$200 Reward

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Oct 26, 2006
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I would like to warn you all there is some jackass out there. That takes enjoyment out of stealing accounts and then getting them banned.
Last week I was scammed out of 2 of my best characters for sale. I was contacted by a person on bugs looking to buy one of my SK's. We spoke on the phone for over an hr. Then he asked if I would make a temp PW so he could take a look. I said sure...Big Mistake.. While he logged on my character he also logged into my station and stole all my personal information regarding the account. We agreed upon a price for 2 characters. I promptly changed my Temp PW after he logged out 10-15 min later. Armed with all my personal information he called SOE. He convinced them to change my email,name,PW, and secret question on both accounts.
Then to put sugar on top of that he decided to get both toons banned.

So BEWARE that asshole is out there looking at your posts waiting for somone to be as stupid and trusting as I was. I have learned my lesson and hope I might save an account or two of yours. Make sure to read all the posts about selling toons to protect your self. I was to lazy to and now I'm paying the price.

Lastly I would like to thank the staff at bugs for looking into this and removing them from the site. However whats to stop them from trying to make another account here so be careful.

If you have some leet skills on finding people I will pay a reward of 200 bucks.

Email: Kuiven2@hotmail.com
AIM: kuiven2
Cell Phone number: 321-412-6593
He said his name was Jeff but I don't know.

Hell if you got nothing else to do send him some hate mail or a virus. This could have been you or your accounts...We got to stick together to not tolerate this type of crap
Same guy tried to get me

Same guy tried to get me last week but there was no way I was going to let him log in the account with no money up front. I told him he could make a toon on my server and I would log my toon in and he could check it out. Sorry this happened to you. :(
He tryed to scam me in decemeber for my monk for $750, he wasnt able to. sorry for your losses =/
I've seen his username before..other..places.
I'll put the notice out.
Hes a wizard on Maelin and his name starts with a T. Hes in a guild that raids TBS,TSS and isnt far from SOF Progression. So Figure it out. Here ill help you out http://www.appotusdominus.com/

This is all learned by looking to see what sites his email is registered with.
When we ban someone, they won't be able to make another account unless we want them too. PM me and we can talk
Are you sure you cant unban the Account? I buy a account around a year ago, and xfer the toon, original onwer call the account back, and made a pettiion about recall the toon, to his account(i recive the petition in my email) I recall that account and call sony saying the petition, was a fake and that I want the account banned, they banned the account, but even so, he get it unbaned, he never get the toon, but account wasent ban for life. I am not sure on this, but, unless he did some real shit to get banned, I dont see why you cant unban.

*Ps. Just trying to help , w/ my pass experience, sorry for the bad english.
This Kuiven2 guy has auctions on PA, i almost bought one of his characters. Glad I didn't!

His AIM name is: kuiven2

I added him a long time ago when I was considering one of his accounts, he seems to be online a lot, so maybe you can get a hold of him.
That's a Brevard County area code in Florida, about two hours away from me.
lol i wish someone who would steal account from me lived that close, they would regret it forever :rolleyes:

Of course thats why the only account ive ever bought was from someone who lived down the street from me. He cant hide if he trys to do the shit to me.
He told me he was in texas and in the military probably a lie. This guy is all over PA, mq2source (not that the site admins care).
sorry to hear about your toons man, that was some prime stuff there. Had a lil' GTT (Grand Theft Toon) myself a week or 2 ago. So now I'm a board lurker (toonless) Some people have no morals or conscience, he will get his 1 day...

"Karma...is a Bitch"
Just a Update and Thank You

This was a nice snipet from a chat I just had with mr Kuiven2, interesting how he doesn't seem to have much remorse.

kuiven2 (7:50:03 PM): .... didnt call
MRPRANKSTERMQ2 (7:50:11 PM): SOE said you did
kuiven2 (7:50:42 PM): what did they say?
MRPRANKSTERMQ2 (7:51:14 PM): you had called in
kuiven2 (7:51:19 PM): hmm
kuiven2 (7:51:23 PM): so i call
kuiven2 (7:51:27 PM): i get it banned
kuiven2 (7:51:30 PM): and i am done
kuiven2 (7:51:39 PM): didnt have any intensions on stealing the account
MRPRANKSTERMQ2 (7:51:49 PM): I am aware of that
MRPRANKSTERMQ2 (7:52:07 PM): I am 100% aware of that and thats why I pissed
kuiven2 (7:52:14 PM): i am sure your pissed

Later on he mentioned that all the info on the post is wrong except the phone, and it seems we are getting to him >:)
uiven2 (8:41:21 PM): you know what
kuiven2 (8:42:06 PM): how can we make this better
kuiven2 (8:42:10 PM): make you forget i was here
kuiven2 (8:42:11 PM): >?
kuiven2 (8:42:17 PM): make u stop giving phone numbers

well anyways, even if I never get restitution at least maybe karma will even this out a little.

More gems

kuiven2 (8:47:05 PM): well i cant send you the money we agrees
MRPRANKSTERMQ2 (8:47:14 PM): so you lied that you had it?
kuiven2 (8:47:14 PM): but any way to clear uop any this if give u 2 acc
kuiven2 (8:47:23 PM): i have 2500
MRPRANKSTERMQ2 (8:47:29 PM): then send it over
kuiven2 (8:47:35 PM): but not to spendo n nothin

kuiven2 (8:57:14 PM): just got another call
MRPRANKSTERMQ2 (8:57:56 PM): karma? justice? /shrug atm I really don't see why its a bad thing that you are getting dogged for being a bad person
kuiven2 (8:58:21 PM): oh really phone calls tellin me what i dont wrong dont bother me
kuiven2 (8:58:29 PM): it tells me somemthing
kuiven2 (8:58:38 PM): which just talkin to you i already started to relize anyway
MRPRANKSTERMQ2 (8:58:44 PM): whats that?
kuiven2 (8:58:54 PM): how fucked up it all really is
kuiven2 (8:59:01 PM): but hell

More on his Phone

MRPRANKSTERMQ2 (9:01:45 PM): thought it wasn't your info?
kuiven2 (9:01:55 PM): i am gettin phone calls arnt i?
kuiven2 (9:02:00 PM): i told you
MRPRANKSTERMQ2 (9:02:03 PM): so you lied to me again
MRPRANKSTERMQ2 (9:02:06 PM): good to know
kuiven2 (9:02:07 PM): the only thing that was ?
kuiven2 (9:02:18 PM): scroll up
kuiven2 (9:02:21 PM): you will see i did not
kuiven2 (9:02:37 PM): i do not live in brevard
kuiven2 (9:02:41 PM): thats area code of phone
kuiven2 (9:02:49 PM): you have my email
kuiven2 (9:02:53 PM): you have all my acc banned
kuiven2 (9:02:56 PM): and my phone
kuiven2 (9:03:42 PM): you know my numbers right
kuiven2 (9:03:51 PM): i know my numbers right
kuiven2 (9:03:55 PM): i will get a call everyday
kuiven2 (9:03:57 PM): most likley

This is an interesting comment, considering he wants to give us a ranger and another account as makeup(as posted above)
kuiven2 (9:13:03 PM): ok
kuiven2 (9:13:10 PM): everythink of
kuiven2 (9:13:17 PM): maybe i dont have my own aim
MRPRANKSTERMQ2 (9:13:29 PM): ? you have an eq account, and no im account?
kuiven2 (9:13:41 PM): i lost my eq acc ages ago

More on his non existant accounts
MRPRANKSTERMQ2 (9:19:39 PM): how long you play yer frog wizzie?
kuiven2 (9:19:44 PM): frog wizzie
kuiven2 (9:19:46 PM): lol
kuiven2 (9:19:55 PM): that toons isnt really mine
MRPRANKSTERMQ2 (9:19:56 PM): you told me on the phone you had a wizard
kuiven2 (9:19:56 PM): =/
kuiven2 (9:20:00 PM): thats a friend
MRPRANKSTERMQ2 (9:20:02 PM): and that you wanted a frog since you had one already
kuiven2 (9:20:04 PM): i play a necro
kuiven2 (9:20:07 PM): on Bristlebane
MRPRANKSTERMQ2 (9:20:09 PM): so you lied again
MRPRANKSTERMQ2 (9:20:10 PM): wow
kuiven2 (9:20:15 PM): played
kuiven2 (9:20:18 PM): untile i was nailed
MRPRANKSTERMQ2 (9:20:19 PM): at some point you need to spot lieing
kuiven2 (9:20:26 PM): i didnt lie again
kuiven2 (9:20:33 PM): tell me how i lied?
MRPRANKSTERMQ2 (9:20:39 PM): thats true I think, or at least I hope I can think it
MRPRANKSTERMQ2 (9:21:09 PM): you said on the phone that you played a wiz, but wanted to move to a knight since 2 of them left your guild, on Maelin
MRPRANKSTERMQ2 (9:21:23 PM): now you say you have a necro on Bristle
MRPRANKSTERMQ2 (9:21:30 PM): one of those statements is untrue
MRPRANKSTERMQ2 (9:21:34 PM): hence you are a liar
kuiven2 (9:21:35 PM): then i didnt lie again
kuiven2 (9:21:39 PM): i lied a few days ago
MRPRANKSTERMQ2 (9:21:42 PM): sorry bad grammer
kuiven2 (9:21:54 PM): you never asked for the truth

and I guess you really need to specify that you want the truth with people, go figure! That explains so much!

More on his wonderful accounts
MRPRANKSTERMQ2 (9:23:38 PM): at this point I take everthing you say and assume its a lie until I can get some sort of verification
kuiven2 (9:23:51 PM): how would you like me to verify it ?
kuiven2 (9:24:09 PM): i cant log into a eq acc
kuiven2 (9:24:11 PM): cause im banned
kuiven2 (9:24:23 PM): so how you want me to verify that?

There is more about how he is just misunderstood and no one loves him and he needs to just be understood, but I don't wanna embaress him or anything.

As you can prolly tell, I am still a little steamed on this issue, and since there is no way to get justice, at least I can get some humor out of it.

Thanks so much for the phone calls and emails to him, obviously they are not bothering him at all :)
Wish I could do all that with the guy that screwed me out of $125 a couple days ago =(

-- Nidic --
Maybe it's just me and my lack of sleep, but that was the most confusing conversation i've ever read. I don't know how you followed what he was saying half the time. That guy is a complete headcase.

"kuiven2 (9:21:54 PM): you never asked for the truth"

Just amazes me...

So the accounts he is selling on other websites are all banned too? And he's selling banned accounts?
He may be selling stolen accounts since he said his acconts were banned but then offered me 2 accounts to leave him alone.
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