Thanksgiving Warning!


May 29, 2006
Reaction score
Atlanta, Georgia
Hi All,

So last year, we had a very sad Thanksgiving. We went out and bought a 16lb bird. We let it thaw and when we went to cook it early Thanksgiving morning we discovered our bird had been abused prior to death (big black and blue marks all over his beautiful white breasts). I have to add this was a Butterball turkey so we thought we did good!

Anyway, maybe everyone else does this already but check your bird prior to the day of Thanksgiving.

We did end up cooking and eating our bird, but the thoughts of what this poor guy went through sat sort of "foul" in our stomachs and it really didn't taste very good.

Happy Thanksgiving All ;)
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What if it was just trying to escape and kept running into the wall and bruised it's self? Thank you for the heads up. I will 2x check my turkey.
That'll teach it to run it's mouth.
Should have been baking the pumpkin pie instead of sitting around all fat and happy.
Arn't bruises and blue markes....coloration becuase of blood? If so, your black and blu marks probbaly weren't becuase of abuse and the bird was probably sick. But I guess it wasn't sick enough, cause that was a year ago and you're still posting.
Personally, I think you should go give them a lesson on beating their meat.
I think of it as a charming way to celebrate the eventual extermination of those people whose indigenous knowledge, so freely given, was the only reason for our initial survival in an unhospitable new country.

Happy genocide day!
multiple black and blue marks huh?
Just means it didn't listen the first time it was told.
What obviously happened was it ran into the wall a few times after it's head was cut off.
I thought about putting a "Real Men don't hit women" sticker on my wife's car and a "Some women deserve it" sticker on mine. See how many lesbos/butches I get flicking me off on the road.
I thought about putting a "Real Men don't hit women" sticker on my wife's car and a "Some women deserve it" sticker on mine. See how many lesbos/butches I get flicking me off on the road.

If I were you, I'd be more worried about the lesbian cop that pulls you over! ;)

Had one of these the other day, thought she was going to be a complete meany to me, she let me off on everything she pulled me over for :p
Makes me wish there were more homo men cops?
If I were you, I'd be more worried about the lesbian cop that pulls you over! ;)

Had one of these the other day, thought she was going to be a complete meany to me, she let me off on everything she pulled me over for :p

I think i've seen that video....

I think of it as a charming way to celebrate the eventual extermination of those people whose indigenous knowledge, so freely given, was the only reason for our initial survival in an unhospitable new country.

Happy genocide day!

as horrible as it sounds your right. /cry
Lesbian cop is redundant

If I were you, I'd be more worried about the lesbian cop that pulls you over! ;)

Had one of these the other day, thought she was going to be a complete meany to me, she let me off on everything she pulled me over for :p

There are female cops that aren't lesbians?
Maybe it was just a kinky bird

[ame=""]YouTube- Kinky Thanksgiving Turkey BDSM[/ame]