sitting regen


Jul 3, 2006
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Why is it that if I /sit and /nokos to stand up and walk around that my regen acts as if I'm standing again? Does the server not record whether you're standing or sitting? If this is client based, would there be a way to regen as if you were sitting all the time?
Regen is a bit of both. The 'real' value is server side, but your client keeps up with it on it's own timer. I'm not sure if ghost masks the sit/stand packet so I won't guess at that.

However you can test it by using a KEI /setbuff on all your pieces of gear. Your mana regen will shoot up like crazy. Then use some clicky toy. That will force the client and server to sync, and your mana will drop back to what it really is.
Question- Would this allow you to cast a spell for GoM? Since the check to be able to cast a spell is Client side right? Which if you have enough mana client side then you are set right?
dune157 said:
Question- Would this allow you to cast a spell for GoM? Since the check to be able to cast a spell is Client side right? Which if you have enough mana client side then you are set right?
I'm pretty sure casting a spell is client side, then serverside... and if you have GoM and enough mana to cast the spell... where's the hax?