HUD by Trip

Hey, love the look of the HuD and tried installing it. Followed directions just like you said and all i get is the default HuD to load. Any ideas to get this one working?

in the macroquest 2 folder delete the old MQ2Hud.ini and replace it with the one in the first post. Make sure its labeled MQ2Hud.ini and it should work.
Ok got it working for some reason i was changing the hud file on the folder on my desktop and not n program files lol. Thanks !

Not very savy on mac writing and such, but here is what I copy/pasted/glued/nailed and over all just jumbled together for berserkers disc/aa/item hud. It works well enough for me, I couldn't get the disc ones to work quite the way I wanted them to but they do work.

Just copy/paste it in your hud at the bottom I guess.

Edited the code before and fixed the disc timers to look better.

AAS=3,130,187,0,255,0,  ~~~~~ AAs ~~~~~
SSAA=3,130,197,0,255,0,Savage Spirit
SSAA2=3,130,208,0,255,0,${If[${Me.AltAbilityReady[Savage Spirit]},+ Ready +,]} 
SSAA3=3,130,208,0,255,0,${If[!${Me.AltAbilityReady[Savage Spirit]} && !${Me.Shrouded},- ${Me.AltAbilityTimer[Savage
Spirit].TimeHMS} -,]} 

RAAA=3,130,219,0,255,0,Reckless Abandon
RAAA2=3,130,230,0,255,0,${If[${Me.AltAbilityReady[Reckless Abandon]},+ Ready +,]} 
RAAA3=3,130,230,0,255,0,${If[!${Me.AltAbilityReady[Reckless Abandon]} && !${Me.Shrouded},- ${Me.AltAbilityTimer[Reckless Abandon].TimeHMS} -,]} 

BFAA=3,130,241,0,255,0,Blinding Fury
BFAA2=3,130,252,0,255,0,${If[${Me.AltAbilityReady[Blinding Fury]},+ Ready +,]} 
BFAA3=3,130,252,0,255,0,${If[!${Me.AltAbilityReady[Blinding Fury]} && !${Me.Shrouded},- ${Me.AltAbilityTimer[Blinding
Fury].TimeHMS} -,]} 

CRAA=3,130,263,0,255,0,Cascading Rage
CRAA2=3,130,274,0,255,0,${If[${Me.AltAbilityReady[Cascading Rage]},+ Ready +,]} 
CRAA3=3,130,274,0,255,0,${If[!${Me.AltAbilityReady[Cascading Rage]} && !${Me.Shrouded},- ${Me.AltAbilityTimer[Cascading
Rage].TimeHMS} -,]} 

BPAA=3,130,285,0,255,0,Blood Pact
BPAA2=3,130,296,0,255,0,${If[${Me.AltAbilityReady[Blood Pact]},+ Ready +,]} 
BPAA3=3,130,296,0,255,0,${If[!${Me.AltAbilityReady[Blood Pact]} && !${Me.Shrouded},- ${Me.AltAbilityTimer[Blood Pact].TimeHMS}

URAA=3,130,307,0,255,0,Uncanny Resilience
URAA2=3,130,318,0,255,0,${If[${Me.AltAbilityReady[Uncanny Resilience]},+ Ready +,]} 
URAA3=3,130,318,0,255,0,${If[!${Me.AltAbilityReady[Uncanny Resilience]} && !${Me.Shrouded},- ${Me.AltAbilityTimer[Uncanny
Resilience].TimeHMS} -,]} 

HLAA=3,130,329,0,255,0,Hold the Line
HLAA2=3,130,340,0,255,0,${If[${Me.AltAbilityReady[Hold the Line]},+ Ready +,]} 
HLAA3=3,130,340,0,255,0,${If[!${Me.AltAbilityReady[Hold the Line]} && !${Me.Shrouded},- ${Me.AltAbilityTimer[Hold the
Line].TimeHMS} -,]} 

CBAA=3,130,351,0,255,0,Cry of Battle
CBAA2=3,130,362,0,255,0,${If[${Me.AltAbilityReady[Cry of Battle]},+ Ready +,]} 
CBAA3=3,130,362,0,255,0,${If[!${Me.AltAbilityReady[Cry of Battle]} && !${Me.Shrouded},- ${Me.AltAbilityTimer[Cry of
Battle].TimeHMS} -,]} 

MGAA=3,130,373,0,255,0,~~~~ Items ~~~~
Epic=3,130,384,0,255,0,Epic Click - ${If[!${FindItem["Vengeful Taelosian Blood Axe"].Timer},Ready,]}
EpicNotRdy=3,130,384,0,255,0,Epic Click - ${If[${FindItem["Vengeful Taelosian Blood Axe"].Timer},Available in
${FindItem["Vengeful Taelosian Blood Axe"].Timer.TotalSeconds}s,]}

Tear=3,130,395,0,255,0,Tear Click - ${If[!${FindItem["Tear of Tranquility"].Timer},Ready,]}
TearNotRdy=3,130,395,0,255,0,Tear Click - ${If[${FindItem["Tear of Tranquility"].Timer},Available in ${FindItem["Tear of

BP=3,130,406,0,255,0,BP Click - ${If[!${FindItem["Brutal Energeiac Chain Coat"].Timer},Ready,]}
BPNotRdy=3,130,406,0,255,0,BP Click - ${If[${FindItem["Brutal Energeiac Chain Coat"].Timer},Available in ${FindItem["Brutal
Energeiac Chain Coat"].Timer.TotalSeconds}s,]}

DISC=3,130,417,0,255,0,~~~~ Discs ~~~~
BKCA2=3,185,428,0,255,0,${If[${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Berserking Discipline Rk. III]},Ready,]} 
BKCA3=3,185,428,0,255,0,- ${If[!${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Berserking Discipline Rk. III]} &&
!${Me.Shrouded},${Me.CombatAbilityTimer[Berserking Discipline Rk. III].TimeHMS},]} 

cACA2=3,185,439,0,255,0,${If[${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Cleaving Anger Discipline]},Ready,]} 
CACA3=3,185,439,0,255,0,- ${If[!${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Cleaving Anger Discipline]} &&
!${Me.Shrouded},${Me.CombatAbilityTimer[Cleaving Anger Discipline].TimeHMS},]} 

VFCA2=3,185,450,0,255,0,${If[${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Vengeful Flurry Discipline]},Ready,]} 
VFCA3=3,185,450,0,255,0,- ${If[!${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Vengeful Flurry Discipline]} &&
!${Me.Shrouded},${Me.CombatAbilityTimer[Vengeful Flurry Discipline].TimeHMS},]} 

WCCA=3,130,461,0,255,0,War Cry
WCCA2=3,185,461,0,255,0,${If[${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Ancient: Cry of Chaos]},Ready,]} 
WCCA3=3,185,461,0,255,0,- ${If[!${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Ancient: Cry of Chaos]} &&
!${Me.Shrouded},${Me.CombatAbilityTimer[Ancient: Cry of Chaos].TimeHMS},]} 

TWCA=3,130,472,0,255,0,Third Wind
TWCA2=3,185,472,0,255,0,${If[${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Third Wind Rk. III]},Ready,]} 
TWCA3=3,185,472,0,255,0,- ${If[!${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Third Wind Rk. III]} && !${Me.Shrouded},${Me.CombatAbilityTimer[Third
Wind Rk. III].TimeHMS},]} 

ASCA2=3,185,483,0,255,0,${If[${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Agitating Scream Rk. III]},Ready,]} 
ASCA3=3,185,483,0,255,0,- ${If[!${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Agitating Scream Rk. III]} &&
!${Me.Shrouded},${Me.CombatAbilityTimer[Agitating Scream Rk. III].TimeHMS},]}
would it be hard to make a zeroed HUD with the main aa's a zero has like savage spririt and blood pact and such. How hard would that be?
It's always nice when folks respond saying they like the HUD. I have retired but I still have some classes that I need to put on here. I added aa's and combat skills for a few more but I haven't tested them. If someone with a sk,beast and paladin want to check them out please pm me and I will send you the file. I'm not going to add them to the HUD right now because they prolly have several bad lines in them.
I see someone had posted information requesting the FPS be removed. Best I can tell that one is part of Sony's HUD with the lag meter. I just moved the numbers for my health down below the mana timer


;Player info:
mylvl=3,136,25,155,122,50,Level: ${Me.Level} 
hpmaen=3,136,35,155,122,50,H:${Me.PctHPs} M:${Me.PctMana} E:${Me.PctEndurance}
myXP=3,136,45,200,150,0,XP : ${Me.PctExp}% 
meAAExp=3,136,55,200,150,0,AA: ${Me.AAPointsTotal}   Free: ${Me.AAPoints} 
myLoc=3,136,65,0,210,100,Loc: ${Me.Y}   ${Me.X}   ${Me.Z}
FHP=3,5,[COLOR="DarkRed"]45[/COLOR],64,110,200,Full HP in  - ${Int[${Math.Calc[(${Me.MaxHPs}-${Me.CurrentHPs})/(${Me.HPRegen}|1)/10]}]}m${Int[${Math.Calc[(${Me.MaxHPs}-${Me.CurrentHPs})/(${Me.HPRegen}|1)%10*6]}]}s
FM=3,5,35,44,110,200,Full Mana in  - ${Int[${Math.Calc[(${Me.MaxMana}-${Me.CurrentMana})/(${Me.ManaRegen}|1)/10]}]}m${Int[${Math.Calc[(${Me.MaxMana}-${Me.CurrentMana})/(${Me.ManaRegen}|1)%10*6]}]}s

Simply goto this part of the code, and where you find the number 45 in red is where I changed the number to move the option for Full HP down below Full Mana.

Now does anyone know how to change the color of these HUDs? or change the font size?
I see someone had posted information requesting the FPS be removed. Best I can tell that one is part of Sony's HUD with the lag meter. I just moved the numbers for my health down below the mana timer


;Player info:
mylvl=3,136,25,155,122,50,Level: ${Me.Level} 
hpmaen=3,136,35,155,122,50,H:${Me.PctHPs} M:${Me.PctMana} E:${Me.PctEndurance}
myXP=3,136,45,200,150,0,XP : ${Me.PctExp}% 
meAAExp=3,136,55,200,150,0,AA: ${Me.AAPointsTotal}   Free: ${Me.AAPoints} 
myLoc=3,136,65,0,210,100,Loc: ${Me.Y}   ${Me.X}   ${Me.Z}
FHP=3,5,[COLOR="DarkRed"]45[/COLOR],64,110,200,Full HP in  - ${Int[${Math.Calc[(${Me.MaxHPs}-${Me.CurrentHPs})/(${Me.HPRegen}|1)/10]}]}m${Int[${Math.Calc[(${Me.MaxHPs}-${Me.CurrentHPs})/(${Me.HPRegen}|1)%10*6]}]}s
FM=3,5,35,44,110,200,Full Mana in  - ${Int[${Math.Calc[(${Me.MaxMana}-${Me.CurrentMana})/(${Me.ManaRegen}|1)/10]}]}m${Int[${Math.Calc[(${Me.MaxMana}-${Me.CurrentMana})/(${Me.ManaRegen}|1)%10*6]}]}s

Simply goto this part of the code, and where you find the number 45 in red is where I changed the number to move the option for Full HP down below Full Mana.

Now does anyone know how to change the color of these HUDs? or change the font size?

Ok for the font size it can be a pita if it wasn't added when the person created the HUD. This is quoted from the how to make a HUD thread.
yes, but you have to have all of your hud in the format that uses the fontsize. my hud is rather large, and i had to modify it all by hand, i dont know of any automated way to convert from the version with fontsize and the one without. if you were asking if there were a command in game to modify it ... that i dont know.

Players1=	3,[COLOR="Red"]2[/COLOR],5,214,255,128,0,Player's in Zone = 
Players2=	3,[COLOR="Red"]2[/COLOR],95,214,250,0,0,${SpawnCount[PC]}
Players3=	3,[COLOR="Red"]2[/COLOR],5,226,200,205,0,Npc's in Zone = 
Players4=	3,[COLOR="Red"]2[/COLOR],85,226,250,250,250,${SpawnCount[NPC]}
notice the 2 that is the character that determines the size. best way i found to convert from one version to the next is to use the Edit>Replace function (Ctl+H) and replace "3," with "3,2," but you have to be careful and not use the replace all button because you may have a color ending with "3," or a position ending with "3," and you will want to skip those. also at the bottom of the hud.ini you will want to be sure you have:
most important is the highlited part.

As for changing the color of the font.. The three numbers after the position are the color numbers. So in this line of a HUD

FM=3,5,35,[COLOR="Red"]44,110,200[/COLOR]Full Mana in  - ${Int[${Math.Calc[(${Me.MaxMana}-${Me.CurrentMana})/(${Me.ManaRegen}|1)/10]}]}m${Int[${Math.Calc[(${Me.MaxMana}-${Me.CurrentMana})/(${Me.ManaRegen}|1)%10*6]}]}s

3,5,35 is the position of the text and 44,110,200 is the color of the text. Feel free to pm me if you don't understand any of that. I don't check the boards daily but I will usually get back with you in a few days.

Anyone happen to have a warrior or ranger or druid section for this HUD?
Pally HUD

Been looking for a Pally Hud if anybody happends to have one let me know :D
Here for 8.
You need to modify the coordinates.

Spawnlist=3,25,580,0,240,240,~~Spawn List~~
Spawn1=3,5,590,255,255,0,#1 ${If[${NearestSpawn[1,npc #].Name.NotEqual["NULL"]},${NearestSpawn[1,npc #].Level},]} - ${If[${NearestSpawn[1,npc #].Name.NotEqual["NULL"]},${NearestSpawn[1,npc #].Name},]} 
Spawn2=3,5,600,255,255,0,#2 ${If[${NearestSpawn[2,npc #].Name.NotEqual["NULL"]},${NearestSpawn[2,npc #].Level},]} - ${If[${NearestSpawn[2,npc #].Name.NotEqual["NULL"]},${NearestSpawn[2,npc #].Name},]} 
Spawn3=3,5,610,255,255,0,#3 ${If[${NearestSpawn[3,npc #].Name.NotEqual["NULL"]},${NearestSpawn[3,npc #].Level},]} - ${If[${NearestSpawn[3,npc #].Name.NotEqual["NULL"]},${NearestSpawn[3,npc #].Name},]} 
Spawn4=3,5,620,255,255,0,#4 ${If[${NearestSpawn[4,npc #].Name.NotEqual["NULL"]},${NearestSpawn[4,npc #].Level},]} - ${If[${NearestSpawn[4,npc #].Name.NotEqual["NULL"]},${NearestSpawn[4,npc #].Name},]} 
Spawn5=3,5,630,255,255,0,#4 ${If[${NearestSpawn[5,npc #].Name.NotEqual["NULL"]},${NearestSpawn[4,npc #].Level},]} - ${If[${NearestSpawn[4,npc #].Name.NotEqual["NULL"]},${NearestSpawn[4,npc #].Name},]}
Spawn6=3,5,640,255,255,0,#4 ${If[${NearestSpawn[6,npc #].Name.NotEqual["NULL"]},${NearestSpawn[4,npc #].Level},]} - ${If[${NearestSpawn[4,npc #].Name.NotEqual["NULL"]},${NearestSpawn[4,npc #].Name},]}
Spawn7=3,5,650,255,255,0,#4 ${If[${NearestSpawn[7,npc #].Name.NotEqual["NULL"]},${NearestSpawn[4,npc #].Level},]} - ${If[${NearestSpawn[4,npc #].Name.NotEqual["NULL"]},${NearestSpawn[4,npc #].Name},]}
Spawn8=3,5,660,255,255,0,#4 ${If[${NearestSpawn[8,npc #].Name.NotEqual["NULL"]},${NearestSpawn[4,npc #].Level},]} - ${If[${NearestSpawn[4,npc #].Name.NotEqual["NULL"]},${NearestSpawn[4,npc #].Name},]}