Mage CotH bot


Aug 20, 2006
Reaction score
I am looking for a mac for a mage to just keep all his group near him, if one gets pulled away runs too far he will simply coth them back to him.

Is this possible ?

I am happy to learn so just advice in right direction is as good as pre made mac

Thanks in advance
Sounds like a cool idea and I would think very doable with macro scripts since you should be able to return the distance to any group member and trigger the spellcast from that. Better macro minds than mind would have to respond with details, though!
/plugin moveutils

/makecamp on 0

makes toons return (basically setting an anchor for em)

macros have the /makecamp on command (most, or some? :p
Assuming you have the AA and dont need pearls:

Somewhere in your macro you /call CotH
Sub CotH
/declare i int local
/for i 1 to 5
/if (${Group.Member[${i}].Distance}>100 && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Call of the hero]}) {
/squelch /tar id ${Group.Member[${i}].ID}
/delay 3
/alt act ${Me.AltAbility[call of the hero].ID}
/next i
Now i wrote that on the fly, so it may have a typo or two.