reliability of Mq2navagation?


New member
May 16, 2007
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Las Veags NV, USA
So A few of the macros i have being working on relay on warp commands to get to targets and other things. and from i have been reading the accounts that i have used those macros on are as good as banned its just a matter of time, sadly.
So i'm reworking my movements and MQ2nav seem like the best option. But I'm wondering how reliable it is. i do understand that its proformance is directly related to the zone mesh files. so my next question, does anyone keep an SVN of good meshes? maybe a zip floating around? or does the mmobugs package come with everything i need (i'm at work and can't check for myself)
never had much luck with it myself. seems buggy, crashes a ton, especially when the toon gets hung on an obstacle it cant pass, crashes almost immediately.
MQ2Navigation is good in theory, but it's luck if zone mesh is good or not, and crash bugs seem to always pop up. I'd at least play with it. MQ2AdvPath works pretty well.

MQ2Navigation Meshes are in "Files" section up the top.
I tried an older version of nav and gave up due to client crashes. That was back in '09-10 time frame so they may have been fixed.

I find MQ2AdvPath to reasonable well and I ended up forking the project to create MQ2WinPath which adds a couple key features:

1. /play show -> pops up a user interface that lets you see what paths are available in zone, as well as what point you currently on during a play back.

2. extended the option comments handling so that if it is a slash command it executes the command. Using this feature I can do things like pause, target a mob, etc.

I posted a copy of the source in the plugin section of the main MQ site. The code is a little buggy still but gets the job done for me.
Old world zones mq2nav works decently well, where there aren't any other artificats such as houses, fences, changes in terrain, trees, boulders, etc. that are not part of the mesh file ( for example the new feerot with all its trees).

Post TSS zones, you are going to get hit or miss depending on whats overlayed over the mesh file of the zone.
I've actually had really good experience with it. I agree there are issues, but there are good ways to deal with them. The plugin is amazingly good when it is working.

One issue is that some of the downloaded meshes from this site (.ncr) don't work for newer zones, but I found if I create my own meshes (.bin) using EQNavigation.exe for those zones, they work. I guess .bin and .ncr mesh files are interchangeable. I mostly use default parameters but have tweaked them on some zones before. I've done this for chelsithreborn, poshadow, mechanotus, poinnovation, and a few more.

The other main problem is the fact you crash when you get stuck on an obstacle or door. You can also crash when you are not using it (manual control), just by having the plugin loaded. The best strategy to this is don't autoload the plugin, and have your pulling macro load the plugin only when you need to use it. This will prevent many crashes.

Also it helps to test a path out first, and if you get stuck, you can quickly '/nav stop' to prevent the crash (make this an /alias and use it with /if statements in your macro). The plugin works best in outdoor zones but also works indoors depending on the zone & mesh.
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well is sounds like if i put the work in i can make this work since i'll only be using it for older OG EQ zones.. making a task macro the does these tasks to PL lowbies, in my attempt's to make a fulll blown auto leveling macro as high as i can get one to go. i got the tutorial, and up to level 15ish as far once i write these tasks up it should get me closer to about 25..
If you have zone mesh files that work, when some of ours don't, you can share that upload to us if you wish and I can replace the .ncr so that it does. Keep in mind all those were not tested, there were just too many of them, so I'm not surprised you may run into some that don't work properly.

to my knowledge, all paths are created on the fly and there doesn't appear to be any functionality to play prerecorded paths (see mq2nav wiki). I suppose if you wanted to, you could

/nav target
/record mypath
/record save
/play mypath reverse

not sure what the application there would be, but there might be ways to get interesting with combining mq2nav and mq2advpath for navigating complex areas in a macro. sounds like it'd be a headache though.

edit: if you're merely interested in getting back to where you started, you can just save your current location to a variable and use nav to return to it when ready. not sure what you want :)
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sorry Gnome

I'm sorry i was in abit of a rush when i posted that question and looking back i do not think i clearly explained my thought..

if i drop Mq2Nav for favor of MQ2MovementRecorder

is there a way to play the paths recorded with MQ2MovementRecorder backwards. either way i think MQ2MovementRecorder maybe a better option even in tight places if i can make the waypoints close enough together..

it would take alot more work to recrord a path for every route this macro is going to run but i think it would make it much more solid. i just have to dream up an argo check between waypoints, i'm still rattling that around in my head will see what pop out =)
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I'm not familiar with MQ2MovementRecorder, but if you use MQ2AdvPath to record the paths, they can be played back in reverse by using the 'reverse' flag.

i.e. /play pathname reverse

If you're going to go with recording paths with MQ2AdvPath, the other really useful command is 'smart'. This will start playing the path from the closest point to you rather than the start or end. Good for restarting a path you had to stop because of aggro, etc.

i.e. /play pathname smart
nice, i had completely over looked MQ2AdvPath thank you.

so with advpath i could do something like

/play PathName smart
/if (${AdvPath.State}==on) {
/call CombatCheck
/delay 3s
/goto :moveto
/echo i have arived at the end of pathname
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I know it was talked about on the Lifetime forums a couple years back, about updating this plugin and mesh creator so it works better in current zones with accounting for all the objects that are overlayed in the zone file. Any chance on revisiting fixing this plugin/ exe so its better optimized. Half the tools in the program are either hit or miss on getting them to work right too. Maybe even require a fee and separate section like lifetime in order to access its use.

This was probably one of the best plugins I've ever used in the zones that it used to work in, it didn't make you look robotic at all on movement.
I use the fuck out of mq2navigation. It actually solved a *huge* problem for me.

Rarely creates any problems for me. I mostly use it in older zones, or very wide open zones, though, so it may have just been me being lucky.

I think I use it to navigate to npc ID's the most...the rest is just to locs.