
I'm still getting the "Bazaar Search reset complete" message every time i run the macro myself
I haven't tried or downloaded the new ones posted by htw, I use a much older version I updated piece by piece when updated functions and code were posted. Works fine after I added a check for bazzar.done and a seperate check for making sure bazzar find button was toggled to enabled. These two checks ensure that it won't go on to the next slot or the re-pricing functions if the bazaar window has not finished displaying the information for the current slot's find in bazaar. And not attempt another find until bazaar is done checking current slot && find button is enabled (ready to be clicked/not greyed out due to the timer soe placed on find button's usage.

I would rather not post my older version and confuse people with my heavily customzed version. I added lots of new functions and sub routines to mine for specific procedures I wanted to perform conditionaly.

I am not home until monday. (Using blackberry to access forum) but I will post the specific code changes I made to add the bazaar.done and find button enabled checks. I DID have the same issues until I added the 2 checks and fixed it. Will post it monday. Pm me if you want my customized version, but be warned.... I will not troubleshoot and support any changes you make yourself to it.
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All who PM'ed me over the weekend and up to today at 4pm est.. have received a PM in reply with my customized and working version.

Remmember.... I will NOT support this macro.... especially if you made ANY changes to it since i gave it to you. I have a hard enough time updating my own macros when changes need to be made / i want to customize them... I don't have the time to troubleshoot changes you make to my working version.. lol

Have fun kiddies who asked for + got my version.

If i want to limit the minimum price, say 1000p, how would I go about doing that. There are some items I would rather turn in for tribute. There are collections items I would just hang on to before I sell for 1p. Seems a lot of them are getting dropped to 1pp.
This will generate an INI to use with bazaar.mac to set the min/max on all items in inventory. Read description in macro.

adjust min/max in the macro to your own settings.

|Updated Feb 27, 2014 by wwarwolf911 with help from htw & zdozbou
|Original Author unknown
|Used to create a Bazaar.ini with an entry for each item shown in your trader window.
|Just open your Trader Window and run the macro.

Sub Main

/declare slot     int    outer -1
/declare itemname string outer


/varcalc slot ${slot}+1
/if (${slot}>99) /return
/notify BazaarWnd BZR_BazaarSlot${slot} leftmouseup
/varset itemname ${Window[BazaarWnd].Child[BZR_BazaarSlot${slot}].Tooltip}
/delay 1s
/if (${MMOIni["bazaar.ini",""${itemname}"", SellPriceMin]}) {
/echo Entry already exists for ${itemname}.
/goto :nextslot
/echo No entry found for ${itemname} so creating one.
/ini "bazaar.ini" "${itemname}" "SellMin" "500"
/ini "bazaar.ini" "${itemname}" "SellMax" "1000000"
/goto :nextslot

Tried this tonight and got the same thing for each item "Searching bazaar for - XXXX" followed by "... Already priced skipping."

I've narrowed down the problem but I don't know what the solution is. The plugin attempts to search for the item using the Bazaar Search Window. It types really fast into the "Item Name" but then the input into that box dissapears with no search results. So it doesn't have any information to price with. If I intercept it and type in the name so that the search window populated, then it will pick up on the prices and adjust.

Thanks for any suggestions on fixing this, it's much appreciated!
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I'm still getting the "Bazaar Search reset complete" message every time i run the macro myself

I get the same message too.

Not sure what's going on.

You have an outdated version of the macro.. that has a line in it to reset the bazaar search.... remove it.

Default command name to look for is "/bzreset" ... but if you have an alias setup for it.. it could be anything... check your MacroQuest.ini under [Alias] section.
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Still can't get this working with the MMO compile.

Here are the files that work for me.

Fresh compile from macroquest2 site and bz.dll put into mmobugs compile.

Attached are 3 files.

MQ2Bzsrch.dll to put in your root of your Macroquest folder.
Bazaar.mac and in your macro folder.

/mac bazaar trader
Reminder if you get a unable to parse /bzreset. Go in your macroquest.ini file and remove the alias for it.

If you use my plugin.
Been awhile but did this macro ever grab a price of the item or just change the price of a item after you set it?
It used to price items if you didn't have them already priced by setting them lower than what was already for sale in the bazaar or by setting them to your highest default price if none available in bazaar...

unfortunately this mac has not worked properly for a while
It used to price items if you didn't have them already priced by setting them lower than what was already for sale in the bazaar or by setting them to your highest default price if none available in bazaar...

unfortunately this mac has not worked properly for a while

It should be functioning fine now. We made some changes a few months ago to MQ2Bzsrch so this macro would work.

MQ2Bzsrch is the default MQ2 plugin that should work fine with this macro for updating prices. MQ2MMOBzsrch is our customized version which this macro wouldn't function correctly with.
when i run the one on the front page it just spams its searching for the first item in the trader window and won't actually do anything is there a different mac that should work ?