Test server questions


Jul 24, 2006
Reaction score
After nearly a year off, I decided to try to mess around on the test server. I have almost no programming skills so pardon if these are dumb questions:

I'm guessing I need to download the latest MQ2 test complie. Will that overwrite the live compile? Or will it go in a different folder so I can choose which one I want to execute before I log into EQ?

Are there any other key issues with the MQ2 test compile that I should be aware of? While doing so at my own risk will warp & speed uitls work on the MQ2 test server complie?

Thanks for your help & patience over the years.
Test mq2 is currently down and I suspect it will be down until after the expansion launch.

You should log into character selection screen then start mq2 or use eq launcher addon. Now as far as the compile, I could have sworn that the mmobugs loader will detect which client you are useing and start the correct version but don't hold me to that.

As far as active hacks, I can't say for sure as I don't use them but they are available just deactivated. You have to enable them to use, not sure how but there are multiple posts about it.

Personally I would not recommend any active hacks, this could be the tinfoil hat speaking but if they suspect hacking on test, it's far eaiser to implement code on a trial basis to improve their detection process and as far as we know its still instaban.
MQ@ test server

Thanks for your response. Just so I am clear. I downloaded MQ@ test server and I see that it sets up a seprate launcher from the Live which is very cool.

However, it is not up to date for the moment so I can't use it on the test server until it gets patched? passive or active right?