Drood2 macro


Aug 19, 2009
Reaction score
Hi all

Just wondering if this has been nerfed ? I tried to use it but it seems there are mobs at some of the warp points that hit very hard and sometimes can even kill my buffed lvl 65 toon before the next warp.

THanks for any help that you can give me....

Can you link/show what macro you are talking about?

If i had to guess it is ran in or around the zone "The Hole". If that is the case then Sony has placed cliknar scouts all around these zones. I do believe that they are going to go away with the launch of Underfoot.
Here is the code for it.
it is also known as TripleWarp.
exp macro...Hope that helps clarify...
Mobs are not the aliens they are skellies and something else iirc.


| Thanx 2 Decker for the base code for this!!
| This Macro is custom for Druid or Wizzy
| Bind yourself in front of NPC Brynden Snow (task giver)
| Ensure that you have Gate mem in gem 1 and port to TBS in gem 2 and FoE or lev in gem 3
|  *** The PC Check is Memed out by default so if you want to be safer unmem it!
|  Use, /alert add 2 <YOUR_NAME> on PC Check


#Event Reward "#*#You have successfully been granted your reward for: Mapping Suncrest Ridge#*#"
#Event Reward "#*#You have successfully been granted your reward for: Scouting Monkey Rock#*#"

Sub Main
/declare laps int outer 0
/declare aas float outer 0
/declare aas_hr float outer 0

/declare start_aaexp float outer ${Me.PctAAExp}
/declare start_aas int outer ${Me.AAPointsTotal}

/declare got_reward bool outer false

/moveto 20

/call GMCheck
/call GetTask
/call GetTask2
/call GotoTheBuriedSea
/call GMCheck
| ----------------------  /call PCcheck
/call MapIsland
/call GotoBarrenCoast
/call GMCheck
/call FinishTask
/goto :Loop

Sub GMCheck
/if (${Spawn[gm].ID}) {
/echo GM has entered the zone!
/echo time to end the macro!
/keypress forward
/keypress back

Sub GetTask
/look 0
/delay 3s
/call GotoBryndenSnow
/delay 10s
/say obtaining
/delay 5
/reward 1
/delay 2
/if (!${Window[TaskSelectWnd].Open}) /goto :Loop_1
/notify TaskSelectWnd TaskList leftmouseup
/notify TaskSelectWnd TaskList listselect ${Window[TaskSelectWnd].Child[TaskList].List[=Mapping Suncrest Ridge]}
/notify TaskSelectWnd AcceptButton leftmouseup
/delay 3
/if (!${Window[TaskWnd].Open}) /goto :Loop_2
/squelch /windowstate TaskWnd close
/delay 10s

|----------Monkey Island Task----------------------

Sub GetTask2
/look 0
/delay 2s
/call GotoHarold
/delay 2s
/call GotoHunter
/delay 10s
/delay 3s
/say adventurer
/delay 3s
/say buried sea
/delay 3s
/say island
/delay 3s
/say task
/delay 5s
/reward 1
/delay 2
/if (!${Window[TaskSelectWnd].Open}) /goto :Loop_1
/notify TaskSelectWnd TaskList leftmouseup
/notify TaskSelectWnd TaskList listselect ${Window[TaskSelectWnd].Child[TaskList].List[=Scouting Monkey Rock]}
/notify TaskSelectWnd AcceptButton leftmouseup
/call GotoHunter
/delay 2s
/delay 5s
/reward 1
/delay 2s

Sub PCcheck 
  /if (${Spawn[pc noalert 2].ID}) {         
  /echo Player Nearby!!!  
  /echo pausing the macro...  
  /delay 10s 
  /goto :loopstart1 

Sub GotoTheBuriedSea
/delay 2s
/look 128
/delay 3s
/cast 3
/delay 10s
/delay 3s
/cast 2
/delay 10s
/if (${Zone.Name.NotEqual[the buried sea]}) /goto :Loop_1

Sub MapIsland
/delay 4s	
/keypress 2
/delay 2s
/keypress 2
/delay 2s
|---------Monkey Island Warps-------------------
|---- Westernmost Point
/warp loc -3888 -2416 315
/delay 5s 
|---- Northernmost Point
/warp loc -3076 -4294 320
/delay 5s 
|---- Central Sunken Head
/warp loc -4258 -3449 355
/delay 5s 
|---- Ruins 1
/warp loc -3844 -2544 380
/delay 5s 
|---- Ruins 2
/warp loc -3348 -3480 410
/delay 5s 
|---- Ruins 3
/warp loc -4135 -4115 405
/delay 5s 
|---- Observatory
/warp loc -4655 -3277 524
/delay 5s 
|---- Southmost Point
/warp loc -5171 -3052 370
/delay 5s 
|---- South Sunken Head
/warp loc -5069 -3019 384
/delay 5s 
|---- Easternmost Point
/warp loc -3229 -4447 320
|-----------Suncrest Island Warps -------------
  /warp loc -3229 -4447 320
  /delay 5s 
  /warp loc -1330 -2285 313 
  /delay 5s  
  /warp loc -1348 -3671 256
  /delay 5s 
  /warp loc -848 -3202 348
  /delay 5s 
  /warp loc -761 -3040 483
  /delay 5s 

Sub GotoBarrenCoast
/delay 2s
/look 128
/delay 3s
/cast 1
/delay 10s
/if (${Zone.Name.NotEqual[barren coast]}) /goto :Loop_1

Sub FinishTask
/look 128
/call GotoBryndenSnow


/delay 20s

/reward 1

/varcalc aas (((${Me.AAPointsTotal} - ${start_aas}) * 100) + (${Me.PctAAExp} - ${start_aaexp})) / 100
/varcalc aas_hr ${aas} / (${Macro.RunTime} / 3600)
/varcalc laps ${laps} + 1

/echo Laps: ${laps} AA Exp: ${aas} AA Per Hour: ${aas_hr}


Sub GotoHarold
/target harold
/delay 10
/if (${Target.CleanName.NotEqual[harold]}) /goto :Loop_1
/squelch /moveto id
/delay 10
/if (${MoveTo.Moving}) /goto :Loop_2

|------------Brynden Snow-----------------------------

Sub GotoBryndenSnow
/target brynden snow
/delay 10
/if (${Target.CleanName.NotEqual[brynden snow]}) /goto :Loop_1
/squelch /moveto id
/delay 10
/if (${MoveTo.Moving}) /goto :Loop_2

|--------------Trophy Hunter Locke---------------------

Sub GotoHunter
/target Trophy Hunter Locke
/delay 10
/if (${Target.CleanName.NotEqual[Trophy Hunter Locke]}) /goto :Loop_1
/squelch /moveto id
/delay 10
/if (${MoveTo.Moving}) /goto :Loop_2

Sub Event_Reward
/varset got_reward true

Sub MoveTo(int yLoc, int xLoc)
	/squelch /moveto loc ${yLoc} ${xLoc}
        /delay 1
    /if (${MoveTo.Moving}) /goto :MoveToLoop
    /squelch /moveto off
Scouting and Mapping

FYI, these were nerfed quite awhile ago in that they are no longer repeatable. If someone is doing these tasks now, it's likely they are doing the entire set of hand aug tasks. Might as well do these two legit while you run around TBS for the other tasks.