computer illiterate looking for help setting up macros


New member
Apr 22, 2017
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I'm interested in taking advantage of this awesome tool available to me. But like the title says I don't know squat about computers. I can turn then on and off and that's about it. I've seen the post about macros but I don't really understand it. If someone would be willing to walk me through setting up I'd donate a krono or something.
Which of the following are you looking for exactly:
1) Specific macro advice
2) Macros in general advice
3) MQ2 in general advice
First of all, thanks for your reply. I'd say all of the above. I like to control the tank, but the bots need to be tweaked. The shaman likes to punt mobs in the direction of where my other toons are attacking from behind. I have sort of solved the issue by repositioning after the initial pull. I'm under the impression that with advanced macros that can be controlled as well as utilizing more of the bots abilities. I'd also like to have everything occasionally on autopilot while I do stuff around the house. Like have my sk (tank) pull,tank, and loot. I'm on Cazic generally after 8 pm pacific time if you are on at that time and are able to assist me.
Pulling is one of the hardest things to automate due to the complexity's of different zone geometry. I'd rule that out until you get everything else down.

MQ2Bot is also great for starters to automating characters. Check out the wiki links on front page for documentation. When you go pulling, you'll need to use a macro for the puller.

If your character is running off, check out MQ2MoveUtils /makecamp command. This will make the character run back to the point once mob is dead. MQ2Bot should do this automatically though.

If you don't find someone to come ingame and help you, your best bet is to just start messing with things and coming back with questions when you can't get it to function correctly.
I am using the basic mqbot for my other toons and really like it for the most part. I was hoping to further enhance my playing. I can just continue with the basics and be perfectly fine being idle while I afk. Truly appreciate this program. It has reinvigorated my love for EQ.