
Looking for a Bibliotik account too!

I now have 2 TD invites available.
1 invite left. Pm me your email address for it!
Ok, invites all gone for this month. Still looking for a bibliotik invite! I've a ton of ebooks I can contribute and keep seeding
I also have 2 TD invites. I like how three of us are now looking for bibliotik invites, lol.
I will be updating initial post with the invites I have available.
Got 2 TorrentDat Invites and RevolutionTT
Anyone have a Bibliotik invite to hand out?
not worth the trouble?

I have been a member of a few private trackers. normally the only ones worth the trouble are highly nich'e ones like the now sunk undergroundgamer tracker (them and blackcats) are for retro games. sure there is the issue of of higher anonymity, but anyone that thinks a private tracking is protecting them from troggs is mistaken.

and normally for most content (there are acceptions) if you can't find it on tpb or it can't be found.. although you'll see more 0day content on private trackers but it trickles down into the public trackers fairly quickly.
I'm still looking for an invite to bibliotik or however the fuck it's spelled lol
I have an invite as well if anyone wants it.
No invites left for TorrentDay...will post w hen I get more.