

New member
Jul 25, 2006
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So I just started playing again on Combine, and before when I used MMOBUGMQ I was on sleeper, I knew what to use and what not to use.. now I'm not so sure anymore.
Is /zone still pretty much instant ban?
I remember all that was safe to use was the radar..even using the /grab item in charisis to get all the key fragments was detectable.. and I see these plugins for ghost killing and speed hacking

Whats safe to use and whats not? If someone could bring me up to par on now aday's EQMQ no no's lol
Anything active can get you caught just like forever. Passive is also the same as its always been. Do things in front of people and you run the risk of getting caught. Excessive use of active hacks could get ya too. I use /gate and /warp and /gank multiple times a week.
I've been running MQ for years, the only real rules I can think of are use common sense and don't ever even acknowledge that you know what MQ is much less use it. If you're really worried just stick to vanilla....I don't know of a single person that's ever been banned for just running vanilla MQ. Otherwise you take a risk...I've been fortunate, I've never been banned....but I know that the possibility exists so I've just made up my mind to finally quit when I do get caught. I use /zone constantly and /warp on a semi-regular basis...I rarely use Stealth and really only then for the charm of lore macro...but so far I've been lucky.
I use /warp, /zone, and /gate very sparingly, and NEVER when someone else is in the same zone. I NEVER Chainzone. But like people have pointed out in earlier posts. Just use plain Vanilla if you are worried. With active hacks comes some major risks. I have been banned for shared bank on an account but never anything else (was a throw away account, I was testing it on about 3 years ago). Although it was funny when we would wipe on a raid and you'd see 3 other people warp to succor and fade. GM alert plugin is pretty much worthless since most times they are invised, and by the time they appear you are nailed (if doing active hacks).
I use macs that warp 24/7 and never banned.

But i also use them in zones no one ever visits and on the rare chance someone does zone in mac shuts off.

I warp, I chain zone, I GK, I ND, I intimidation, I have done it all.
ha ha, smarty just got his inbox flooded with "where did you get your GK plugin"