Revamped Corruption of Shadows (No Danger of Death)


Some DA on my server was running it for hours just sitting in the I can Help loop. What an Idiot!
For the new version to work you need to save the SafetyCheck ad an INC file.

Copy the code to notepad...

Click on Save As > Check ALL FILES

Name it and save it to your macros folder.

That should stop any problems you might have.

I took the reward selection out because it would fill up your inventory real fast.

There seems to be a problem with the task updating when more than one person is running the macro. I will work on this some more tonight after my daughter is in bed and my girl leaves (Tonight is date night).

This is VERY important.

You absolutly have to add in the codes for the zones in your piggyzone.ini file. If you do NOT do this, the macro will screw up BIG TIME.

Open your piggyzone.ini and add the lines in under valdeholm and frostcrypt.
Aww, full bags of useless potions was so much fun :(
Thanks for the quick reply guys. It *IS* appreciated...hehe Especialy since I'm almost a drooling idiot whith stuff like this. I did not save the with "All Files" What ever the defaul save is is what I used. Am about to load up and try again. Again, thanks for helpin :eek:

watch out on quellious, it is getting blatently obvious. people who may have extented zone lag may wanna space the delay between the warp to the quest giver and and the trigger phrase (i think its 2 sec delay atm). some are spamming the phrase upon zoning in. one of the guys i was grouping with got pissed and reported a few (tried to talk em out of it, but he did anyway)

First, I put the PCCheck in so that stupidity would not get this nerfed. Second, I also made it zone wide so that you would not have 20 people doing it at the same time.

Third, with all these reports of stupidity, I think I just might take this macro down.

Its a shame I would have to do something like that. I guess sometimes you need to save people from themselfs.
Every open zone macro that does anything in repeated succession for complete afk exp has gotten over-abused, then witnessed, then reported, then suspended for using and watched by GM's for (((X-Suspended)*16)\24)*RND amount of time thereafter. So you were sort of asking for it with this one.

Communication of an easy-exp quest's existance is a great thing. There is another thread about this very quest from month's ago and those who were interested pursued it and those who weren't let it pass by.

Anything that allows the player to type /mac whatever and warp/zone around open zones and come back to plenty of free easy AA will always, always, always follow the above cycle. For many people its too difficult not to abuse something when it can be lucrative, but the end result never pays off.
Point Blank the outright abuse of this macro needs to be stopped....Pretty soon there will be GM's checking and watching it with following suspensions....1) Dont afk while running macro...2)If you seem to consistantly have problems with i can help spamming be smart dont run the damn macro.
The real beauty of this macro is how fast it gets you to ally for both WGL and WG factions. People using it for straight up afk exp are asking for trouble, imo.

Use it for what it was intentially for, and utilize the plethora of other macros around here for your exp needs. These two zones are relatively heavily populated (at least on my server), so it doesn't make sense to run this straight-up afk. Like I said, there are afk macros out there in instances and other areas a lot more incognito.

If folks abuse it, they abuse it. If GM's go after people using it it'll get too hot to use for a couple of months, and after all the lameasses who should have heeded the warnings are suspended or banned it'll go back to being able to be used sporatically by the average Joe. I used the Vxed macros after it cooled off considerably and never regretted it... I ran those almost every night for 2-3 weeks and sometimes even during the day.
I used it to get faction up and then i quit! But i se task like these getting nerfed real soon to where you can only do it a certain amount of times. It would be sad to se mapsuncrest go but i guarantee they all will be nerfed some how.