trying to compile need a small hand


Well-known member
Jul 14, 2006
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been a long time since i tried to compile from mq2 site

downloaded Visual C++ 2005 Express cause thats what i used once

im a bit confused on steps 8 and 9

8. If you installed using default directories, navigate to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\VCProjectDefaults and edit corewin_express.vsprops:

Change AdditionalDependencies="kernel32.lib" to AdditionalDependencies="kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib"

9. Navigate to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\VCWizards\AppWiz\Generic\Application\html\1033\ and edit AppSettings.htm, commenting out lines 441-444 like this:

I think im supposed to disregard 8 and not clear about 9 any helps, I apologize in advance cause im about as noob as u get on this , so I thank you for your patience and any help in advance.
Step 8 - looks like they are adding library dependencies.

Step 9 - no clue. maybe removing warnings?
use vs2010express c++ =\ will work alot better than 2005 and 1/2 the steps you don't even have to follow since it does all the include dir that you need anyways
think went to 2005 cause was free ill have to look at 2010 (did manage to get a compile to succeed now trying to add plugins)
VS 2010 free version worked OK for me a few months ago when I did it.
Followed the instructions on MQ2 site was pretty close to steps.
Same as dadada, I used Visual C++ 2010 express, used to use visual studio 6.0 like 6 years ago, but can't seem to get it to build using that without errors anymore.

Visual C++ 2010 express is free also.
I'm using vs 6.0 to compile. Funny how much slower each iteration of visual studio gets.
solved it
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I'm using vs 6.0 to compile. Funny how much slower each iteration of visual studio gets.

How does it feel living in the stone age?

At the very least, VS2010+ compiles with multicore support
I'm using vs 6.0 to compile. Funny how much slower each iteration of visual studio gets.

Just curious if you are running Windows ME or Windows 98 still as well? :)

On topic: I always using VS 2010 to compile these days when I'm messing with it. I usually don't have any issues. Just set EQ2Main as the default project, and then go to the project configuration and be sure to check all the plugins you have to compile. Then compile just MQ2Main by right clicking and doing Build only MQ2Main, after it's built do Build All.

After that if you just need to compile one plugin you can just add it and build it, but if you rebuild MQ2Main you will have to rebuild everything else as well.