Who's gonna try out DCOU?

Wow Morx, that sounds pretty cool. I haven't had much time to play the last week or so but my Staff/Gadgets was a lot of fun up to 17. He burns through power, but with the easy combos the Staff gives me I get it back pretty fast.
Still haven't found my niche yet, but i have only done solo play, so I've never had a chance to try out my actual roles in a group scenario. Anyone have a recommendation of one that's easy to learn on regardless of who I get stuck in a group with?
Last night, running hard mode Smallville, was some of the best fun I've had in an MMO in a very very long time.

The first part of the instance, requries you to beat down Doomsday clones before they reach this shield thingy. They are coming from all angles, and it's just plain crazy intense. Was awesome beating em all down, because if one of them gets to the center, you have to start that part over again.

After that, you've gotta trap these guys and bring 'em to a base camp to "trap" them. It's similar to those missions where you have to Hold E to pick something up, and bring it back to the glowing white rings.

The cool part? That you move super slow while carrying it, mass ugly dudes are coming at you, and the dude you are carrying to be trapped, busts out of his holding bubble you are carrying after a short time forcing you to beat him down to low life, so you can trap him again and keep moving. It's the most intense escort quest I ever did! WoW's got nothing on that! haha

Anyway.. loving this so far. It's so nice.
Just did Smallville.

That mission is some seriously crazy shit. That was fucking awesome.
100% agreed.

Did hard mode Ace Chemicals and Area 51. Area 51 seemed like a cake walk. There's nothing hard about that mission. Even the end boss isn't that hard.

Ace Chemicals? Now that was mis leading. It started out Easy, through out much of the entire instance, it was super easy. Then the last boss hits, and shit hits the fan.

Last boss of Ace Chemicals is a FUN FUN fight. So much stuff going on everywhere.

On a side note. I picked up some sweet Controller dual pistols last night, and so I popped points into that. Haven't had a chance to try them out yet, but I hope too soon. Bow is bad at building combos, and haven't gotten a great Rifle yet.

The last boss of Ace Chemicals showed me the importance of building up big combos for yourself, to keep your power up and going. My entire team was low on power, and I couldn't really do much to help it. I was out of power myself most of the time. I was a fail controller! hehe
The controller I hang with did Ace on pistols last night and spent the whole time complaining about his dps and how he couldn't build any power. He's switching back to handblaster, and I'm considering that when I switch to DPS from tanking, that I'll have some hands around for myself. I've already got a decent set of pistols, so I'll try that out for a while as well. Having played 3 fighting styles so far, I've found that despite my initial hesitation with each, they've turned out well. The one issue I have with martial arts is that it doesn't give me a ton of energy, which is frustrating. I might switch back to staff for a while and see what happens.
Was able to try out dual pistols last night a in couple duo's, and I didn't really like them. Maybe I'm just bad, or just lazy, but to get high DPS you have to chain combos, and end them with your Magnum ability.

Luckily right about the same time, I got a blue Rifle outta a duo, and so I switched back over to that. Rifle is amazing at building combos and damage. Best of both of worlds. Could easily hit 50+ combo hits, but most of the time my power was back around the 25th-30th or so, and so I stopped there to pop off some power gaining abilities.

Did Stryker's hard mode alert last night. That was pretty fun, although I gotta say Grod is a wimp. haha.
I did it for the first time last night, too. We had much more trouble (and I use the word "trouble" lightly, as my league has a bunch of people with 5-6+ pieces of T1 gear) with the four rogues. That guy who freezes people for 30s is pretty frustrating.

From your recommendation, it seems like I've got a list of weapons to try out when I try moving to DPS...dual pistols seems out, but I need to try handblaster and rifle. Since I'm pretty sure that I've got a blue rifle already, that'll likely be the first I try.
Dual pistols I see being fun. You could chain combos together pretty well. The jump forward attack, and then the roll backwards attack. Problem I had was that, unlike Bow with Arrow Storm, or Rifle with Mortar, you couldn't stand back and just rain down damage. It would take much more effort, and coordination with combos to equal the same DPS that bow/rifle does so easily.

Rifle eeks out Bow because Mortar builds combo points, unlike Arrorw Storm, which is a similar long range, Area effect ability.

Once you go Rifle, I'm not sure if you'll even want to try Handblasters. haha! I'd roll attack forward until I was right on top of the mob, then I'd hold right mouse and tap backwards, and I'd do flips backwards, each one doing about 4-5 hits. Once I'm far enough away, that same move: hold right mouse+tap backwards, now does mortar. By then I'd be in the 20+ combo range, and my power would be really good. I'd pop a few abilities, and start the process again. Roll forward a few times, flip back a few times, and spam mortar. :) Was a good setup.

Btw. Tip for Grodd: fight him up stairs, and you don't have to deal with all his adds downstairs. As for the Rogues. If you get an ice debuff, try and go find the fire debuff. They cancel each other out.
Just did A51 and Smallville as a Fire/Dual pistol DPS and had a blast. Dual pistols proved to be able to handle my energy needs quite ably, and I was able to unleash a ton of DPS. Had a blast doing 2x the DPS of anyone else in the group.
Be curious to see what your DPS would be with a Rifle?

I heard that Dual pistols melee combos/moves are really strong but its ranged moves are fairly week. I didn't give it much chance before I switched out and went back to Rifle.

Got my first piece of T1 today. Dang wonder woman's tier gears look freakin' sweet!
I did ~180k damage on my Smallville run yesterday. Don't remember what my other numbers were. Closest other person in group was controller, at ~100k. Keep in mind, also...I was running in DPS mode, but all of my gear is tank oriented, so I have relatively low power/might. I switched a few pieces of gear, but not much. I doubt that my dual pistol DPS was crazy (I was using ranged attacks), but that wasn't the point. I was using the pistols because you gain ~45 power per melee hit (according to someone I was debating weapons with ingame). Pistols hit faster than any other weapon in the game. In fact, one of my "combos" is just holding down the right mouse button -- as long as I hold it down, the gun will just keep shooting bullets. It's not as fast as my other combos, but it's also constant. However, I'm not looking at my melee to provide DPS -- it's there to provide energy, so that I can use my big spells. I was hitting mobs with Fireball to set them on fire (does ~150dmg for me), another single-target nuke that would do ~180dmg, and then hit them with Massive Detonation, which would hit mobs for ~500 damage when they were on fire, and hit all of the mobs around the target for ~180. This would generally take my (admittedly small) power gauge down just below the threshold for another Massive Detonation, so I'd do chain together the three pistol ranged combos (right click, right hold, right hold) and would have enough power to do another MD. By that point, I'd done ~1300 dmg without a crit (not counting pistol damage, which was hitting for ~55 per bullet), and would either throw in another hit with the 180dmg nuke or throw on another MD, depending on how much health the mob had left. During the "protect" phase of the Smallville missions, I could take the giants down after the first MD, if I got lucky with a crit (which I did, several times).

I respec'ed back to Tank tonight to do some alerts, but I'll definitely be keeping my eye out for people who need DPS. It was a lot of fun. My league generally needs more tanks than DPS, but heck...it's great to know that I can easily fill either roll in a group. I might experiment with my tanking build to see if I can tweak it to be a bit closer to my DPS build...if I can get them closer, then I might be able to feat-farm my way into having enough skill points to specialize in both pistols and martial arts. If I didn't have to respec every time, but could find some balance between the two, it would be pretty sweet.
Sounds like you had a better experience with dual pistols than I did. Then again, I didn't give it much chance to get used to it. I kind of didn't like Rifles at first, and went back to Bow because I was used to it. Now, I love Rifles, and rock and roll with it.

Full auto for building combos for power regen is pretty easy way to do it. I've got roll forward/back attacks I use that I feel do more damage, but maybe not. I know Pistol has the same type of attacks.

Problem I forsee, which is why I'd love to find a different weapon type that is awesome is on raids, everyone is Rifle. Means when a Rifle drops, theres going to be a lot of competition. There's some other weapons i wouldn't mind trying. Handblasters looks pretty good, but man, Rifle is so good. I don't know what else to go.
League finished Batcave last night for the first time. Half had a near full suit of T1, rest had between 2-4 pieces. I wasn't present for the first two bosses, so can't speak to those, but was brought in as replacement tank for the final fight. We had 2x healers (one sorc, one nature), 2x trollers, 2x dps, 2x tanks (one fire, one ice).

The final fight was like something I'd done in EQ before. There were 4 OMACs -- infected versions of Nightwing, Huntress, Robin, and Batwoman. When you kill each one, It goes down for 30s, at which point they stand and regen to like 50%. Once all 4 are down simultaneously, activate the EMP in the middle of the room to win. We attempted to balance them. It worked well enough, but it took a while to get everything working. With 2.5k HP and 1.8k defense as a fire tank, I had no trouble tanking -- the big issue was holding agro on two mobs to keep them off the dps. It was nearly impossible, even with AEs. We eventually got them all down at the same time and activated EMP. We got 4 of the tier 2 marks, which made the raid total at 10 marks. It is repeatable only once per week, however -- our leader had done the first two bosses the day before and got no loot or marks from them. I got a pretty sweet purple staff from the boss, so I switched from martial arts back to staff for tanking afterwards when I did a containment run. Not sure if I'll stay with staff for tanking PvE, but it'll definitely be my goto weapon for PvP matches.
$30 for 3 months

I just saw this and thought I would point it out to us DCUO Players.
DC Universe Online has been out for a little over three weeks now which means that many players first free month is coming to an end. Sony Online Entertainment is swooping in with an offer though to keep you playing their PS3 and PC MMO with a promotional discount to their 3-month subscription plan.

The 3-month Legend Plan is now discounted down to $29.99 from $41.99 starting on February 8 and that price will be good for subsequent renewals for as long as you stay active. The monthly subscription price for DCUO is $14.99 so subscribers would essentially be getting one month free with this Legend Plan.

Better act fast if you plan to continue your DCUO adventures though as there are some villainous fine print details. You'll need to sign-up for the 3-Month Legend Plan before your free first month runs out or before March 1, 2011. Whichever comes first.

Sony Online Entertainment just announced their first batch of monthly content updates to DC Universe Online. Is that enough to keep you in the DC Universe at these prices?
I'd be interested in giving DCUO a shot, but I'd kinda like to try it before I buy yet another MMO, anyone happen to have a spare buddy key or trial invite?
should probably also say, I'd be willing to give away one of my few remaining revolutiontt invites in trade.
i think if you just go to the dc site
you can download a trial still where it allows you to only stay inside the first newb trainer ship etc

i enjoy the tech trees makes it like a diablo feel to me and the way you run around fighting

i hate not being able to get instances solo or with a friends having to wait on a 4th person or allowing random tards to join in your instances suckss

i dont like the chat system u cant type for shit and play at same time

i hate how you cant find money at the lvl 30 range repairs on armor and soda pops take chunks so always being broke sucks unless someone else has found a way to make money plx share lol

but it is still fun and it has alot of potential to do more if they grow it right
Making money? Are you kidding? I do alerts and sell the gear that I don't use (greed on everything) and the vendor trash. I blew 20k today alone buying hairstyles, and have finally bought everything from the hairstyle vendor. I've got like 10 stacks of the best potions, and respec every few days or so when I feel bored.

So...yeah. Do alerts, do duos. Sell the stuff that drops. Ace chemicals is the huge money one -- every mob there drops 12 cash. If you're getting really stuck for cash, you can go outside the Ace chemicals instance in Gotham and farm the mobs there -- they're pretty easy to kill and also drop 12 cash each. Soloing with my fire tank, I was making about 2k every half hour there, but that was before I started doing 2-3 alerts per day and stopped needing to farm for cash.
Ya, I'm up to like 35k on my level 30. I don't have anything to spend money on though, so it just keeps growing. I'll blow them on styles eventually I'm sure though. That sounds fun. :)

Good report on Batcave. My first raid for Batcave will be tonight, so I'll have to report back. Our league has some 60-70 members.. yay popular forum league. But I'm in the 2nd raid group. Raid group 1 has cleared Batcave, but some are not resubbing after their free month. So I suspect we'll be raid group 1 if things go well tonight.

I'm excited. Have not raided yet, and I'm looking forward to it.