Torrent sites


Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score

I was wondering if anyone had any good sites for mainly music and some movies.

I know some of you use RevTT? I think. I had an invite once I believe was from JJ, but inactivity made me lose acess.

I use IpTorrents currently, but they have weird tastes in music. I was wondering if anyone would be able to send me an invite to another site that I maybe able to obtain music/apps/games etc..

If anyone would be kind and willing me toss me an invite to somewhere new, that would be the bomb. I also promise to not hit and run.

If you had a good ratio on revtt, you can go into their IRC and ask for your account to be reinstated. I've had to do this a couple of times myself.
I created the account but never actually downloaded cause I always found whatever at my other site.

So I'd have to create a new one I'm sure.

I was wondering if anyone had any good sites for mainly music and some movies.

I know some of you use RevTT? I think. I had an invite once I believe was from JJ, but inactivity made me lose acess.

I use IpTorrents currently, but they have weird tastes in music. I was wondering if anyone would be able to send me an invite to another site that I maybe able to obtain music/apps/games etc..

If anyone would be kind and willing me toss me an invite to somewhere new, that would be the bomb. I also promise to not hit and run.


If you go into the irc and ask them to re instate it you would get it back first time. Just tell them you had to move or some bs and lost connection and forgot to park it.
Well, I did as requested and I basically was told to get another invite. Which is fair and I figured that would have to happen anyways, as I hadn't actually used the account at all. I was told that usually accounts are just disabled and can be reactivated upon request and as long as you are in good standing. But I was also told that accounts that are created and not used at all are purged.

If anyone has a spare invite and would be willing to part with one, it would be greatly appreciated & I would be in your debt.

The invite doesn't have to be from RevTT though. Any site that would have MP3's would be greatly appreciated.

My wife has asked me to find her some music. What She is really after though is a group called Ubiquitous Synergy Seeker,(say that 3 times fast) the album I believe is called Approved. Or if I am able to find the one song she likes, that could also work, it's called “Damini".

SO far I've looked at the 2 sites I frequent without any success. The sites are, IPTorrents and Torrentday

I would just like to Thank you in advance for any and all assistance given.

oh,on a final note and briefly off topic, I really, really love & enjoy this site as well as the awesome community. Thanks again Fry and company for allowing us to have something this special such as this site. And thank you fellow members for the way we helping / assist each other in times of need.

I enjoy referring to this site as a second family :)

Well, I'm off to play an hour or so of D3 and then have to prepare for over night treatment. I hope everyones had a wonderful day.

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Thank you zdozbou!

And thank you to everyone elso would have also done the same.

Much love and respect
