tracking software


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Mar 18, 2007
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The kids are starting to get very active on facebook and certain MMOs. I want to know what is the best software to keep track of their key strokes and chat logs. Anyone have an suggestions?
That's some fucked up shit right there. I doubt that there's a whole lot more that my parents could have done to make me feel like they had completely violated me (no, JJ, not that way) than to have tried to find out what I was typing.
Fuck that, if it keeps my kids from talking to some perverted liar then i'll do it. I could just let it go and then find out my daughter was found on the side of a street when some fucker lied about his age and wanted to meet her.

If your not in your kids lives and you dont try to see or understand what their doing then it sucks to be you when they tell you to fuck off later in life. If you dont protect them and care during the teenage year then you will be sorry after they are grown because they will feel that you didnt care about them.

I'm still open to software or hardware suggestions.
Fuck that, if it keeps my kids from talking to some perverted liar then i'll do it. I could just let it go and then find out my daughter was found on the side of a street when some fucker lied about his age and wanted to meet her.

If your not in your kids lives and you dont try to see or understand what their doing then it sucks to be you when they tell you to fuck off later in life. If you dont protect them and care during the teenage year then you will be sorry after they are grown because they will feel that you didnt care about them.

I'm still open to software or hardware suggestions.

I agree honestly, do it, my 12 year old neice was talking to some 46 yo guy on IMVU (which is a teeny bopper program).

His name was Fatherknowsbest and had a verified age of 46, what kind of pervert lurks on pre teens chat programs?

Anyway, he sent her a pair of virtual panties...luckily she wasn't smart enough to save passwords and I happened to snoop.

Pretty sick stuff out there and if I or someone else wouldn't have found this where could that have led?

/shiver, protect your kids...
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you see the shit on the news about missing 11-17yr olds who have been raped and kid napped because of online chats with older men. 20/20 did a huge report on it and there were alot of these older perverts luring these teens to their house or meeting locations. All because of chats on like you said IMVU, certain chat rooms esc...
I completely disagree with the use of loggers in this way. You violate their trust now and you will lose them. Tracking them doesn't address the issue anyways, just notifies you when something happens. By the time you read the log they could be out getting kidnapped or molested. You should educate them and support them not lock them up. Using loggers are doing just that locking them up. Add in you wont be able to monitor them on the phone or computers at other locations.
If your not in your kids lives and you dont try to see or understand what their doing then it sucks to be you when they tell you to fuck off later in life.

The route you are taking is going to get you that fuck off a lot faster. Education is a weapon, restriction is a flaw.
Talk to your kids and instill a bond of trust. My mother and I had that and she was the one that violated that trust much later in my life, but I still know I can go to her with anything. Trust goes further than deceit. I completely agree with the safety of your children and glad you want to protect, but sheltering them from being able to make decisions on their own or coming to you when they do not know what to do is the wrong step. Give them the tools to grow up, not the objects to destroy.
Forgot to ask my question I wanted to in last post!

What would you have done if your parents tried to monitor all of your phone calls as a kid or your internet activity. Hell what would your response be if D/Z did that to you?(not sure what one posted so had to go both ways)
I have to agree with JJ on this.

If you monitor your kids and they find out, you will lose the trust they have you. They will not respect you in any way. Your best bet is sit with them and talk to them about it.

Have to realize you can only control so much in your kids life. They will screw up, but you have to be there to comfort them, and teach them about what they did, and how to avoid it.

My parents were very strict but they were straight forward. If we came to them about an issue they wouldn't get mad but understand and teach us. You don't ever want to lose their trust unless you really want to lose your kids forever. =)
Do what you think best as a parent, Public. It's interesting to see the number of people with no children, at least with no children old enough to start being active in the world without you, throw in the privacy factor.

Let's keep it on topic. His parenting ideas he did not ask for feedback or comment on. We may as well be talking about Obama, or Iraq, or any other number of topics, and all have the same kinds of sides to take.

Public, to your original question: I would recommend Golden Eye, or Spectra Pro. In most cases, regardless of what you use, you will have to ensure to configure your antivirus/antispyware to ignore it, as they have known signatures as keyloggers.

As for my opinion about the use of the software on your kids... that's my own, and I'm sure you could give a rats ass what I think about it. ;)

Seeing as this JUST happened to my brothers and I, I have to post.

My brothers and I use some colorful words...alot. Doesn't bother us, or the people around us, and we choose not to use them around people that are offended by it.

Our mother decided to go through my phone the other day and read some text where we used our colorful words. Its retarded that if she doesnt know about it, it doesnt bother her, but as soon as she knows, then she wishes she hadn't. So, stop looking for it? To me, this just means what others have said, talk to your kids, because they are going to do what they want to do. Even if you find out, just makes them want to do it all the more to prove you wrong.

Suppose my thinking is that if it is going to offend you so bad, fucking stop looking, older brother is 22, i am 21, and younger brother is almost 17. Its to late now to try and control the language, esp after we learned from who, our father.

Hmmm this post could go on for a while now about hypocritical parents and such, so i'll just cut it now.

P.S. I am a hypocritical parent, i curse, drink, and i'll just advise my son as the the affects of such things, i have no fallacy that i can ever control what my son wants to do with his own life, i can simply try to coerce his decisions and judgments as to what I feel is best, end the end its his own decision to make.
Alright who's hijacked Htw's account? The voice of reason in a thread. Good post.

Since this topic is of interest with me as a parent I'm going to keep it off topic.

As a kid my parents wouldn't have even known how to install a keylogger but then again when I was young the internet wasn't what it is today. I would of felt pretty violated as a 13 year old and my parents had a keylogger on my computer. Then again I didn't have internet at 13 years old. (I don't think)

With that said as a parent now, if my 8 year old daughter was using the computer I'd want to know what she was up to. I'm not sure I'd do a keylogger, think I would do a screenshot capture every few seconds and I more than likely explain to her it was in there and why it was. Would also tell her if she tried to disable it she'd lose her computer privileges. If I caught her doing something I didn't agree with I'd sit down and have a talk with her why and try and make her understand.

I'm thinking this would work until they are 13 or so and start to rebel. After that I think it's going to all come down to parenting skills of what you did in the past to keep them out of trouble, pray they have learnt some common sense. If I did suspect they were getting up to no good I wouldn't hesitate to implant another screenshot capture program without there knowledge. I would only do it if I suspected something and would remove it if I was proved wrong. If I was proved right I guess I'd have a sit down and talk with them. I'm not sure keeping a monitor on there computer would be a fair punishment as it would just instill more trust problems.
Our responsibilty, as parents, is NOT to be a friend to our offspring but to be a PARENT.

Trust? WTF are you talking about? A good parent calls the house the kids are sleeping over at to MAKE sure they are there. Is this any different? No, it isn't. It is a preventitive measure, if there is nothing to circumvent, the kids never know. If the kids start getting e-mails asking for pictures of their naughty bits, then software like this allows a parent to step in before there anything further to worry about.

I'm a parent, I don't care of my kids like me. I know they love me. I ain't their friend, I'm thier father. That means doing things they don't like now so they'll be around later to understand (as I do now thinking about good ol' Mom).

Back on topic, I've never used it Public, but I've heard good things about Net Nanny.

Monitoring or limiting web sites is not the same as recording keystrokes.

Calling to make sure john is at franks house is far different then listening into johns phone calls.

Pushing your kid one way is the easiest way for them to make some of the biggest mistakes in their lives young and un informed.
To make things clear our 2 oldest who are using the PC and internet are 9 and 11. They play wizard101 and Lotro and limited facebook access. They have no personal private e-mails. They know their limits and understand the rules the wife and I put into effect for their internet rights.

I could careless if their chatting with their friends about who they like and who they think is cute. Our only concern are the sickos that prey on these little kids. I would do with a screenshot app. They would know we will monitoring them and if they tried to disable it or work around it that would be their ass.

I'll give an example for instance. 2 weeks ago a toon on wizard101 asked my son where he lived address and all. The toon was a female wizard and talked like a topical girl.

We do not hide anything from our kids and they know not to hide anything from us. We explained to them that we were kids, we been there and know all the tricks.

The software will be used for safety measures only, not spying to punish them. Bluebug is correct, were parents and we do what it takes to keep our kids safe. They will hate us now, but love us when they understand what we do and why we do it.
I have two options for you and both work really well, my first suggestion is to use a hardware keylogger like KeyGhost - you can find out more information at This would be a little device you slip in between your keyboard and your computer. Depending on your childrens technical knowledge this might work well for you. The problem with this one is that if they are smart they could just unplug it.

What I personally use for this type of thing is a stealth software keylogger from - it can be detected by some anti-virus and spyware detectors but if you know what you are doing you can bypass it.

You can upload your logs to a FTP server and then you can review them without ever touching the computer which is nice.

You can discuss the morals with everybody else, this is just a technical answer.
No keylogger in the world is going to solve the problems caused by letting kids go on areas of the internet which are intended for those who are older and more mature. If your kids aren't smart enough or old enough to know not to give out personal information over the internet, then you probably shouldn't be letting them on there unattended in the first place.

Calling to make sure john is at franks house is far different then listening into johns phone calls.

No keylogger in the world is going to solve the problems caused by letting kids go on areas of the internet which are intended for those who are older and more mature. If your kids aren't smart enough or old enough to know not to give out personal information over the internet, then you probably shouldn't be letting them on there unattended in the first place.

That's ridiculous. Like saying keeping them home if there are problems with drugs, schools, etc.

However, for this entire thread full of such sage advice and opinions - ROFL.

By QFT, you meant QFBS.
