Recent content by Darkheart

  1. D

    MQ2Melee: VOA AAs/Discs/Items/Potions

    I think this is what your looking for. tauntif=${If[!${Melee.GotAggro},1,0]} I used them all on my Knight steelyif=${If[${Melee.GotAggro},1,0]} withstandif=${If[${Melee.GotAggro},1,0]}
  2. D

    SARS MQ2 UI for EverQuest

    Would it be possible to update this UI please, <3
  3. D

    What Macro Does Your Rogue Use?

    Same, Modbot. With mq2melee well set up with multiple holy/downflags
  4. D

    Help setting up EQBC?

    great site but wouldn't help much for this instance other then to show you how to work your routers forwarding options. Actually with the loader (rclick loader Options>EQBC>>PORT) Default port being 2112 which eqbc works through. You would then need that port forwarded for others to connect or...
  5. D

    Game on!

    Same, although i still couldn't change the email and i assume they were sent the new pw in the email since i still don't have the SQ.But now that means one person has this info not an unknown amount of past friends of the original owner :) Hopefully after all these years its an inactive...
  6. D

    MQ2Melee: Provoke0 not saving

    Turning off aggromode turns on the auto feign settings while also turning off the provoke settings. /melee aggro=0 . If your an Feign class and tanking or offtanking at times id also change that auto fd to 0 so u dont fd and kill the healer if they let u get low health. Can google most of...
  7. D

    Post your Holyshits and Downshits!

    while you dont need the ${Melee.Combat} really since if its a holyshit it will only fire when attack is on i beleive it should be /if (${Melee.Combat} && ${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]} && ${Target.CurrentHPs}<98) /mercassist
  8. D

    MQ2Twist: Enhancement request

    not to get off topic but you do realize a Plugin is basically a macro thats been compiled into a plugin so u can use multiples at once. A lot of our "plugins" were once a macro that was ran by itself but by making it a plugin in it enabled the user to reap the benefits like they were running...
  9. D

    wierd client lag

    very odd you shouldn't have any issues running 5-6 acounts on that rig i have something similar for a secondary computer and run 5-6 on it np with out lag. hate to say it but JJ is correct. It may take alot longer to diagnose the issue then to just reinstall so u may want to start over with a...
  10. D

    Modbot Users thread

    I had lots of these issues in the begining, using out dated sample ini's that i changed to what i thought would suit me or not having mq2melee properly set up. Or just not having the most up tp date Modbot macro+Includes. I can assure you its not the actuall macro itself but either settings or...
  11. D

    Modbot Users thread

    @ camvyss i dont see an entry similar to the one i posted to your original question. you must have 2 rez entries as well as the script inside your ini. the one you have for the spell/ability already. This one ABGem5=alt ABSpell5=Blessing of Resurrection ABSpellFoci5= ABDurMod5=0...
  12. D

    Modbot Users thread

    have mq2netbots loaded and have grab and send on. This is actually what sends the info thru EQBC. Modbot does this itself at the start of the macro turns them on i mean. You must /plugin mq2netbots regadless first (sets grab and send to on) i have a buddy who plays with me he uses mq but...
  13. D

    Modbot Users thread

    AHHealOOBC=True Will heal ppl who arent connected to your eqbc server. ie not running mq or just not openly running it and NOT on your server with you. In order to heal some one out of group ahclass for single target heal may not include "group" obviously or it will never heal out of...
  14. D

    MMOBugs + EQ Patcher issues

    depending on the OS your using ive had issues like this, (win7/vista) and was able to stop it by changing all of these exe's to run in Windows xp service pack 3 compatability mode as Admin . The loader ,eq and 3rd party log parsing programs. RClick The exe file > Properties > compatability>...
  15. D

    Modbot Users thread

    May not be this but usually this is due to the radius being set too low in my experiences. Try making it larger since casters are usually a tad further away from the mob then the tank or melee dps. Could also be in these settings causing it. # ACAssistPct=# * Assist when target HP is this...