How to make a camp with DanNet and dodge AoE's running off and on


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May 14, 2022
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Hello, wonder if there is a way to make camp for fights with dannet, so the toons return to that point after each fight. Also if there is a way to make toons run on and off aoes with macros or something.

get everyone where you want them to run to. then /dgza /makecamp on 20 and then /dgza /makecamp return when you want them to move back if during a fight. could also do /dgze if you want all but the one your driving from to do it.
Thanks thats works, still cant make the /makecamp return while in combat to work, they only return after combat
then either find a loc and do a /dgze /nav loc x y z or create a waypoint and /dgze /nav wp waypointname
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Thanks man got it worked, had to /stick off before /makecamp return
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