how do you track someone down?


Cheater Forever
May 8, 2007
Reaction score
ok here is the story than a question. Last week I baught a wow account from someone off craigs list (yea I know STUPID ME) well tried to log into it and the password has been changed. Called blizzard and the secrete answer is wrong (big suprise right).

Now here is my question the account is still using my email (varified by having the account name sent to the resitered email) the guy that I baught the account from has sent me emails (good). I have the headers of the emails and in it somewere is his ip.

How would I get an address off the IP from the email? Blizzard said that is the last piece of info if I forgot the secret answer.

Thanks for any help, and i know JJ I am an idiot for buying off creigs list. the one that I bought from Davidd on this site went great and will stick to the sellers here from now on LOL
Post the information you know on the account here, we can call in claiming its ours and it was hacked, if enough people do that I bet he would get banned. :D
The e-mail address and the name on the PayPal account are likely better leads for what you're after than an IP address. How did you make payment for the account? Assuming - Have you requested contact info from PayPal yet?
it doesnt really matter if its from craigslist or not.. you just gotta be smart about it .. talking on the phone .. getting an address where they live ext.. you shuda checked the secret answer before anything.. scammers just scream out for people like you and then they walk away with your account and the money.. if you think its to good to be true it ususally is :)
yep sent by payapal and no havent requseted contact info from them yet. I have his cell number and name( not the same noame as on the account would you have it) now even his wifes business name and I know his daughters name and that se is bi :eek: (saw her myspace page) i will request contact info from paypal. I also have narrowed his home to two towns in the san diego area. Just havent been able to zero in on a home address yet?? Paypal was sent to his wifes business.

On a lighter note he sent me an email today saying he is still looing for the info. Ill give him anouter couple days and if no luck with the home address or info than reverse payment. How long do I have before payapal wont reverse anymore anyone know ?
Paypal disputes are silly. They never reverse anything that has to do with VIRTUAL property, regardless of any excuse or even if the person never gave you the info at all. I had a dispute with a merchant (an item they said was delivered never was), and disputed it with Paypal. Paypal basically said tough shit, and cited that since it was VIRTUAL goods I didn't have a leg to stand on. In the end I just ended up going to my bank and claiming it was fraud, and they simply reversed the charge (was on my ATM Debit card).

Don't count on Paypal for any help is all I am saying. You really need to know the person (i.e. someone here we kinda know a bit about), or need to get their information 100%.
If you have his daughters information, you could social engineer his address out of her high school faster than you'll get it from PayPal.
she is in college but not a bad idea I have the high school that she atended as well as the colledge that she now attends.

thanks for the info
Biggest problem with this is you bought a WoW account. This still boggles me as why people buy them when they are so easy to level up.
For future reference, when you use Paypal, it's a good idead to get the home address of the one you're sending cash to, and then mail them an empty envelope. Make sure to get a tracking number, and then you can dispute it in Paypal, since you'll have proff that something was sent. Can keep someone from taking back the money if you sell them something.
Biggest problem with this is you bought a WoW account. This still boggles me as why people buy them when they are so easy to level up.

Because we are too lazy to level them up lOl :eek: Ive been waiting for JJ's stamp of aproval LOL
You should also send the payment from a location away from your home IP, so that you can say it was illegally sent from your account.. if you have no other choices.

Not sure if it works but worth a shot.