tracking software

ive had on my kids pc's for years. it is a stealth prog with no way the kids can even see it is on. Website shows where youre kids have been said and even sreenshoots the websites there looking at. it is a little pricy but when it comes to youre kids safty hard to put a price on it
there is a trial allso so worth looking in to
my kids know that the software is on there pc they allso know that it is not them i dont trust. it is the other asshate in the world. that scare the liven shit out of me. and if there is a problem we have logs of that problem that can send a sick person to jail. Dont belive me ask the 2 that are now spending 5 to 10 years becouse the logs and the owners of the site i use will go to court and testify
Fuck that, if it keeps my kids from talking to some perverted liar then i'll do it. I could just let it go and then find out my daughter was found on the side of a street when some fucker lied about his age and wanted to meet her.

If your not in your kids lives and you dont try to see or understand what their doing then it sucks to be you when they tell you to fuck off later in life. If you dont protect them and care during the teenage year then you will be sorry after they are grown because they will feel that you didnt care about them.

I'm still open to software or hardware suggestions.

Try having open communication with your child instead of spying on them :rolleyes: