Returning Player - General Question Follow Behavior / Obvious Boxing


Nov 8, 2009
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Hi all,
Thinking of coming back to live server maybe FV and wanted to 6 box. I've been playing on EMU servers where boxing is allowed, boxed 42 and quite the crackup to see 41 toon train in tow behind you.

My main question is 6 man team with your alts on follow. That was always an obvious sign of a boxer and while I am not an active hack kind of guy I would rather just be left alone to do my thing and play / have fun. Should not be an issue right provided I'm not afking, warping and the other stuff?

Any other suggestions to stay low key? Any other advice for returning player?
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Don't be an ass and draw attention to yourself. Based on some of the threads on the EQ board daybreak has not been enforcing much of anything on live servers.
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yeah, that's what I have been seeing and reading. Never been an ass and have been boxing forever. Just wanted to box a full 6 man crew and it seems so obvious it makes me cringe lol.
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So to avoid this "look" you're talking about, what I usually do is move a single character to a location I'm trying to get to (as long as I can get there safely with IVU/Invis) and use /nav target on my other toons with a bit of delay in between...if I'm in a zone with /nav is dodgy, I'll just run a mage there and COTH the group. Aside from 6 toons following one another perfectly, the other big tell I see a lot are a task/quest givers. 6 toons all saying the zone in phrase at the exact same time is a pretty dead giveaway. Otherwise, utilize PCcheck stuff to stop/pause if a another PC is near/in the same zone if you're doing something AFK. A dead toon is better than a banned one.
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Thanks, I was using mage like that before. Ill stick with that route, seems best and add a porter maybe. Wont be best dps but good mobility.
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