Tasks to bank?

For the 10-12 AA that you might get, is it really worth the headache vs a nice sustained DPS/XP group setup?
these are missions u could should have banked when expansion comes out

30 saved aa
10 Grp tasks ready to be claimed
20 solo tasks ready to be claimed
1 grotto ready for a hand in
2 lichen ready for a few hails and turn in

day 1 of expansion kill a few mobs ding 86 and spend your 30 aa then procceed to claim quest rewards, crapload of aa or reg xp b4 u kill even one mob that day.
Does lotd still work for regular experience for tasks ready to be claimed. I know they nerfed it for OMM missions, but was wondering if that applied to all types of tasks while LOTD buff was on your character.