Tactical Prototype XXVII

Ditto, not sure what squares we use, but we get only ZoT. no adds or steamblasts. so we can straight up burn him.
Anyone try this since they nerfed highsun?
Now that highsun is nerfed this even went from being the hardest event in the zone for us to one of the easiest. Old school paladin tricks work!
AE steam blast is from some one not releasing the proper valves.

Any color but yellow and white = bad, not sure what blue does but I do remember it's bad.

I know this is an old post, but Steam Blast comes from Proto himself. Steam Rupture is what you wanna click the levers to prevent. We have our pallies blind the engineers also, works quite well.
Ok have a few questions on this fight:

From what I am reading you want the majority of the drones on yellow squares then the rest of white?

The only problem we have had with this fight is that starting at 90% we seem to be getting a lot of adds that just keep coming. I know when we were moving the drones around they did touch the green squares a few times so that would have cause some adds. Is the adds at 90% part of the script or is it due to the drones just simply touching the green squares? The thing is even when all the drones were off the green squares the adds seemd to just keep coming and never stopping!

Argo:: you said pretty much stick every drone you can on yellow and just chain pull the yellow lever, now are you doing this along with pulling the other levers that are being emoted? Or because you are chain pulling the yellow lever it is counteracting the other levers and they are not needing to be pulled?
Make sure your pallys are casting their blind spell on the engineers, otherwise the engineers will move the chess pieces and you'll get lots of adds.

Stick your enchanters and an SK or two near the big door to the room to pick up any adds before they get to the raid, and enchanters chain stun them.

My guild usually gets a few adds (5-10) at the start, but if all the engineers are blinded and the chess pieces are on the correct colors, the adds stop coming.
You get an add or 2 each time you move a drone across a green tile. Any drones you leave on green just keeps spawning more adds. If green tank explodes with mobs on green you get hella adds.

If your getting adds near the beginning its because your board controllers are moving drones from their starting positions across green tiles to their destination colors. Board controllers need to get the one or two drones that start on green off of green immediately. If this is done quickly enough and if a drone never touches green after this then you will never see an add the rest of the fight.

We use pets on the engineers and it usually locks up 3 out of the 4 and its simple enough to just leave one person monitoring each board to quickly undo whatever free engineers do to your perfect boards.

Boards go active at 90 percent.....so you get some adds from board controllers who dont avoid green. Engineers go active at something like 75 percent and if you dont leave peeps on the boards or if they suck then the engineers will try and move all the drones back on green (causing constant adds throughout the fight).

So leave someone on the boards, use blind or pets to slow down the engineers and make sure the controllers know to avoid green at all costs (move drones off green fast as hell and dont even use that color to get a drone to another color)
What did you mean when you say to use pets on the engineers? Have pets attack them?
Mage pets are able to root them if i recall right. worked pretty good keeping them from reaching the robots and forcing them to move off the tiles.
We blind the engineers but yes the engineers can be killed but they respawn. So if you put a pet beating on them it keeps them busy.

We were having the add issues and now we dont even move drones across green. I know on one board we had no drones on green and none moved across green. Other board might have moved a few across but we still got adds to the end. Just very slow rate. But makes it much easier.

Not sure what black does but we keep the drones on black yellow and white.
Beastlords with maxed hobble can hold them with pets too, but it's way easier to blind them afterwards. ie. send pet in on 1, blind another, then blind the pet's one. Keeps a few ppl outa the dps pool really, but meh, make it pallies to keep blinding them and it won't hurt that much :)
Having trouble avoiding steam rupture. I assume this should be handled by only 1 or 2 people since extra clicks effect the downtime. Also, are there any other times that the color should be clicked besides "Alert: green steamtank nearing critical pressure"?
We usually put 3 rangers up on the ledge since they can bow DPS from there. 2 levers assigned to each ranger and watching to cover for each other when one has to run due to Zot. They make audio triggers for the Alert text. When it goes off they click the lever for the matching color. Occasionally you will get alerts to fast for it to reset and let then click the lever. Just part of what you have to deal with. But they will keep most of the AEs off the raid by clicking and you just heal through the rest.
The chessboard and levers

The Chessboard and levers

What many apparently do not realize is that the location of the battle drones on the chessboard creates two actions. First a direct action from the battle drone being on that particular color square and second the pressurizing of the corresponding color steam tank. The direct action takes place immediately, while the steamtank action will take place after it is pressurized by so many battle drones on a particular color over time.

The combinations are (Direct Action/ Steamtank Action):

Green - More Adds/ Heals Prototype
Red - Increases Prototype's DPS/ Raid AoE
White - Heals the individual Battle Drone / Raid AoE
Blue - Increases Prototype's Steam Blast/ Disorenting Fog AoE (Zot ?)
Black - "Locks" the individual Battle Drone in place/ Raid AoE
Yellow - Changes Prototype's Stance/ Damages Prototype

Since there are 10 Battle Drones and only 8 squares of each color per chessboard. Many put 8 battle drones on yellow and 2 on white. The lever person responds only to the "Alert!" messages to prevent a steam tank from discharging. And the lever person should not click the yellow lever, ever. So for most of the raid, the lever person will only click the white lever and only when he receives the proper "Alert!".

When a battle drone is moved on the chessboard it is damaged (loses some health). This can be used to your advantage, by forcing the battle drones to move in a way they can not move (Off the board, into another battle drone, onto a raised platform, off of a raised platform) (Yes, sometimes the silly things will make the illegal move, so watch for it). Then if an engineer wants to move it, he has to first change the battery.

There is a "steam blast" that goes off every 30 seconds. It does 650 per tic and up to 5k initially. This is not one of the preventable emotes.

Emotes from the event (This is not all of them, just a sampling so you can set up proper audio triggers or know for what to watch):

Alert! White steamtank nearing critical pressure!
Alert! Blue steamtank nearing critical pressure!
Alert! Green steamtank nearing critical pressure!

Jets of steam vent from the Tactical Prototype as the white steam tank reaches critical pressure.
A disorienting fog fills the room as the blue steam tank vents.
The Tactical Prototype repairs itself as steam from the green tank is routed to repair systems.
Bolts of power fly from the Tactical Prototype as the pressure from the yellow steam tank interferes with its operations.
Gouts of flaming oil fly from the Tactical Prototype as the black steam tank attempts to release pressure.

a battle drone says 'Lock down initialized . . . routing steam to black steamtank. . .'
a battle drone says 'Entering regeneration mode. . . routing steam to white steamtank. . .'
a battle drone says 'Summoning additional support. . . routing steam to green steamtank. .

The prototype shifts into a balanced stance.
The prototype shifts into a defensive stance.
The prototype shifts into an aggressive stance.

a battle drone says 'Power exhasted. . . disregarding further commands. . .'
a battle room engineer replaces the power source in the drone with a partially charged one.
Actually I have seen drones moved off of black. We focus drones on black, yellow, and white. Green, red and blue causing the most problems. I have seen drones make illegal moves alot (ie off the board, onto a raised platform etc. Although draining the health of a drone locks it in place for a while they do regen. The problem with lot of moves is the illegal ones. Occasionally a drones displayed position and its real position with regards to the board get out of sync making it very hard to correct errors. We find it easier to get them placed and just blind the engineers to keep them where we put them.