Hypothetically questioning....


Premium Member
Jan 13, 2014
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Let's say Everquest were to shut down, a possibility, would it be possible to continue playing using an emulator and what would one have to do to load content? How much is loaded on your computer and how much comes from Server? Is it possible to stock up on the content ?
There are already many EQ emulator servers up and running. A quick google search will yield the information you are looking for.
Therefore, EVERQUEST is immortal!! As long as there remains one person willing to maintain an emu server, EVERQUEST will live on!
I don't believe any EQ Emulator servers are anywhere close to having the latest few expansions content. PEQ (not p1999) has been the main source for server content. They have pretty good mob placement, but I don't think anything is very reliable that you can use on a server after GoD. I know I messed with there database quite a lot about 6 years ago, and I don't think they have made much progress in that time.

If EQ servers were to shut down, I don't think we'd have anything near what current EQ is with the emu scene.
Thank you

Thanks for the response.....just looking down the road considering what so many have already invested into this game and the fact they still love it...
Regarding the EMU scene, a lot of it depends on which client you use and how good the server team is that you look into.

Fry is correct in a manner by saying up to Gates of Discord, that is where the "official EQEmu content" stops at. But, there are servers that use up to House Thule content, it just all has to be manually built (Quests, pathing,etc... etc...)

There are a lot of servers out there, go to their sites, read up on them... join the forums, ask questions... there are some really fun concept servers out there...
Zones only go up to RoF T2 so, you'd be limited. This is with the most up to date EQ client that works with emu. There're mobs populated up to T2 but, only with generic stats, I.e 8k hp. No quests, factions, instances, basically just zones with mobs populated in them. Items are another big thing, they only go up to VoA, everything after that is "custom" made. So, you can either create new items with the stats of your liking, or look at raidloot.com and get stats from live items. I had a server, not too long ago, with all of VoA populated. I had all RoF group items made from hand (live stats), and was almost finished with NToV and RoF t1 raid items before I was burnt out in making them all.

So with enough people interested in the EQemu community, the possibilities are endless..
In all reality if EQ were to last "forever" the persistent part of the game would indeed be the xpacs that are already emulated. In other words, players, either new or long-term, would be focusing on the early game, which frankly IS the part of the game to which players are the most devoted. I don't find myself nostalgic about pretty much anything beyond OoW. Yeah, I'm only one player but I think this is pretty common among the long-time player base, at least those who I talk with. Sure it would be nice if future emulators could dupe the "entire" game but if the Norrathian world which persisted just ran thru PoP I think there'd always be demand for it.
But if you do play EQEmu, and you're bored, come check out my server BrapLife (Custom-Legit)! I have content up to, and including VoA, with RoF live items that I had to make manually. =)