Ideas For Improving MMOBugs - Customer Feedback

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Fry Guy
Jan 31, 2005
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Hi MMOBugers,

Ever since the suspension waves that started in December hit, we have lost a ton of our membership base, along with receiving barely any new members in the process. I thought free to play would bring back a pile of old members but unfortunately it has not been the case. We are now at our lowest active membership base in over 3 years.

SoE has done a great job of scaring people away from MacroQuest and it has started to get to the point where the lack of new members is making it hard to pay the bills. I have had to take up some contract work here and there to keep a roof over my family's head. So what I need to figure out is what we can do to restore peoples faith in using MacroQuest2 and make this site better. I went through old posts to try and dig up the dates of suspension waves.

December 9th 2011 (All were un-suspended due to fake positives)
December 20th 2011
January 13th 2012
January 23rd 2012
February 18th 2012
March 5th 2012

It's been 51 days since the last suspension wave. During this lull in the suspension waves the EverQuest developer Sklug has move to EQNext. I do believe Sklug was the major talent behind tracking our ingame hacks as he seemed to be the most competent coder they had. Him changing projects shouldn't have stop suspension waves from happening though as the tracking code should still be there.

The free to play model was launched March 16th 2012. I am starting to believe SoE thought process behind these suspension waves were that the number one problem behind people quitting EQ in the past was hacking. By doing these crack downs, they are showing these old EverQuest users that hacking is not a problem any longer, come play EverQuest again for free.

I am really not sure if they are planning more suspension waves. It has been a fairly long lull, but they might just be too busy with free to play bugs. On to the reason for this post.

I would really like to know what we can do better for our member base. What problems you have? What we can organize better? Do we want more contests? Do we want something more user-friendly? Better documentation? Feature added to MMOLoader? Do we want a radio back? I would really like to know what you guys want.

Htw has a new change to MMOLoader coming soon that when you launch LaunchPad4 it will run eqgame.exe patchme instead if you have MMOLoader open. I think this was confusing a lot of people when they were double clicking the EverQuest icon and nothing was happening.

I have talked to OurPlat, and we "should" have a new sponsored contest at the start of next month.

Htw has some ideas on how to make some active hacks less trackable, but with SoE not doing suspension waves at this stage it's impossible for us to test.

We really need ideas on what we can do to improve things around here to hopefully get our membership base growing again.

With that all said, if you are happy with the service we provide, please consider recommending us to a friends, or supporting us by upgrading to a lifetime account. We are going through a tough patch and appreciated any support we can get. If you are not happy about our service then let us know in this thread and we will address it or improve it.

MMOBugs will always be here as long as an EverQuest server is up somewhere in the world. I would also like to thank everyone over the years for the support we have received. I count myself a lucky guy to be able to do what I enjoy for a living.

The one thing I would really like to see is a massive overhaul of the mq2navigation plugin, so that it supports the newer zone geometry better. This plugin was awesome when it used to be useful, and well worth it when it was exclusive to lifetime, updating and getting that fixed and making it exclusive for lifetime, could increase more memberships. Especially, now that you can't use active hacks to get around quicker.

On the same note, keeping more plugins or macs exclusive for lifetime members might get some people to sign up for lifetime. The gap between premium to lifetime membership offering more is non existent, which I think is one of the problems.
I had a friend who ran his own bussiness

when I hear about the want maybe even need for more lifetime members I thought of my friend and his "ghetto rich" comment

Instead of a paycheck hed get paid every few months and he called that ghetto rich, seems like alot all at once, then u pay old bills, get back afloat, and he was never lucky to have enough to keep him in the black till the next big check :(.

Not saying everyone finances the same but respectable trickle vs all paid upfront doesnt work for everyone.

There are alot of new players or at least accts atm (chat channels get full, common zones more packed, lots of chatter asking about how to do this or do that.

How could we encourage some of these new strangers to check things out if most of us are scared to death to be outed as MQ users.

Spam filters keep away 3rd party advertisements (also frowned upon by most) when advertising plat sales pl etc

Sharing publicly info about what can and cant be done brings more prying eyes to MQ2.besides the potential generation of buzz and curiosity.

How do we show the general public that gaming is more fun w MQ2 and not get the ghestapo (dont know how to spell those fucks) interested in whats going on here and generate more bans

Who do you hope to attract, those that wish we had GK and ND or those that say well I only use it for the map

OOOOH how about getting away from the hack mentality and promote something like this will enhance your gameplay and give you an edge to lvl up gear up etc.,

Lastly and this is stretch somehow create MMObugs laiasons (dont ask me how) on servers, like say hey if you have problems and are on this server, we have someone that can help u out (hold their hands a little while till they can walk on their own 2 feet), for the NEWEST of the NEW users...
The main reason I use MQ2 is MQ2Moveutils and MQ2Melee. Pete's new bot macro is quickly entering the #3 spot on the list (MQ2Fog is probably 4th). It is an amazingly easy and free macro that basically does EVERYTHING for you. You really only have to run it once, set your Ext Target window, and tweek the ini for things you want different.

There are a lot of features that MQ2 offers, but people are generally lazy for the most part. They want the point and click Kodak disposal camera. I wouldn't say I'm one of the most advanced MQ2 users, but I will say I'm probably in the upper half of users as far as understanding. But, I'm lazy. I really only push myself to do things when I really need to. Not because I want to. I know MQ2Navigation is an amazing plugin, but I just ran EQNavigation.exe for the first time today. Just as an example.

Here's an idea. Try to spotlight a plugin each week / month. Maybe have someone make a video explaining set up and cool points. I know there is a Wiki and I frequent it, but people are lazy by nature. Videos require no reading and trial and error. I'm not saying I need the videos. Just trying to brainstorm. Kodi has a face for radio, but make him do the videos. It'll make him reinstall EQ.
Here's an idea. Try to spotlight a plugin each week / month. Maybe have someone make a video explaining set up and cool points. I know there is a Wiki and I frequent it, but people are lazy by nature. Videos require no reading and trial and error. I'm not saying I need the videos. Just trying to brainstorm. Kodi has a face for radio, but make him do the videos. It'll make him reinstall EQ.

I think the video idea is actually a good one. People consume information differently now due to youtube. Adding it to the todo list.
Video demos would definitely be nice. I'm lazy too. When I was "using" I loved MQ2Melee but I did find some parts were just too much work to figure out. Yeah, lazy. I do programming professionally but after a long day at work I don't feel like havng to do more of the same for "relaxation."

Frankly, the suspension wave has weirded me out. I went back to boxing the way I used to before MQ, using programmable keyboards and other useful hardware. Yeah, that's not what you want to hear but that's the way it is.

At this point, I'm not even sure HOW to get back into using the compile offered here safely. Maybe THAT could encourage people again: a simple step-by-step walkthru, maybe even using video, on how to use the basic package and safe plug-ins... safely. For example, I do LIKE the new EQ launcher (see I'm lazy, no need to type in station name and passwords!) but atm I don't even know if I can keep using that with MQ or if I even can.

Maybe if there was the aforementioned walkthru and advice as how to run MQ2 with the launcher, I'd use it again.

Also, nix to the idea of trying to offer even more to lifetime members to get more people to upgrade. When sales are down the last thing you do is make it harder for customers to buy. I've been in retail long enough to know that!
sincerly there are not many difference between all compile here or maskoi or other i dont know personaly i love the service here all is done and i have just to click play
you can create the difference in the service but all plugin are about the same now that risky thing are removed out of game
the creation of usefull plugin that other dont have is the key
Short answer: I like the video of how to set up and use MQ safely.
Long answer: See below.

I took a break from eq and came back to hearing about all the ban / suspension waves. Since then I have not been using MQ Myself. Now, like SiegeTank says, I'm somewhat intimidated into getting back into it. I know there is a thread lurking around sort of walking you through the process, but it doesn't seem as user friendly as it could be.

When I started to read this thread I was thinking to myself:
Give me a better publicized, dumby proof walk through on how to set MQ back up again and use it safely. A video would be amazing! Like a youtube walk through on how to replace the screen on your PSP. Not only would I greatly appreciate it, but it would encourage me to get MQ up and running again, play more EQ, and be much more likely to resubscribe when my subscription runs out.

As for the lifetime membership, not a big fan. I think the primary advantage to those who bought it is the fact that they no longer pay a subscription fee. It's basically payed for itself by this point, and would have been worth it to me had I signed up way back when. However at this point in the life cycle of EQ, I don't think it is quite as tempting. When you are already struggling to maintain your current member base, removing or withholding features available to premium members might serve to alienate them. And make users such as myself further question re-uping.

On a side note, I'm not sure if the reference to the merits of the kodak camera is the best metaphor since the company has been dying a slow death for a while and has finally tanked.
Oh, and possibly stick the walk through video on the public part of the forum, so non members can view it as well. A second, or first, part of the video posted publicly could be some in game shots of what MQ can do and automate for you! Like part A: Manually boxing. part B: Boxing with MQ! Basically an advertisement.

Would wet the pallet of people you want to real in.
Dang hate to spam this post but thought about one more thing. The primary reason I use this site is for the compile. The second reason heads and tails above all else is the MMOMarketplace! I have both sold and purchased things from it and am a huge fan! I find it both the simplest and most trustworthy place on the net to buy and sell EQ virtual goods. If it could be expanded somehow it would be even more of an asset. Possibly offer incentives for people to post things for sale? Like, marketplace vendor only contests? Subscription reductions or kickbacks for marketplace vendors? Think you get the idea.
In addition to the community and the wealth of knowledge available here the thing that draws people to MMO is the 'ease of use'. No compiling needed. No special skills needed. Which is good and bad. Because a pre compiled MQ2 isn't always enough. To get the most out of the compile (especially in the post-suspension world of EQ) you need to be able to do the configuration. You have all made great strides in making the MMO compile pretty much point and click, but there's still a ways to go.

One of the biggest problems in using MQ2 (apart from the potential suspension/ban) is the syntax and the "skill" level needed to configure many of the features. And the effort it takes to master it.

I, like Cuda, rely heavily on Melee, MoveUtils, AutoSkills and my custom HUD. I don't consider myself an unskilled user, I do know how to (or used to - it's been a while) find offsets and prepare my own compile. But like the others have said: I'm also lazy. I don't want to do more than I absolutely have to. Whether I know how to or not.

MQ2Melee is likely the most useful plugin I've seen, but also the most frustrating to configure. If it weren't for the numerous posts with pre-written 'shits' I would never ever have even begun to use it. The need to 'code' the correct syntax is intimidating. Ditto the HUD statements. Even now, after a few years of writing my own instructions for them, I shy away from reconfiguring any of the custom parts of either INI. A missing { or misplaced ! renders the entire instruction useless.

Dunno if it's feasible, or even possible, but if there were a way to generate the correct syntax for things like Melee 'Shits' and the HUD via a front end of some sort, rather than have to write them manually, the most useful of the plugins would be much more user friendly, and therefore more inviting and less intimidating.

More ease of use = more inviting to the masses. Which in turn translates to more long term memberships.
Well,your product is worth less now because you can't use some of the special plugins, yet you keep charging the same amount of money. This is the reason you are losing customers. You can try to add value to the subscription, but i doubt you can match the value that /zone and /warp had. I think you should look into offering a cheaper compile that doesn't have the plugins that get you banned. Or maybe do sales: Subscribe this weekend and only pay 50% or something
Well,your product is worth less now because you can't use some of the special plugins, yet you keep charging the same amount of money. This is the reason you are losing customers. You can try to add value to the subscription, but i doubt you can match the value that /zone and /warp had. I think you should look into offering a cheaper compile that doesn't have the plugins that get you banned. Or maybe do sales: Subscribe this weekend and only pay 50% or something

You are NOT paying for MQ2, you are paying for access to the Premium Forums. This has been said to you before. Zone and Warp are not the only parts of MQ2 nor are they even necessarily the best parts. does not have either one, and yet their community has existed for longer than MMObugs' has.

However, I do like the idea of a cheaper compile, without the exclusive plugins perhaps. Another thing that occured to me while reading Fry's post was that the community here is very limited in that it's almost entirely devoted to EQ. With so many games on the market now, if there were some way to branch out some more it could increase the user base just via having more games to draw people in. We have a kick-ass EQ section, and the marketplace probably produces a lot of clientele for the site as well, but EQ is not in the best shape, even with FtP. And I am not saying we lay this all on the current devs shoulders. If we can attract people that are developing hacks for other games, bring them here, that could drive impetus and traffic here.

If this place stays EQ centric forever, it has to die, as surely as the game itself will.
Well,your product is worth less now because you can't use some of the special plugins, yet you keep charging the same amount of money. This is the reason you are losing customers. You can try to add value to the subscription, but i doubt you can match the value that /zone and /warp had. I think you should look into offering a cheaper compile that doesn't have the plugins that get you banned. Or maybe do sales: Subscribe this weekend and only pay 50% or something

A cheaper basic membership sounds like something we might have to look into. I have seen this suggestion quite a bit so it sounds like there is a need. I do hate the idea of segregating the community into another usergroup as it makes things a little more complicated. Thank you for the feedback.
Some very useful feedback here, I think. It's good to hear others thinking similar thoughts.

I also agree WHOLE-HEARTEDLY with the above poster about the Marketplace being a kick-ass place to buy and sell. I've NEVER been burned here and I would NEVER go back to PlayerAuctions or any place else. The key is you guys are INVOLVED and GIVE A SHIT. In contrast, PA is full of shit! Like they started offering those "purchase protection guarantees" which weren't worth a plugged nickel. On this site when I've even started to suspect someone trying to sell me something was a scammer, I contacted one of the admins and almost immediately got an answer and good advice.

Don't under-estimate the value of your Marketplace forums. In the long run you could probably run the whole site off of this, albeit probably a smaller version. And I agree anything to "grow" the Marketplace, while continuing to keep it safe (there's the challenge, eh?) would provide real consumer value to subscribers.
As mentioned: branching to other games might help as well.

Maybe a foray into the ISBoxer/InnerSpace world might inject some new interest. Tying their functionality to that of MQ2 would open a few doors that the lose of the active plugins may have closed. Plus it opens discussions on 'How To's' for games other than EQ.

And a modified subscription structure allowing for a 'Vanilla' compile with basic forum access might be a good teaser to get people onto the site.
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recruit a friend. you get some one to join you get a discount type deal. Allso might be a good idea to suport isboxer with a more freindly how to set up and run deal. I know a lot of people have left mq2 and went to usen isboxer
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How about an MMOBugs Emu server, where ones paid subscription would give you access, that you can log in, write / script / test plugin's, macro's etc without worry of being banned on a live server?

Even if it were for lifetime only *shrug*
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The site is good, the community is great, the content is one thing I think would be great to work on.

There is very little content that is actually about the game itself. I do not know if you want to attract attention or not but if you had public accessible information (guides, specific camp information, etc).

Another thing would be to try to define yourself as the community for multiboxing in EQ. Have more multiboxer content, as it stands right now the only community for multiboxing EQ is It's content is pretty awful for EQ.

I know one thing I was working on was a UI that was good for video fx to use with ISBoxer to make my video feeds more compact. I scrapped the project because of time.

I did try to edit a wiki page with some information on a plugin with some clarifications on how some commands work. I didn't see how that was possible. Forums are great for feedback, but terrible for guides.
My favorite all time thing is when someone asks a question. Sometimes after filtering through all the many forums for the answer. In many cases the first thing a long time member says is "search is your friend, use search, blah blah blah." That being said imagine this scenario:

You walk into Walmart and ask the greeter, "can you tell me where to find such and such?" Promptly the greeter responds, "Did you use the search feature? What are you an idiot? Can't you do the simplest thing, such as using search?" The customer leaves and goes to Target.

My point: Some people are not great at critical thinking or solving issues, this is why there is a "Service Industry." If we could all do it ourselves, then we would. Don't scare off the lay person. Provide the highest level of customer service, and go out of your way.

I myself would love to learn to program, but I would have a thousand questions. This is in part because, I have no experience at it. Being thought of as an "idiot," prevents me from asking these questions. I know it has been said, "there is no such thing as a stupid question," but when you are made to feel stupid by your peers, you often just avoid asking.

If someone is having issues setting up an INI or customizing a macro to suit them, they will often just give up and not deal with it.

On a side note, many people on these forums have helped me when I needed the help: HTW, PETE, and occasionally a few others.

Make the new customers feel welcome, wanted, and important. Regardless of the silly questions they ask. =)
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