyboard to run the toon around, but I woudl like it to buy enuff for x amount of combines. Like now with the CE mac it seems to wantsss to just keep going until your bags are full then it starts dropping on teh ground, it never stops.

the misteltoe mac seems to not make enuff temper, it doesnt do all the combines at the forge and it doesnt make enuff CE also and when it sees your out of CE it goes to the poison merchant stops then goes to the gem girl stops then goes to the bank and swaps the bags out and then its done.
. Like I said i odnt mind doing the running around and the clicking on teh npc and then the mac. :)
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