Who's gonna try out DCOU?

yeah i figure one point to respec into the weap and then all the other points are free to put into the skills under the new weapon so I still ahve the appropriate attacks.

The weapons was my concern if I have 2 weapon types are my quest rewards still based off of just my default at creation? I may respec an alt to test it out first.
I thought quest rewards were tied to your spec, but I could be wrong.
I thought quest rewards were tied to your spec, but I could be wrong.

I think they are, but you cant respec your weapon type, or travel method, just skills. So I would have to waste the point in a second weapon, and then could put points into it.... but what would quests do if I had 2 weapon types? That's my real question. Really though, my oldest toon is only 14, so I could get another up to that in a night or 2 and I dont get a lot of play time so its not much investment to try new toons.

I mean I can always BUY weapons from the vendors, and the ones you can get with renown points are pretty nice. So I may just have to work on renown for a bit before I try it.
Ya, I'm thinking that even if you have all but that starting point in a different weapon type, the quest rewards are still going to be for the original weapon type that you chose at character creation.

I was surprised that some legs I picked up last night from a Watchtower vendor were really good. You had to be neutral with StarLabs, but that I think is the default, so I was able to buy them.

I think I want to make a female, with an ominous cloak/hood, with a rifle.. make her a mental controller. Sounds awesome! :)
dam you for making me get the urge to feel like a newbie again like i did in eq 10 years ago!im on dc website hovering over thepay / download now button

i finally kicked eq back in march last year by using evony to tide me over but after so many years playing a game its like a part of you and i find myself saying ingame stuff to people in real life then getting the urge to log in again.

and now this talk of something new and people at work talk about this game now alot also its just getting overwelming~.

what server are you guys playing on?
Thez posted that he was on New Frontier so I made my toons there, not sure about Morx but hope he's there too. I haven't met up with anyone toning yet as I think we are all just sorting out class combos and such. Once I pick a main I will gladly hunt with those any of you all if we get a few more, making our own league ( guild ) could be fun.
Give in to your urges and click BUY NOW.
I'm on Zero Hour - Hero side.

Another forum that I browse has a guild going there that I'm a part of. They had like level 30s within a couple days, but its funny, as even the level 30s don't really know whats going on so much. Gotta figure it all out on your own.

I got a couple levels tonight and I'm up to level 13 now. It's been pretty fun. We were over in Metropolis side of things tonight, instead of Gotham, and we killed Dr. Psycho. That was an annoying fight with him disappearing all the time.

The worst F'ing thing about doing quests with a buddy, is that on the boss fights, only one of you are able to get inside the room before the door closes. Twice now, on Bane fight in Gotham, and Dr. Psycho fight in Metropolis, I haven't been able to actually participate in the fight because my buddy runs into the room, and the cut scene starts, and the doors close and thats it. Sucks.

At this point, I still feel like I'm fumbling around just doing quests to do them. I'm not sure that I feel there is an over whelming threat that I'm working towards. Again, just like before, it's kind of hard to explain. The game is fun, and getting better and better at my weapon type combos is fun, as things are dieing faster, and then I get quest reward upgrades and my characters looks change based on that. (I know I can change them if I wanted).

I think the easiest way to explain it may be that in every single other game, like EQ or WoW, I knew exactly what I was going for. I knew what the end game was. I knew what end game gear I was going after. I knew where to go to progress. I knew that at this level, I do this, and get better gear, until I can do this, and then that gets me into raids, etc.

With DCUO, I have not a clue what I'm working towards. I'm doing quests, I'm killing iconic DC comic book characters, I'm getting better gear, and gaining levels, but in the end, what is it for? What am I working towards? At this point, I still have no idea, and I think if I do figure it out, or if the game starts throwing hints at you about what the big deal is, and what the big story leads too I think it'll get a lot better.

And ... sorry for the rambling. Night guys! :p
I'm in the Noob Stompers league on New Frontier. They've got a vent server and a bunch of people who are working on their 3rd characters (having maxed the first two to 30!). Seems to be a lot of people who are already level 30 and working on gearing themselves up. They've also got a *bunch* of helpful people -- I've gotten help every time I needed it. In return, I've been helping a bunch of people out, too. It ends up working out...I've been getting a lot of feats that I missed the first time around, like for doing a boss without using a consumable, because I'm many levels higher than they are.

From what I've gotten from listening on vent: You do missions etc until you get to 30. Once there, you do the duos / special missions in order to get the "raid" level gear -- blue and purple rarity.

I've currently got a 26 Fire/staff/fly/Meta and a 23 Sorcery/Handblaster/fly/tech. The general consensus on the vent server is that Sorcery is probably only useful for Summoning -- apparently a good Nature healer can smoke them. I'm told Mental and Gadget are pretty fun, so I'm planning to roll one of those next. I think I'll try Gadget/rifle/acro/tech, as I've been pwned by a bunch of Gadget/Rifles in pvp.
Level 14 and did my first Alerts last night with a buddy. Did Area 51 and Gorilla Island. That stuff was hard! but so fun! I loved that the end boss for Gorilla island really took some time to figure out, and then to execute.

My next toon I think is going to be Nature, Rifle, Flying! :)
Mental Rocks!

I have used it on a few toons, but not taken any of them past 8 yet, since I am still getting the feel for some combos, but mental is nice. I made a Mental/Archer/Flying/ Yesterday and she was a blast. Holding lifting someone in the air then hitting them with a charged range shot at max distance. You can get in at least 2 full charged shots which will almost kill most of what I run into so far with just that.
I have a level 12 Mental/Staff/Acrobat... but the mental/staff is only OK. Its nice for up to 2 or 3 mobs since you can mentally park one, but nothing overpowering. The mental Shiruken attack ( first one under illusion) is GREAT when used at close range. It is still ok from a medium distance if you need to hit a few mobs. But when upclose and you fire it off, all 3 stars hit a single target and do BIG damage at low levels. A single hit will take out most of the inanimate objects you need for missions up to 12 or so. Even on the tutorial ship, the mounts that hold the gun to the ship in the final fight, those drop with a single close hit of mental shiruken. Same for the soul wells in Metropolis ( magic mentor mission ). And of course, it does nice damage for little power against the tougher single mobs if you chose a melee class instead of ranged.
My Ice/Martial Arts/Acrobat is great though. From what I can tell, it is VERY similar to Fire on the offensive end but the other side of ice is crowd control, pushing and pulling entire groups. Great fun.
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Ya, I think that is one of the great things about this game. The game is fun, and it changes enough with each setup that it's really fun to make other toons/combinations.
Weapon/power combos

I found a decent write up on powers and weapon combos with some recommendations as to the best pairs and some data to back it up.


I found a post further down that page that I want to point out. It concerns learning a second weapon type post level 10 and the stat bonuses from learning a skill in that new tree, even if you never use a weapon from that new weapon style.
If I only use dual pistols, but want to pick up stats from another weapon, will i get those stats even if i never use the other weapons??

Good question. Yes, you will.

Fighting Style stat bonuses are passive and work all the time. If you have, for example, a +25 Health Bonus from Brawling but also have Dual Pistols, you will still have that Health bonus even if you are not Brawling and have a Pistol weapon equipped.
is there a way to get rid of the mouse scroll being the only way to look around. like in eq i used to use the left and right arrows to move those directions but it would also move the screen in a circle that direction and mouse was only for looking up and down.

having to move the mouse all over and using all the keys to make combos and is not user friendly to me but i cant find anything in settings.

yall have any idea or is that just how its got to be?
I played this throughout beta and found it to be really fun. I don't know if it'll replace EQ for me, but it's something to do after you are maxed AA, maxed everything HoT has to offer.
is there a way to get rid of the mouse scroll being the only way to look around. like in eq i used to use the left and right arrows to move those directions but it would also move the screen in a circle that direction and mouse was only for looking up and down.

having to move the mouse all over and using all the keys to make combos and is not user friendly to me but i cant find anything in settings.

yall have any idea or is that just how its got to be?
Not that I know of, but I haven't tried to mess with it that much. You can use a xbox360 or ps3 controller to play the game and I've heard its a lot better when doing that. For some at least.

I still don't mind the keyboard mouse, but considering I use my computer while laying on my couch, with my LCD TV as my monitor, maybe I should look into that controller thing. :p

As an update. I'm level 21 now. As an Ice Tank I've switched over to 2 handed weapons, and I love that. The combos are simple, and they do crazy amounts of damage. Biggest hits I've ever seen. It does lack really any type of stun abilities, but that's ok. Tree is freakin' awesome!
Never thought I would like gadgets as a power but I hear they are a good control class so I was bored and tried one out. Wow! I made a 1h/gadget/acrobat and was really impresses. The stuns are incredible. My little 1H user flew to 9 in a blink.
The control with a 1h good so I thought I would try the Gadget with a staff user since the staff gets so many stuns of his own. It's almost not right, what I was able to do with him. On just 2 or 3 mobs it really isn't fair. Against just 1 it's out right ridiculous. When I took on The Queen Bee at level 7 or 8 I owned her. It wasn't even a hard fight since I was able to keep het stunned for most of the encounter.
This isn't true on every boss since Gorilla Grodd was pretty tough. I find that using the barrels in a room to throw as often as I can helps a ton with DPS since the staff is pretty light on the dps side compared to the 1h weapons. I can't wait to get into some PvP with this guy. If the block through the sticky grenade stun I but them with the roundhouse stuns of the staff then toss a gernade between stuns followed up with another round of stuns.
With 3 mobs you just jump off and sticky bomb the adds and keep yours stunned the whole time.
More then 3 gets hard. A lot more than 3 is REALLY hard, I will likely get an iconic power that can push back with an open AE to help.
This combo is crazy strong with small groups in open content, just a little sower to kill than I am used to. But to be able to keep 3 mobs locked down almost indefinitely should be great in pvp.

Just wanted to share this combo if anyone is into the control side of things. I hear the rifle is better but haven't tried it yet. I like to be within melée range as much as possible
The two combos that I liked the most when I was playing was

acrobatics / martial arts / gadgets
acrobatics / martial arts / fire
Controller is going to be my next character I think for sure. Was thinking healer... but Controllers sounds more my style.

I'm up to level 25 now on my 2 handed Ice Tank. It's been pretty fun and challenging. Just took out Isis in her Egyptian tomb instance. That was pretty challenging to get through all of that, but once I had my big hit combo down, I just chained that on her and she went down pretty quick. Ice Tanks can seriously take a beating. It's pretty nice.

I hope soon to try and get a regular group together for instances. It's pretty annoying right now going through some of these with just PuGs. :( People are stupid retarded when it comes to things. Seriously, compared to people that play EQ, the normal gamer these days is just plain dumb. haha