What is the best solo class?

Necro for the win but if you like to gruop 2 dont play a necro they never get gruops
I solo'd my necro 1-75, w/o the shits in gear...just stuff i accumulated. As for the "necro's never get groups", they get ALL kinds of groups at 70-75. We dont parse more dps then rogues for nothing =/
My vote

NECRO --- I played ever class and by far love the necro when times are tough and groups are rare to get!!!!

They are a lot of fun and just watching mobs die when you are soloing.... Priceless.

I solo'd my necro 1-75, w/o the shits in gear...just stuff i accumulated. As for the "necro's never get groups", they get ALL kinds of groups at 70-75. We dont parse more dps then rogues for nothing =/

On quick dying, experience mobs? I don't think so. Raid mobs, yes.
For mobs that dont summon and are snare/rootable Shammans are the best, seconded only barely by necro's.

Everything else was said imo. AA, Gear, blah blah blah.

I'm gonna cast my vote and say enchanter. Just because I am one and when I started I leveled super quick !!!
I solo'd my necro 1-75, w/o the shits in gear...just stuff i accumulated. As for the "necro's never get groups", they get ALL kinds of groups at 70-75. We dont parse more dps then rogues for nothing =/
I have not once seen a necro out-parse a rogue of the same gear-level and aas.
Well im talking strictly leveling, and maybe low end boss's. im not sure how u can narrow that more.

You are going to solo your way to 75 fastest as a necro. No doubt about it. I would put shaman near necro, and then bard behind shaman. beyond that, your guess is as good as mine (meaning it is a real toss up.)

I have hand played a shaman through 75 levels + 1800ish AA. I have played a necro through 500ish AA. None of the other classes even come close in raw solo power as these two classes.

In terms of taking down old school raid named. You would have to ask which is best for which fight. Shaman/necro/pally are GREAT raid named soloers.
I will say i love my bst. i went up in lvl fast and if i didnt have a group it was easy to go out and solo. I would need temp v conv or whatever but it was easy.

I still solo at my level (75) but i am in top 20 of my server. It does get harder as you get higher. My favorite trick was blind tanking. it would cause em to run and no damage for joo :).

I will say its easier to solo at high lvls as a necro tho but not as fun. some mobs take forever to kill.

Now an afk soler bard is #1. i got to 75 afk the whole time (cept a couple times i got invited to a group)

Fastest soloer i had tho was my monk...and you know why lol
A chanter can grind AA at 75 faster than pretty much anyone else, as far as i've ever seen in practice. They can also start soloing with brilliant effectiveness around level 48, with a big bump at 61 and at 64.