Veteran Award Exploit

Perhaps the current global freeze of all updates to veteran rewards, and the fact that no SoE reps have commented futher on the issue is an indication that they're currently holding updates until they have it fixed?

Care to explain? I'm not sure what you're talking about.
Nevermind, it helps when I read the thread posted.
So, it is possible to boost your rewards up to the max by doing this, not just by adding 2 years, but adding up to 10 years? If so I'd really like to do this, not to exploit but because I lost my account, not due to a ban, and had to start fresh, by now I should be up to about 9 years of vet rewards minimum...
i did one time for 2 years then went back to do again and no working oh well i got 2 years free cant bitch too much
I don't know if anyone answered, and I don't want to read all the posts but if you wait till the next month, it all catches up... Regardless of when you do the buy two years, and cancel and blah blah, it takes effect at the Beginning of the next month.
Yeah that's been answered and it's not updating now. SoE has addressed it and it's frozen atm.
Yeah that's been answered and it's not updating now. SoE has addressed it and it's frozen atm.

What he said. Currently NO VETERAN REWARDS are being updated, so don't go doing this, it's a waste of your time.

Perhaps the current global freeze of all updates to veteran rewards, and the fact that no SoE reps have commented futher on the issue is an indication that they're currently holding updates until they have it fixed?

Yeah that's been answered and it's not updating now. SoE has addressed it and it's frozen atm.

What he said. Currently NO VETERAN REWARDS are being updated, so don't go doing this, it's a waste of your time.

Well, that's just great for all of us who still don't even have a lesson, been playing almost 3 years now and changed mains twice, dropped subscriptions on some accounts and even on my main for a while, and now i should have lesson for my main but it has been stuck at .7 played for more than 8 months now, and obviously the GM's just don't give a shit about it, cuz of a few abusers, we all have to suffer i guess.
Well, that's just great for all of us who still don't even have a lesson, been playing almost 3 years now and changed mains twice, dropped subscriptions on some accounts and even on my main for a while, and now i should have lesson for my main but it has been stuck at .7 played for more than 8 months now, and obviously the GM's just don't give a shit about it, cuz of a few abusers, we all have to suffer i guess.

I was successful in petitioning a GM about this and was awarded Lesson of the Devoted (this was a little over 1 month ago), the whole ordeal took about 1 day.
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Admittedly, this thread wasn't all that dead... it's still an issue on the vet forums and still has the attention of sony.
How dare you bump this... and on Veteran's Day, too!

/har har.
Did this forever ago by accident, but it was nerfed by the time I figured out what had happened :( Got 2 yrs out of it at least.
this may be why its not updateing people anymore big thread on soe forums about people gripeing they're vet rewards are updateing they mighta figured this out .:(