Commonlands Orcs dropping Exp potions.


New member
Oct 4, 2007
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According to this post on the eqlive forums the orcs have been buffed up quite a bit and are dropping exp potions like crazy. It seems there is some kind of GM event going on. So just a heads up don't go to the commonlands to exp off the orcs.
some key posts:


EQ Designer

Joined: Aug 5, 2005
Messages: 2924

Not an oops.

It is not my project so I am not saying anything past that SMILEY:)


Well now you know it is not an oops so no worries about a rollback.

Fankly I have no information past that SMILEY:)



Joined: Apr 4, 2004
Messages: 277
Location: Texas

orcs in commonlands are dropping exp potions

orcs in commonlands are dropping elemental planes level loot

orcs in commonlands are hitting for 200 to 700

named orcs in commonlands are hitting for 500 to 1300

1 hour in commonlands = 7 to 8 exp potions or so

exp potions increase exp by 50%

named orcs drop 2 exp potions per kill and 1 loot.

yea GM's seem to be in zone pretty often though, so be cautious.
any idea on how long this is gonna be happening?
its the same in qeynos hills, gnolls beefed up, dropping xp potions, a named also pops, drops 2 xp potions and 1 item, saw far seen a 89 mana, 89 endurance aug.
WTF is wrong with adding 1 more point of mana / endur and just making it 90?
Just a little more info if anyone is interested...I spent last night in Quenos Hills killing gnolls....I play a lvl 80 necro...12K hps/12K mana.

Killing the green gnolls was np...I would snare and dot until they started summoning and then FD and let pet tank. They hit for 600s to max 1000. The greens typically droppped nothing or low end trade skill stuff. Ya have to kill the greenies to get the LBs to pop. Pulling was all a matter of patience as they constantly path around.

Killing the light blues was pretty easy also...maybe had to heal pet once but basically np...The LBs typically dropped the exp potions and slightly better trade skill stuff. Based on my experience the green gnolls did not drop the exp potions at all. In two hours I got 5 exp potions all from LBs...nothing else of any significance.

The named gnoll owned me pretty quickly. Cannot be snared (or at least in the 5 times I tried he resisted...not immune tho). He hit fast for 1K+. It will take some real planning and stratedgy for me to solo him but I believe doable. He just hit me too hard and fast for me to tap tank...

No one else was in zone the whole time I was there (Saryrn) and no GMs that made themselves known came by. I was totally legit/no active hacks going...just wanted to see what it was like. Dunno if Commonlands is any different. I was getting exp but not a lot (even from the greens).
Having gotten 45 potions in Commonlands, I can explain a little about there. All Orcs except the pawns are included in the event, with Defilers being the lowest, then Hunters, Killers and finally the named. Potions do drop off all of them but the drop rate is higher on Killers and of course the named always drops 2. As for exp, don't plan on gaining any because all of them are grey cons to level 80 except Killers which are green and the named, who is LB.

Expect to be hit in the 300 to 750 range by Defilers, 300 to 850 by Hunters, 500 to 1200 by Killers and up to 1800 by the named. None can be charmed as I tried over and over, all but named can be snared by a ranger for sure. They seem to have an expanded aggro range including the named who I've seen charging at me from a long way off. The named enrages and casts AE's of some type...I never took the time to see what it was. At 20%, the Killers seem to hit harder but its not enraging. I never died to any but I've seen many players who did as they weren't prepared for the hard-hitting.

They ALL summon...even with MQ2NoSummon, I get summoned quite often. I turn on NoStun2 (they're Orcs and always stun), NoMeleePush (my war was getting pushed like crazy until I did) and the NoSummon for what help it does offer.
if it was mentioned , sorry--but orc killers can NOT be mez'd...

There was some sort of gm-bot event tracker in the zone, I thought it best not to warp about etc...killed the 3 camps for about an hour, got 2 random drops , one named with 2 potion drops and a cloak.