How do i turn on Error Logging?


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Apr 20, 2006
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How do I turn on error logging so when i have an error wich stops a macro it is saved to a log file.. For a whil i know the MQ2 Logs folder was holding this information but i remember reading that for one reason or another the debugging feature was now set to off by default on compiles now. Im talking about errors wich do not crash you out of game.. just the error spam that happens when a macro isnt quite right. thanks in advance
I could be wrong but......
if you do /log this will save information that goes to your eq window in the log area in your EQ folder.

If you load mq2log Logs messages displayed in the MQ2ChatWnd to YourMQ2Dir/Logs/MQ2ChatWnd.log
i guess this would do the trick but i have alot of stuff going thru mq2chat so logs would be large fast. really just want to log the error that is displayed. made several search attempts but other then knowing it was on with previous compiles int he past but set to off for default compiles now. Im stumped
i guess this would do the trick but i have alot of stuff going thru mq2chat so logs would be large fast. really just want to log the error that is displayed. made several search attempts but other then knowing it was on with previous compiles int he past but set to off for default compiles now. Im stumped
No it wasn't. It has not been on by default. Either you are talking about turning on debug via DebugSpewToFile=1 in the macroquest.ini file, or loading mq2log plugin. Either way, we don't turn those on. Can if ya want to though. ;)

hrm not sure if we are talking about hte same thing but I will try the macroquest ini entry as you mentioned. The logging i am talking about was def working with default compile maybe a year ago want anytime recent and then a later compile in the notes noted that the logging was turned off now. /shrug but hopefully this is what im looking for. thank you
Yeah, it sure would help to know what 'logging' you are actually talking about. :)

No it wasn't. It has not been on by default. Either you are talking about turning on debug via DebugSpewToFile=1 in the macroquest.ini file, or loading mq2log plugin. Either way, we don't turn those on. Can if ya want to though. ;)


well apparently its called Macro error logging

12-13-2008 by htw, wickedmofo
* Merged changes from MQ2-20081211a:
o fixed a bug in the pet window with BuffFadeETA (dkaa)
o turned of macro error logging by default because it causes crashes if the log file is unwriteable (dkaa)
* Allow MQ2PiggyZone custom INI
* Updated MQ2Krust
hate to keep pestering you with this topic but is it the "DebugSpewToFile=0" entry in the macroquest.ini that when set to =1 would enable macro logging or is there another Entry I need to change in order to achieve Macro logging again?